Dream Team

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I held Mattia's hand as we walked back into the event, his jacket around my shoulders. I felt a small smirk on my face as envious eyes started to set on us.

"You're welcome" called Alejandro, walking over to us. I smiled at him as Mattia ordered drinks.

"So what happens now?" asked Mattia. I looked at Alejandro who was just as unsure as I was. I wanted to take over NJ13, but that was proving difficult after what had just happened. But I had a good feeling about our mafias, I just wondered whether an alliance would be the best thing right now.

"I'm still the leader of K.A.M and you're still leading your mafia" I said "I don't think I'll be killing you anytime soon"

"That's reassuring" he smirked. I rolled my eyes as Alejandro cleared his throat.

"What about me?"

Mattia and I exchanged looks and he shrugged his shoulders. Alejandro raised his eyebrows, waiting for his answer.

"I guess you can choose" Mattia said "if you wanna stay with Liv then stay, or come back to NJ13"

"Do you want me to come back?" he said, a little annoyed.

"Of course I do" said Mattia, mirroring Alejandro's annoyance "I've been bugging out since you left, Kairi and you are both very different, I needed you both and you were never there"

I placed a hand on Mattia's arm, trying to calm him down. The last thing we needed was more attention.

"Calm down" I mumbled, inching closer to him.

"You're the one who was dead set on marrying Maria" said Alejandro, picking up his drink.

"But I didn't!" shouted Mattia, slamming a fist on the table. I facepalmed when I saw Giancomo walking over to us. He didn't look too happy.

"I figured you'd be here" he said, frowning at me. I smiled at him, raising my glass.

"A pleasure to see you too"

"I expected you'd find each other" he said, reaching forward and taking the glass from Mattia's hand. I looked at Mattia who pressed his lips together tightly.

"Just cause the wedding was called off, don't think you have a chance with my son" he said to me. I looked at him in disgust.

"That day Maria shot you" I said, standing up with Mattia by my side "I should've let you die"

Giancomo's face turned a bright red with fury as Alejandro slowly covered his mouth with his hand, desperately trying not to laugh. Mattia dragged me away quickly before someone ended up doing something they'd regret. We ended up walking over to a private booth where we were met with Kairi and a blonde female. Kairi frowned when he saw me. Sometimes, even a year away isn't enough for some people.

"You've changed" said Mattia as we took a seat. I looked over at him with a small smile on my face.

"I know I changed baby, that was the whole point"

"Nah I like it, I like every version of you" he smirked, leaning forward and gently kissing my neck. My smile became wider as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"We're right here" said Kairi loudly. Mattia rolled his eyes and looked over at them, placing his hand around my waist.

"Then get out" he said blankly. Kairi shook his head at us before standing up and leaving the booth. The girl looked at him cluelessly before quickly grabbing her purse and running after him.

"What was that about?" I asked. Mattia rested his head on my shoulder and pulled out his phone.

"She's called Gemma, one of our newest soldiers" he started "they've been dating for three months and Kai's still miserable. I don't like her"

"She seems harmless" I said, running a hand through his hair as I placed my chin on his head.

"The worst ones always do" he chuckled, slipping his phone back in his pocket. He came back up to face level and wrapped both arms around my waist, pulling me closer with a huge smile on his face.

"Wanna get out of here?"

"I thought you'd never ask" I said, taking his hand. We stood up and exited the booth, getting plenty of stares as we walked through the crowd.

It was unusual enough to see Mattia with a woman. But when that woman was also the leader of a very powerful organisation, the jealousy was on a whole new level. I watched as the women we passed stared at me, their eyes travelling up and down my outfit. I held onto Mattia's hand a little tighter, inching towards him. He looked down at me and lifted my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles with a small grin on his face as he stared ahead.

"They hate us cause they ain't us, remember that"

I smiled at his words and felt little spring in my step as the crisp night air hit my skin. We approached his car and he unlocked the doors.

"Let's take over the world, Clyde" I smirked, watching a small sparkle appear in his eyes. He cupped my chin with his hand, immediately pressing his lips against mine.

"What was that for?" I asked once he pulled away. He smirked and started the engine.

"You'll see, Bonnie" he said. I laughed to myself as I felt my eyelids becoming heavier. Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep.


"Liv, Liv wake up"

My eyes fluttered open to see Mattia standing above me. I groaned as I dragged my body out of the car. My ankles were becoming sore so I kicked off my heels and left them in the car.

"Can't you just carry me to your room?" I whined. He laughed and scooped me up in his arms, using one hand to grab my heels.

"I want to take over the world with you" he whispered as he started walking. I heard a whirring sound in the distance and turned my head to see Mattia's private jet waiting for us. I looked back at him in confusion, still half asleep. He stared down
at me, kissing the top of my head several times.

"But there's something I have to do first"

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