All Is Fair In Love And Hate

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Olivia slipped into the skin tight dress that her boyfriend had bought her. It was wine red and barely covered her chest. There was a slit that travelled up her dress, one step too far and everything would be on display.

It was the night of the Masquerade Ball. There was a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach this morning, and it still hadn't left.

She looked at her phone and it was coming up to 7pm. Right on cue, a soldier barged into her room. They barely ever knocked first. She waited to hear the usual command.

"Boss wants you in his study"

He closed the door and she heard the usual footsteps disappearing into the distance. After taking a few deep breaths to compose herself, she picked up the bedazzled red mask, placing it over her head, careful not to mess up her hair and makeup.

She made her way downstairs, and knocked on the door. The soldier opened it and stepped out the room, as she stepped in.

"My love" he said, walking towards her. She stayed put as he approached her, feeling goosebumps rising on her skin. His arms slithered around her waist and he leaned in for a kiss. Reluctantly, she kissed him back, there was no passion.

He pulled away and admired her for a second, before taking her hand and leading her towards his desk. Where there were once papers, there was now knives. So many knives. Olivia felt her throat going dry as she looked at them all. There must've been at least 20, all decorated as if they were children's toys.

"Which one takes your fancy, dear?" he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She swallowed, her eyes darting from one blade to another.

"I-I don't know"

"Hmm" He slipped an arm around her waist, and Liv's body tensed up. He looked at her, keeping his arm in the same position.

"Are you nervous, sweetie?" he said. Olivia took the opportunity and nodded her head quickly.

"Well, allow me to make it easier for you" he said, his hand travelling down her lower back. He reached forward and picked up a knife which had a red and gold handle on it. He held it close to Olivia's face.

"What about this one?"

She decided not to delay things any further and took the knife in her own hands.

"I love it" she said quietly. But he took the knife back and kneeled down. She was confused as he opened one of the drawers in his desk and pulled out a black band.

"Allow me" he smirked. He instructed her to lift up her heel, and as she did, he slipped the black band up her leg until it reached her upper thigh. It was a little tight, but Olivia knew better than to complain.

He placed the knife within the band, cutting her thigh slightly as the blade went through the band. She let out a whimper but immediately regretted it as he looked up.

"I'll hurt you so much worse than that if you fuck this up, baby" he smirked, leaning forward to kiss the blood that was dripping down her leg. The cut didn't bother her, as it wasn't deep. It was the fear instilled within her, about what would happen if she didn't go through with this.


Mattia stood alongside Kairi and Alejandro in the ballroom. They watched as all the mafia's piled in, all dressed to their finest.

"Look who turned up" said Alejandro, as they all turned to look at the entrance "Diaz fucking cartel"

Mattia's blood boiled when he caught sight of Mar. He'd never gotten his revenge for what he did five years ago. Despite the mask, he recognised him straight away.

Although, he didn't quite recognise the lady on his arm. Her figure was breathtaking in the wine red dress she was wearing. His eyes travelled down to the revealing slit, and he wanted more.

"I'll be back" he said, walking over to Mar. He saw the woman's eyes meet his, but they were full of alarm. He gave her a soft smile, she didn't return it. There was something about her, he just couldn't tell what it was.

"Mattia" he said, extending his arm out to her. She stayed silent but reached out and shook his hand. Her skin against his set off a warm feeling in his heart. It played with his head and he hated it, all he wanted to do was take her mask off.

"I see you've met my girlfriend" said Mar, joining them. Mattia kept his eyes on her, but his hands curled up into fists.

"She's beautiful" replied Mattia. Hearing him say that made Liv want to pull him into a hug, and never let go. She began to regret everything she'd done to hurt him. It'd been five years yet he'd crossed her mind everyday. She worried it wouldn't be the same for Mattia though.

"She's also mine" fired Mar, taking ahold of Olivia's wrist and pulling her towards him. She let out a small gasp, but it was loud enough for Mattia to hear. He furrowed his brows at her as he tried to figure out why she looked so familiar.

"I don't care, let's dance" he said blankly, taking Liv's hand and guiding her towards the dancefloor. Before her or Mar had a chance to object, Mattia's hands were already on her hips, as they swayed to the slow song. She glanced at Mar who gave her a nod of approval as he subtly tapped his thigh.

"Are you okay?" said Mattia. She turned her attention back to him. His eyes were looking directly into his, causing her stomach to be swarmed with butterflies. She blushed, realising she hadn't felt that for a long time, before nodding her head.

"Wanna get outta here?" he asked, nodding towards the private rooms which were upstairs. She nodded again, much to his delight. He held her hand, and she allowed her hand to sink into his, finally feeling content.

They entered one of the rooms and Mattia closed the door behind them. Liv took a seat on the couch, watching as he took off his jacket. He flopped down next to her and gave her a warm smile.

"So what's your name?"

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