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I hid my hands under the sleeves of my hoodie as I walked out the closet. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I kept my eyes on the ground as I made my way back to my place. Mattia didn't say anything for a while, he knew exactly what'd happened. The bruises on my face and neck said enough.

"I'm bored let's play something else" said Hector, throwing the bottle against the wall. I jumped as it shattered, and glass shards went everywhere. He turned to Mar and said something quietly. Mar nodded and walked out the room with two soldiers.

"So, how was the closet?" smiled Hector. I kept my mouth closed and fought the urge to burst into tears. Not here at least. I glanced around the room, it didn't even look like my house anymore.

Hector opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted when the windows behind Mattia and I smashed. Mattia threw his arms around me, pulling me away from the glass. It was dark outside but the room was perfectly lit, revealing several military men making their way through the window and firing shots at one particular person. I watched as Hector's body collapsed, blood pouring from his lips.

"Olivia!" I heard someone call. I pulled away from Mattia and saw my Dad standing in a helicopter, holding his hand out. I had never felt so happy to see his face. I called Mattia, the boys and Bella over as the men took out the rest of the soldiers before joining us.

Once we were all safely in the helicopter, we set off to a private location.

"We'll stay there for just over a week, the Diaz Cartel will probably look through our houses. We can't let them see us for a while" said Dad, wrapping an arm around me. The boys and Bella all nodded, placing the headsets over their ears.

"You okay, honey?"

I looked up at Dad and couldn't hold it in anymore.  I placed my hands in front of my face and started started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Heyy calm down Olivia" he said softly, stroking my hair like he used to when I was a child. I gasped for breath, wiping my eyes as I looked back at the house.

I couldn't help but think that they'd killed the wrong guy.

"Mr West?" asked Mattia. Dad turned to look at him but frowned upon catching a glimpse of Kairi, Alejandro and Bella.

"What if we land at this airport?" he said, getting out his phone "our jet is there and I can get nurses to come take care of these guys"

Dad nodded and looked at me.

"Are you okay with that?" he said softly. I nodded, keeping my eyes on the ground below us.


I walked up the stairs and into NJ13's private jet. Mattia followed me inside whilst Dad waited with the other three as they were getting treated for their wounds.

"Come on I wanna show you something" he whispered, holding my hand and guiding me to the back of the jet. He pulled back a curtain and there was a whole bedroom in front of me. The bed was king size and looked as cosy as ever. Maybe the mafia life wasn't so bad after all.

"Oh and these are for you" said Mattia, picking up the spare clothes and handing them to me. It was his hoodie and a pair of his shorts.

"The shorts are super small for me, so I figured they'd look better on you, and plus I doubt you'll wanna stay in those clothes" he said nervously. I forced a smile and walked towards the bathroom. I was incredibly thankful for the fresh clothes, Mattia was right. I wanted to burn the outfit I was wearing right now along with the memories. I changed into the clothes and put the old ones in a bin, tying my hair back into a ponytail. Turning on the cold tap, I wiped away the makeup stains from my cheeks until I looked half alive. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Liv? We're taking off" I heard Mattia say. I opened the door and joined the rest of the group who also looked a little better after the past events we'd all been put through. Mattia gave me a smile when I sat down, and I found myself returning it.

Despite everything that'd happened, I wanted to bounce back. I didn't know entirely how, but I had to. A little self pity is always nice, but I had bigger things to focus on.


After a little while, everyone started falling asleep, and I only noticed when Dad started snoring louder than the jet engines. Mattia and I were the only ones left awake and he nodded towards the bedroom. I nodded too and he got up and made his way there. I followed him and closed the curtain behind us. He'd taken his shirt off and gotten between the covers, but I decided to keep his hoodie on.

"Hey" he yawned, wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt my whole body tense up when I felt his touch and instantly pulled away. He looked hurt for a second but then his eyes softened.

"Fuck I'm sorry Liv" he said, moving his hands away. I wiped my eyes quickly and felt guilty.

"It's not you Mattia, it's just.." I felt myself trying to find the words for this kind of trauma, but instead there were just tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I know I know" he whispered, holding my hand. His thumb gently grazed my knuckles, I wanted more but every time I came into contact with physical touch, he came into my head. I closed my eyes trying to slow my breathing.

Sleep was a long, long way away.

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