Back To Square One

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I woke up and checked my phone to see it was the first day of December. I smiled to myself and reached out but my hand hit the sheets instead. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, hoping Liv wasn't still mad at me after last night.

"Morning boss" said Kairi, walking into my room. I nodded at him, still too tired to hold a conversation.

"So what's going on with this wedding?" asked Kairi.

"What? It's been called off obviously" I said, becoming annoyed by the whole topic. I got out of bed and threw a hoodie over my head and changed my shorts.

"I'm just saying" said Kairi, shrugging his shoulders. I glared at him as he looked down at his phone.

"How about you don't say anything at all?" I said.

"Maria's been weirdly quiet since our last encounter which was almost three weeks ago now" he said.


"And what if she's plotting something big?"

I sighed and dragged my hand across my face as I tried to comprehend what Kairi was saying, but none of it was making any sense.

"So? That's what you're meant to do in a Mafia?"

"And wouldn't now be the perfect time for her to strike since you're so distracted with whatever is going on with Liv?"

I listened to him as I made my bed, realising he had a good point, but I didn't even know where she was.

"You're right, good talk" I said, patting his shoulder on my way out my room. I watched him facepalm as I went downstairs and chuckled to myself. He always had a problem with Liv, but as far as anyone was concerned, she was my problem.

I made my way to the basement to see Alejandro and Liv in the same position I'd seen them in before. His hands placed on her bare hips since she was in a bra, and her, not doing anything about it.

I walked into the room and took ahold of her wrist, pulling her away from him and out of the room.

"Thanks for the lesson, babe" she called to Alejandro as I slammed the door shut. She sighed and took the gloves off calmly, not paying me any attention.

"What the fuck was that?" I said, becoming annoyed.


"With his fucking hands on you like that?"

She shrugged, walking over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water and walking back over to me. She loosened the cap and raised the bottle to her lips, keeping her eyes on me as she chugged the water. I narrowed my eyes at her, trying not to lash out as she lowered the bottle.

"I'm sorry, am I your girlfriend?"

I slapped the bottle out of her hand, watching it fly across the room, spraying water everywhere. Liv jumped and sharply inhaled, looking at the kitchen tiles which were now covered in water. 

"Good job" she said, placing the bottle on the counter.

"Why are you acting like this?!" I yelled, almost pulling the hair out of my head as she went to take a seat on the couch.

"Like what?" she said, taking out her phone. I shook my head at her in disbelief and walked over to the couch. But she kept her eyes on her phone as Alejandro walked into the room. The last person I wanted to see right now.

"You ready?" he said, picking up his keys from the counter. Liv nodded standing up.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I asked her, but there was no answer. I reached out for her but she jerked away from me, pointing a finger in my face.

"Don't fucking touch me" she said "I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not obligated to do anything by you"

"We're going to get food, by the way" said Alejandro. Liv turned on her heel and walked out the room, Alejandro following her out. I sat down on the couch, watching them both get into his car and disappear. 

Two can play at that game.

I pulled out my phone and found my Dad in my contacts. I dialled the number and waited patiently.


"How are you?" I asked, watching a servant wipe down the tiles as I sat on the couch.

"Better, what did you need?"

"I can't call my Dad just to check up on him?" I said, pulling out a packet of cigarettes from my pocket.

"Cut the bullshit" he laughed. I laughed to myself as I lit it, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear so I didn't drop anything.

"So, what did you need?" he asked again. I took a long puff on the cigarette between my fingers, before blowing out a cloud of smoke, blurring my vision as the toxins made their way into my body. 

"How's that offer with Maria looking?"

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