Meet The Parents

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I felt bad leaving Olivia at her place, but decided if she really wanted some space then I'd leave her to it. She had my number and I had hers, besides I needed a second to myself after that eventful meeting.

I hadn't spoken to my Dad since we got home. He'd never understand anything from my perspective so there was no point in even trying to argue with him. We didn't speak the whole evening, I stayed in the basement instead and planned on how to raid Nikolai 19. I heard him speaking with someone in the kitchen but chose not to pay it any attention.

I made my way upstairs to my room to finally sleep, but Kairi emerged out my bedroom as I opened the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously. He shut the door behind him and tried to act casual whilst doing an awful job of it.

"N-nothing!" he said, his voice extremely high pitched. I rolled my eyes and pushed him aside, entering my room to see Alejandro sitting on my bed with a red envelope in his hand. He jumped when he saw me and pathetically tried to hide it underneath his leg.

"Could you be anymore obvious?" said Kairi, coming into my room and closing the door behind us. Alejandro sighed and handed me the envelope. On the front was written.

Rough Draft

I opened it and read the contents.

Mattia weds Maria - 18.10.20

"What the fuck is this?" I shrieked, scrunching up the paper and throwing it against my wall in disgust. Alejandro looked at Kairi to say something but he shrugged his shoulders.

"Your Dad was getting them made this afternoon, he's serious about this" shuddered Alejandro, going to put the envelope in the trash. I took a breath and wiped my face, wishing Liv was here right now.

"This is bullshit" I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Can we at least have a bachelor party?" asked Kairi. I glared at him but Alejandro started smiling.

"Let's throw one, it'll be cool" he chimed in.

"Shut the fuck up" I said "I'm not getting fucking married, what part of that is so hard to understand?"

They both frowned and looked at the floor. I walked out the room and went downstairs to find my poor excuse of a Father. But he wasn't in the kitchen, instead there were red envelopes everywhere I looked. On the counter, the dining table, all with the same messages written on them.

I heard the kitchen door open and turned to see Dad walking in, a smile on his face. He was definitely proud of this.

"So I take it you've seen the card" he said, going over to the countertop and admiring his work.

"Burn them all" I said. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out three beers.

"You're marrying her"

"You're fucking insane" I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I walked towards the door. I slammed the kitchen door behind me and went back to my room.

"Call Liv over, she'll know what to do" said Alejandro as I passed him and Kairi a bottle. I shook my head and took a seat.

"Dad's here, I don't wanna imagine what he'll do if he finds out she's here" I admitted.

"How the fuck do you get out of this?" asked Kairi. I knew he was talking about the wedding so I didn't reply as him and Alejandro started talking about it. All I could think about was Liv. Marriage had never been an option for me, it was always business first. But now that it kept being mentioned, her face would always appear in my head whenever marriage was the subject of the conversation.

"I'm going to Liv's place" I said, standing up quickly. Alejandro and Kairi both left too, no one could stand being in the house when my Dad was here.


I knocked on Liv's front door and her Mom answered. I'd never met her mom before and Liv never mentioned her as much as she mentioned her Dad. Olivia definitely had her long black hair and big eyes.

"Hi Mrs Hill, I'm Mattia" I said, extending my hand out to her. She raised an eyebrow but awkwardly shook my hand anyway.

"Can I help you?" she asked dryly.

"I'm a friend of Olivia's" I said, licking my lips nervously. She looked back at the house and back at me.

"She's not in right now, goodbye" she said, closing the door in my face. I tried to say something but she'd already cut me off. I sighed and knocked again.
She opened the door, looking more irritated than the first time.

"My daughter isn't home" she repeated.

"Okay, could you let her know I came over?"

"Fine, goodbye"

She closed the door again and I furrowed my eyebrows. No wonder Liv never mentioned her, she seemed like an awful person.


"Who was that?" I asked, walking out of my bedroom. I looked at Mom from the landing as she shrugged her shoulders, closing the door.

"They had the wrong house number" she said. I narrowed my eyes at her and went to check. Mom never allowed boys over and she was also a bad liar. I always saw through the lame excuses.

"Was it Mattia?" I asked, opening the front door.

"Who's that?" she asked, going into the kitchen. I get my hands curling up into fists as I looked around. But he was long gone. I walked back into the house and slammed the door behind me.

"You can't just turn my fucking friends away!" I said, going into the kitchen. Dad was sitting at the table and looked up from his phone when I closed the door behind me.

"Don't use that language in my house, Olivia"

"Don't call me Olivia!" I shouted, but she only ignored me, causing me to become more and more angrier.

I didn't like being threatened by Giancomo, and it only infuriated me even more knowing there was nothing I could do about it. And I'd chosen to bottle up those emotions and now they were going to spew out everywhere, unintentional or not I couldn't tell.

"Olivia is your name, I will call you your name" said Mom calmly, paying no attention to me as she spoke.

"No! It's a terrible fucking name, and you're a terrible excuse for a mother" I said, feeling my eyes heating up. Fuck, I hated crying when I got angry.

"That's enough!" said Dad, standing up and coming over to us.

"Go to your room" he said, pointing to the door. I shook my head at them both and stormed out, looking for Mattia's name in my phone. He was the only one who knew me better than myself.


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