Bonding Over Tacos

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Holy shit.

I looked down at the food on the floor, but recognised the voice. I looked up and of course it was Mattia Polibio. My stomach twisted as our eyes met. But his eyes instantly softened when he recognised me.

"I'm so sorry, I'll pay-"

"No, don't worry" he interrupted, waving his hands at me "I'll pay, can I get you something to eat?"

I looked around me to see if there was anyone near us. Was he talking to me? After I slapped him, and knocked his food out of his hands? It was awfully strange, the way he was being so nice to me and treating me like a friend. I couldn't have been given a more perfect opportunity. I pursued my lips into a smile, as he did the same.

"I actually came for lunch" I said casually.

"No way, so did I" he laughed nervously.

"But what about all this?" I gestured to the wasted food, but he shrugged and opened the door.

"I'll get someone to clean it up, let's eat" he said, and I walked in after him.


"Are you gonna eat those?"

Mattia was pointing at my fries. I was a significantly slower eater than him, and for some reason he had the largest appetite.

"No" I sighed, pushing the tray towards him. But instead of eating them, he looked at me. I don't remember him being this good looking in the club. He had honey brown eyes that I could stare into for days. What the fuck. I was getting distracted.

"Are you good?" he asked. I nodded quickly, desperate to change the subject.

"Yeah I'm fine, so tell me about you, do you have a job?"

His body tensed up slightly, but enough for me to notice. There was a short silence as he thought of a profession which didn't relate back to his mafia.

"Yeah actually I do" he said, wiping his mouth with a tissue "I work at this restaurant, downtown"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, he was a terrible liar. But instead I smiled and nodded my head.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I work in retail" I answered confidently. He carried on eating, not suspecting a thing. The conversation was beginning to drag, and both of us could sense the awkwardness.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Mattia asked. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. He was clearly into me, but I didn't want to use that as an advantage, even though Dad would highly advise me to. Because I was into him too.

"Uhh, no" I answered, much to his delight. He reached across the table and held my hand, which made me jump slightly.

"Let's go somewhere" he smirked. As much as I wanted to go with him, I couldn't. I'd be risking the mission and my whole job if I went with him. We were meant to be friends. Just friends.

"I actually have to get back to work" I said, taking my hand back reluctantly. He frowned but the smirk quickly returned as he pulled out his phone.

Mission accomplished.

"Let me get your number" he said, and without saying anything else I entered the numbers into his phone. Just as I was about to hand it back he received a text which I couldn't help but read.

Alejandro: we're ready to break into Hector's warehouse, waiting for your signal

I handed the phone to Mattia quickly and he read the text. His smile faded and he stood up immediately.

"I have to go, but I'll text you" he said. He turned his phone off and leaned in towards me. My body froze as I thought he was about to kiss me, but he pecked my cheek. Although, I wouldn't be complaining if he did end up kissing me right there and then.

He rushed out to his car, but I wasn't done. I walked out and got in my car, waiting for him to exit the parking lot. Once I was out of his rear view, I started the engine and began following him.

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