Strictly Business

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I woke up in my own bed, throwing a pillow at my phone which had been going off for the past twenty minutes. Eventually, I got out of bed and turned off my alarm. 5am. The devil works hard but I work harder.

There was a text from Alejandro, these past few weeks we'd really started to get closer. But I'd ruled out a relationship a long time ago. Back when I was foolish enough to think Mattia and I were endgame.

Alejandro: I'll be at yours in 10

I smiled, knowing full well that it'd take me 20 to get ready. I turned my phone off and went to sort myself out. After all, Rico Estarin was a busy man. He didn't like to be kept waiting.


"Why do you always buy me the same thing?" I said, delving into the Starbucks bag. I picked out a breakfast sandwich and the same old latte.

"Cause you hate everything else" laughed Alejandro, speeding up a little since we were already late.

"Good point" I said "thanks for getting me this meeting, by the way"

"No problem, even though Mattia would probably murder me if he even found out" he shuddered. I gave him a small smile when he mentioned Mattia. I hadn't thought about him since the last time I saw him. It was strange to think he might be my new competition if this meeting went swiftly.

"What Mattia doesn't know won't hurt him" I said, relaxing into my seat. We managed to get to the restaurant quick enough, and it was eerily silent considering it was only 7am. The world was quiet.

"Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great" said Alejandro, reaching over and squeezing my hand. I rolled my eyes and moved my hand away.

"And I'm sure you could've said that without having to touch me" I said, watching him get awkward.

"But thank you" I chuckled, getting out the car. I took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant, the only sound was the clicking of my black heels against the floor. I spotted Rico quick enough, sitting alone at a table. We were both wearing professional attire, he smiled at me when he saw me.

"I'm here to see Mr Estarin" I told the waiter. He rolled his eyes and handed me a menu whilst guiding me to the table.

"That guy's a jerk" he mumbled. I laughed at his response, if only he knew about the many  guns hidden under Rico's suit jacket. We arrived at the table and Rico stood up, extending his hand to me.

"Morning, West"

"Please, call me Olivia" I said, shaking his hand and taking a seat. He looked at his phone and raised an eyebrow, placing it screen down again.

"Are you always this late to meetings?" he asked. I smiled to myself, running a hand through my perfectly straightened hair before answering the question at hand.

"How long do you think it takes me to look this good, Rico?"

"We're going off a first name basis now?" he asked, leaning back in his seat.

"I like to keep things" I let my eyes travel down his jacket, before meeting his eyes again "personal"

"You're an interesting woman, Olivia" he smirked, intertwining his fingers.

"Now tell me why you arranged this meeting, I hope it wasn't to waste my time" he said. The waiter came with two glasses of red wine and placed them in front of us. I looked at him in confusion.

"I didn't order-"

"Drinks are on me" said Rico, reaching forward and taking a glass "now tell me what you need from me".

"Let me keep this short and sweet" I said.

"You used to be the leader of Diaz Cartel before Hector's Father stole it from you, didn't you?"

"I did" he said, shaking his head as I re-invited the memories back into his head. Alejandro had told me all of this on the car ride here, it was my ticket to my own future. A golden future.

"So now that Luis and Hector are both dead, I'm coming to you, to ask you to hand the mafia over to me" I said. He raised his eyebrows, taking a long deep breath.

"I'd usually laugh at you for saying something like that" he said, watching me raise the glass to my lips.

"But you seem like a woman who knows what she's doing, so yes, I think I'll hand it over to you" he said. I smiled, clinking my glass against his.

"I like the way you think" I said as he took papers out of his briefcase.

"Did you know I'd be asking for Diaz Cartel?" I said, narrowing my eyes slightly as he took a red pen out of his suit pocket, placing it onto the papers. He slid the papers across the table towards me.

"You're a woman on a mission, it didn't take a genius to figure it out" he said.

"Hmm" I mumbled. I read the papers, flicking through the pages, reading the fine print. I smiled to myself when I was happy with everything, taking the pen and signing on the black line under the words:


I signed the papers and slid them back across to Rico. He gave me a sad smile, shrugging his shoulders.

"Keep them" he said, handing the papers back "I'm done with that lifestyle"

"Why so?"

"It took away the ones I kept dearest to my heart, the mafia lifestyle doesn't discriminate, be safe not selfish, Olivia"

"I will, thank you" I said, standing up and extending my hand out for him to shake. He firmly shook my hand, also standing up with a warm smile.

I walked out the restaurant, letting the warm morning air hit my face as I wondered whether I'd just signed my whole life away.

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