Get Your Priorities Straight

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I forced my eyes open to the sunlight creeping through the curtains. I hadn't slept all night. All I could think about was her.

I let my guard down, and look where it got me.

This was the reason I stopped getting into serious relationships, and one nightstands became my drug. But she made me feel something. Something I'd never felt before, something that made me vulnerable. She'd managed to fool me once and I fell for her games all over again. She saw her opportunity and took advantage of me. Again. Even when I kissed her, she made it seem so real and genuine. I should've known better.

I got out of bed and checked the time. 7:30am. Running a hand through my hair, I went to freshen up, in the hopes that something would take my mind off her.


I woke up with Mar's head on my shoulder, and his arm wrapped around my waist. I recounted what  happened last night, and how upset he was. But the position we were in now, made it look like a completely different story. I gently moved his arm off me, and got out of bed. I threw on my clothes from yesterday, and walked over to the door.

"So you're an early bird"

I turned around to see Mar, sitting up in bed. I laughed nervously, leaning against the door.

"I figured I should go" I said, but he hopped out of bed and got into a pair of grey shorts.

"Nope, I said I'd drive you home, didn't I?"

I watched as he picked up the red hoodie I wore to sleep and put it over his body. His nose wrinkled as he stretched his arms.

"You've made it smell all girly" he teased.

"Mar, you don't have to drive me-"

"And you don't have to return this" he said, taking off the hoodie and throwing it into my arms. I looked at him, extremely confused.

"What? It's like a souvenir, you know? If you want you can write 'I survived a night in the Diaz house' on the back " he joked. We laughed as I put the hoodie over myself. After getting changed into a new jumper, he grabbed his keys and we headed outside.


"This is me" I said, pointing at my house. Mar pulled into my driveway as I took my seatbelt off.

"Thank you for looking after me" I said. He looked at me thoughtfully, before placing his hand on mine.

"I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around, West" he smiled. I opened my door and got out, watching as his car soon disappeared. Entering the key in the lock, I stepped into my house as Dad cane rushing from the kitchen.

"Oh my god, you're home!" he rejoiced, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, feeling guilty over how much I must've worried him.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I shouldn't have left you like that"

"Don't be silly" he said, waving his hands in the air "you're home now, and that's all that matters"

He kissed my head, before taking me into the kitchen. There was pasta made and we both took a seat at the table to eat. Dad looked at me cautiously.

"So about the mission-"

"I quit"

Dad nodded slowly, reaching out to hold my hand.

"I understand why you'd do that, I'm proud of you and whatever you choose to do, sweetheart" he said. I smiled in relief, knowing I was finally out of that job.


After training for two hours straight, I headed into the kitchen to see who else was awake. I walked in to see Kairi making breakfast.

"Morning boss" he said, looking up. I nodded at him, taking a seat at the table.

"Still caught up over-"

"Don't say that name" I interrupted, looking at my hands "but yeah, I am"

Kairi took a seat opposite me, setting down a bowl of fruit in front of him. I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"I can't stop fucking thinking about her"

"Maybe you need a distraction" suggested Kairi. I looked at him, trying to figure out what he meant.

"Find someone else, it can't be that hard"

"They're not her" I mumbled, standing up. I walked over to the fridge but was interrupted by the door flying open and hitting the wall. I looked to see who it was, and it was one of my soldiers was walking towards me, with his gun aimed straight at me. Kairi stood up, but I signalled for him to stay still.

"What the fuck" I said, raising my hands in surrender.

"This is for Hector!" he shouted, as a loud bang went off.

I watched Kairi lunge for him, the same time that I felt the bullet enter my body, causing my whole body to shut down, and my eyelids to become heavier.

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