Women In Power

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"You wanna start a Mafia?"

I nodded eagerly as Alejandro slowly moved his hand away. I knew it was a heavy thing to drop on him, especially if it meant I'd be going against him.

"I wanna lead my own" I said firmly, lying down on my back. I looked up at the ceiling and Alejandro stayed sitting up.

"It's easier said than done Liv" he said softly "I don't think it's a good idea for you".

My heart sank a little when he said that. Why did everyone see me as too weak for this?

"Not you too" I sighed "out of everyone I thought you'd support me in this"

"No I'll support you, it's just that there's never been a jersey female mafia leader"

My eyes widened, with shock but mostly excitement. This was the perfect opportunity, not only would I be able to challenge Mattia, but I could finally kill Mar if he wasn't dead after tonight.

"Why don't you join me?" I asked. Alejandro immediately shook his head and started laughing.

"I've been in NJ13 for almost my whole life, I can't just walk"

"True, anyway we'll talk about it tomorrow" I yawned. Alejandro laid next to me and we both started up at the ceiling, completely lost in thought.


I pulled into the driveway after going for a drive. I couldn't stop thinking about what Liv had said. I knew she wouldn't actually go ahead and start a whole mafia by herself, but that girl was full of surprises.

"You're home late"

I looked at Lola sitting at the table as I walked into the kitchen. I nodded, getting a glass and filling it with water.

"Is that it?" she said, standing up. I walked towards the door and turned to look at her.

"I went for a fucking drive, is that so wrong?" I snapped.


"Fuck off, Lola"

"You always do this!" she shouted, running over and shoving me backwards. Lola was a small girl so I ended up not moving an inch.

"Stop making it into a big deal" I said, opening the door, but she slammed it shut.

"You're drifting away from me" she pouted.

"Really? We're doing this at 1am?"

"Fuck you, Mattia, don't come up to bed" she said, walking out and slamming the door behind her.


I jumped a little when I heard a door slam and looked over at Alejandro. He was sound asleep, allowing me to creep out of bed and see what all the drama was about. I left the room and leaned on the staircase, watching Lola walk into the guest room, closing the door behind her. I slowly walked downstairs until I heard her voice, but it sounded much different. More, demanding.

I quickly tip toed back to her room and gently pressed my ear against the door.

"Well the plan isn't fucking working, Marco"

Marco? The plan? I knew there was something weird with this girl, but the possibility of her being in a mafia? Never saw that coming.

"I don't fucking care about Diaz Cartel right now, I'm the leader of this mafia, and if I say we're killing Mattia Polibio then that's what we'll do"

My jaw dropped open, mainly cause of the fact that she was a leader. But I thought Alejandro had said there had never been a female leader in a mafia before? The whole 'killing Mattia' thing didn't surprise me, everyone was after his head considering he ran the most powerful mafia in America.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep, come tomorrow with Antonio and bring the poison, this should've been done at the party but you're fucking useless"

Once she'd put the phone down I ran downstairs, still keeping as quiet as I could. I saw Mattia lying on the couch, fast asleep with his phone in his hand.

"Mattia!" I whisper shouted, nudging him awake. He opened his eyes and cursed under his breath when he saw me.

"You have to listen to me"

"Don't touch me" he said, moving away from me. I rolled my eyes and fought the temptation to slap him again.

"Listen, Lola is-"

"Oh my god" he said, beginning to laugh "I knew you'd be jealous of her"

I narrowed my eyes at him, that was a hefty insult.

"Do you really think I'd drag myself out of bed this late, to tell you I'm jealous of the whore you're sleeping with?"

Mattia raised an eyebrow and leaned forward so we were face to face. The alcohol smell made me feel nauseous.

"Yes, yes I do"

"Then you're fucking insane" I said, standing up "Lola is-"

"Can you stop?" he said, standing in front of me "I'm happy with her and she's very happy with me, stop getting in the fucking way"

I pressed my lips together as he brushed past me and exited the room. I walked back upstairs and heard laughter coming from Mattia's room. I saw Kairi's room was next to the guest room so I knocked on his door, desperate to know if he heard what I did.

"Come in"

I opened the door and he gave me a small smile.

"What're you doing up this late?" I asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Can't sleep, besides 1am isn't that late, we'd probably be out on a mission but it's been quiet"

I nodded slowly, not taking in any of the information he was telling me. It wasn't like Kairi and I to get along, but since it was me or Lola, I guess he'd chosen me.

"Did you hear anything from the guest room earlier?" I said. I watched as Kairi smoothed out the sheets with the palm of his hand, before nodding his head. I smiled, relieved someone had heard.

"She's part of Nikolai 19, I just did a thorough background check" he said, beckoning me over to sit with him. I read the information on his laptop, slowly becoming more and more shocked.

"They're a small, but extremely dangerous, Russian mafia, but they're unknown in Jersey, her accent isn't even real" said Kairi. I shook my head in disbelief.

"I can't believe this" I said "and Mattia thinks she's his whole world"

"She's an amazing actor, hence why she's the leader"

I looked at Kairi, he was right. But Mattia had no idea what was coming for him.

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