It Just Keeps Getting Worse

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"Then why did you let me hold you last night?" he asked. Mattia's eyes turned sad and he looked at the floor. This was the worst possible situation to be in, considering the fact that there was probably a hot headed soldier looking for our room.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way you do" I said quietly, watching a frown appear on his face.

"Why the fuck would you lead me on?"

He put his head in his hands and sighed. It was surprising to me how affected he was by this, considering we had known each other for such a short amount of time. I guess when Mattia Polibio falls, he falls hard. Mafia leader or not.

"I'm sorry, I really am" I said, my eyes heating up. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was apologising for something much larger than a mere rejection.

"Cut the bullshit" he said bluntly, wiping his face. He stared at me with eyes which had turned cold, as we heard footsteps approaching the room. He kept his eyes on me as the soldier entered the room, and tried looking for us. He slid the door open a little and looked for the soldier. Just then, a gunshot went off, and I covered my ears to prevent myself from going completely deaf. I looked at Mattia and he was back against the wall, his hand on his shoulder, and when he removed it, his hand was covered in red. No.


But he held his hand up to stop me from talking and quickly regained his posture. This time, he slid the door open fully and stepped out the closet. I held my breath as I stayed in the darkness, waiting for someone to fire their gun. There was silence for a minute until three gunshots went off, all within a matter of seconds. The closet door slid open and Mattia appeared, holding out his hand.

"Come on"

Without saying anything, I took ahold of his hand and stepped out the closet. I saw the blood seeping through his hoodie but he kept ignoring it.

"You should go" he said, going to lie down on the bed. I looked around the room and spotted a first aid kit on the table.

"Let me fix your wound first" I said, going over to get the box. He sat up and took off his hoodie.

I treated the wound with the correct method I'd been taught when I was younger. I applied pressure to it to stop the bleeding, luckily the shoulder was an easy place to treat.

"That hurts" winced Mattia, arching his back.

"Sorry, it's nearly done" I said, stitching it up. I still felt horrible for what I'd said to him earlier, Friendship seemed non existent at this point. And the worst part was, it was my fault. It was always my fault. He was so forgiving and loving, and I was so ready to start a relationship with him. I hated this.

"You never told me how you saved my life" he mumbled. I looked at him as I finished up. He looked hurt, I was surprised he'd still want to talk to me after the shit I'd said.

"I turned the lights off from outside" I said quietly, retiring all the contents into the box.

"Oh" he raised his eyebrows, and that was all he said. I gathered that this was my cue to leave, I'd already overstayed my welcome.

I stood up and walked over to the door in silence. Nothing was said, I opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind me. I knew exactly what I had to do.


"I want to quit the mission"

Dad looked at me in confusion.

"Olivia slow down, where is all this coming from?"

"No I want out"

"But you've gotten so far"

"I haven't, I'm done with it"

Dad closed his eyes and looked at the red folder sitting on the desk. I hated letting him down, but there was no way I could face Mattia after today.

"Just give it to someone else" I suggested.

"It doesn't work like that" he said, shaking his head as he walked out the room.

I couldn't imagine another girl taking my place, having what I could've had with Mattia. I couldn't even imagine myself with someone other than Mattia. I didn't want anyone, but him.

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