Storytime Under The Stars

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I parked my car outside a restaurant. Liv looked at me confusion.

"I just need to make a call, it's not safe enough for us to go home" I said. She nodded, her eyes still glassy. I felt my chest going heavy when I saw her in this state and pulled out my phone, connecting it to the car. I called Kairi and Alejandro, they were both in the same car, making it easier for communication.

"What the fuck happened back there?" said Kairi. He was clearly irritated and I knew he was about to bad mouth Liv so I quickly took over.

"What happened, happened now get over it" I said firmly, shutting him down whilst glancing at Liv. She remained silent.

"It's not safe to go home, they've probably already got there" said Alejandro.

"I know, drive to the extra house near the coast, be there in the next hour and make sure all your locations are turned off" I said, cutting the call. I looked over at Liv, she still had a numb feeling about her and shook her head slowly.

"I just got two people killed, Mattia" she whispered. I reached over and held her hand tightly, leaning closer to her.

"What happened to Bella and Kian has nothing to do with you" I said. But she pressed her lips together, tears sliding down her pale cheeks. She had cried so much that the colour in her face was starting to drain.

"Liv, look at me" I said, gently tilting her chin towards me so I could look at her properly.

"I know you're upset, but I need to know why Bella did what she did"

Liv shrugged her shoulders and burst out into tears when I said her name. I felt guilty for reminding her of the previous events, but I had to know what the fuck her reasoning was for doing that.

"Liv" I said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What about her funeral? What about Kian's funeral? They deserve an actual send off"

I took a deep breath and sat back in my seat. I didn't know how to explain the Mafia lifestyle to Liv, mostly because she was innocent to it. She was pure hearted and learning about this all would only cause damage.

That was the last thing I wanted. I only wanted to protect her, the same way she wanted to protect me by not dating me.

"Mattia!" she said loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and looked at her as she raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"Liv, that warehouse has probably been blown up by now"

Just as I'd thought she would, she burst into tears all over again. I got out the car and walked over to her side, opening the door and wrapping my arms around her before she had the opportunity to fight me. She buried her head in my shoulder as she cried and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I need air" she mumbled once she'd finally calmed down. I held her hand and guided her out of the car.

"Sit here" I said, taking a seat on the hood of my car and pulling her up next to me. I leaned back onto the windshield and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, letting her rest her head on my shoulder.
We both looked up at the black sky and the silence was actually comfortable for once. I looked over at her and her skin was glistening in the moonlight.

She wore moonlight like it was lingerie.

"I can't believe what I did to Bella and Kian" she whispered, avoiding eye contact. I took a deep breath and held her tighter, nodding my head slowly.

"When I was sixteen" I started "I had a good friend called Joey"

"He didn't know about the mafia life, even though I'd known him since kindergarten, I felt I had to keep him away from it"

"Besides, I was only new to it all myself, so I thought why not take a risk? I had my second mission, and decided to take Joey"

"Mattia..." said Liv, patting my chest gently.

"And I thought why the fuck not? It's just a mission, no one's going to die-"

"Mattia.." repeated Liv, starting to sit up. I looked at her, confused until I sat up too. We saw two black Range Rovers speeding across the highway, their black tinted windows rolling down as they passed us.

"Fuck!" I shouted, wrapping an arm around Liv and taking cover on the other side of the car. I heard the bullets hitting the metal of my car and cringed at the damage they'd cause.

"What now?" Liv said, putting her hood up. I took my gun out of my pocket and placed it in her hand.

"I'll drive, you hold them back" I ordered. She nodded her head confidently and crawled into the car once the cars were out of sight. But I knew we only had a matter of minutes before they got to our side. I put the car in drive and opened the sun roof for Liv. It was interesting how quickly her attitude changed when there was a gun in her hand.

"I can see them" she said as I sped up. I couldn't go to our hideout until we'd gotten rid of them so I took the highway instead.

"Start shooting then!" I yelled, pressing on the gas as they came into my rear view mirror. Liv fires multiple bullets and I saw their cars swerving left and right as they tried to shoot back at us.

"Give me another gun" shouted Liv. I raised my eyebrows but opened the glovebox and handed her another handgun. I kept my eyes on the road but glanced in the mirror just in time to see Liv pop one of their tyres, causing one of the cars to swerve off the road and into a building.

"Holy" I mumbled, taking a sharp right. I looked in my mirror and saw one of them pulling out a shotgun, immediately wrapping my arm around Liv's waist and pulling her down into the seat.

"What the fuck? I had him" she complained. I was about to say something but one of them shot at my back windscreen causing us both to duck down.

"Just don't move" I said, taking a left turn into an alleyway.

"Mattia this is a dead end" said Liv, her voice starting to shake. I nodded my head and pressed on the brakes, reaching over and taking one of the guns from her hand.

"I know, stay in the car" I said.


"Olivia" I said turning to face her with a serious look on my face, she pressed her lips tightly together and nodded. Even she knew it was serious when I called her Olivia instead of Liv.

"Just please don't die" she said, holding onto my forearm. I smiled as I saw the Range Rover pull up a few yards away from us. I leaned over so I was closer to her.

"Can I get a good luck kiss?" I smirked, trying to play with however much time I had left before this turned into a full shootout. I noticed Maria walking out the car with an AK-47 in her hand. I looked back at Liv and she saw her too, looking at me nervously.

"First come back to me alive"

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