Late Night Conversations

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I sat on the edge of the bed as Mattia made a call outside. I could've eavesdropped on him to see if it'd give me new information, but the thought of him threatening me again didn't seem too pleasant. I looked around the room, even though he said we were only here for the night, he still picked out one of the best ones. I walked over to the minibar and pulled out a Diet Coke.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I turned my attention towards the door and saw Mattia with his arms folded across his chest. He looked mad but what's new about that?

"I'm getting a drink?"

"I leave for two seconds and you can't just sit still?"

"Mattia I'm getting something to drink, what's there to be mad about?" I said, becoming extremely confused. He was so frustrated after his call, this was definitely about something else.

"Whatever" he sighed, walking into the bathroom. I set the drink down on the nightstand as my phone started ringing. It was Bella.

"Hey Bella"

I kept my voice low, hoping Mattia wouldn't hear anything whilst he was having his meltdown. 

"Does he have hot friends?"


I looked at the caller's name again to make sure this was actually Bella.

"The guy you're hooking up with whilst I cover, does he have hot friends?"

I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh.  

"Oh my god, I'm not hooking up with anyone"

"Then what the fuck are you doing out at past 1am?"

"I'm on a mission" I sighed, regretting ever accepting it in the first place. Bella was the only friend of mine that knew I was an undercover agent. She was also the only friend that I could trust.

"Oh yeah, that makes much more sense" she laughed "is your hot co worker with you?"

"What the fuck? Which co worker of mine is hot?"

"Luis, duh"

"Luis is a shitbag, I'm gonna go now" I cringed.

"Okay, enjoy your hookup"

Before I could say anything else, she hung up. Typical. I heard the bathroom door open but didn't  look at Mattia. I gathered he'd fall asleep soon enough.

"Who's Luis?"

Fuck. I slowly turned around to see Mattia. He'd taken his shirt off and was getting into bed. He looked good shirtless.

"Just someone I know" I shrugged, pulling out the sofa bed. He propped himself up on his elbows as I arranged the pillows.


"What now?" I whined, I looked at him and he pointed at the space next to him.

"Quit being dramatic and get into bed" he yawned. As much as I wanted to be stubborn, I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was get some sleep.
I walked over to the bed and got in as Mattia turned off the lamp. Soon enough, I found myself slowly drifting off.

"So how did you become friends with Luis?"

I awoke to Mattia's voice, and unfortunately he didn't sound tired at all. I turned my body so I was facing him, to see he was staring up at the ceiling with his hands resting on his chest.

"He's my co worker" I answered, but Mattia's expression became confused as his eyes met mine.

"I didn't know you needed co workers in retail" he said in a husky voice. I felt a slight wave of butterflies in my stomach and tried to ignore it. I was laying on my side with my left hand tucked under my head as he spoke.

"Well, co workers can also mean friends" I added before he could suspect anything. He had a small smile on his face which took me by surprise, I didn't know he was capable enough to have emotion. He turned on his side, tucking his right hand under his head, so we were face to face.

"By the way, you were right" he said, his eyes flickering down to my lips. Now it was my turn to be confused.

"Right about what?"

"In the car, you said I was into you, you were right."

There was a smirk on his face, and I felt my cheeks heating up once he admitted it. My eyes made their way down to his lips, and for a second I forgot all about the damn mission.

"We should sleep" I said too quickly. Mattia rolled his eyes and turned onto his back again.

"Fine, goodnight"

"Goodnight" I said, turning my body so I had my back to him. I fell asleep quick enough until I felt a hand slide around my waist and pull me backwards. My eyes snapped open but my mouth stayed shut. I felt my body relaxing into Mattia's chest as he rested his head on the back of my neck, keeping his arm around my stomach.

And in that moment, I was no longer an undercover agent, and he was no longer a Mafia leader.

We were just two, normal people.

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