It's The Little Things

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"Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked as I walked up the stairway of the jet. Mattia smirked, shaking his head at me. I rolled my eyes, taking a bottle of wine and walking towards the bedroom located at the back of the jet.

"Nope" said Mattia, taking the bottle away from me and placing it back into the bucket of ice.

"Mattia" I groaned, reaching for the bottle. But he blocked my way, placing his hands around my waist and guiding me into the bedroom. I looked on the bed and saw there was a silk dressing gown and slippers in several different colours.

"I need you sober for this" he said, taking off his jacket and flopping down onto the bed. I narrowed my eyes at him, slipping out of my dress and changing into a robe.

"You could've just stayed naked" he said dreamily. I felt my cheeks heating up as I got into bed with him. He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly, his gaze lingering on me until I closed my eyes and let my head hit the pillow.


"This is your captain speaking, just checking in to let you know we will begin our descent in around 2 minutes"

I rubbed my eyes sleepily as the jet began it's decent. I looked around for Mattia but he was no longer next to me. I sighed and got up onto my knees, crawling over to the window. I pulled the window shield upwards, wincing as the sunlight hit me. I squinted as I tried to make out the tiny buildings below me.

"No" I gasped, covering my mouth slightly as I noticed the Eiffel Tower sitting in the centre of the land below. I felt adrenaline rush through me as I realised we were in Paris.

"I know it's January"

I turned around to see Mattia dressed in an all black suit with his hands in his pockets.

"But it's as close to Christmas as I could get" he said. I leaped off the bed and into his arms, squeezing him tightly as he laughed and wrapped his arms back around me.

"I can't believe you did this" I said, smothering him in kisses as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Well you only made me wait a whole year" he said, keeping his arms around me as we sat on the bed. I placed myself on his lap, wrapping my arms around him as I stared out the window, admiring the city below us. Everything was so perfect.


"How long did you have this planned for?" I asked him as we checked into the hotel. He took the room key and placed his hand back in mine.

"Since that night you told me about it" he replied "I just wish it were December, then it would've worked out nicely"

"This is more than I could've ever asked for" I said, leaning upwards and kissing his cheek as we entered the lift. He smiled at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I noticed his hand was shaking slightly as he did so, but I decided not to mention it.

"Here" he said, handing me the room key. I looked at him strangely but took it anyway, holding his hand as we made our way to Room 524.

I slipped the key into the door, watching the light flash green as I opened the door. My eyes met with a room full of red and white balloons. I covered my mouth with my hand as I walked further into the room, hearing Mattia close the door behind us. I looked over at the bed which was covered in red rose petals and Hershey's chocolates. My eyes travelled to the balcony, I stepped out to see the table filled with a bouquet of red roses and a bottle of red wine, accompanied with two wine glasses. My cheeks started to hurt from smiling and I turned back to see Mattia, down on one knee.

"Oh my god" I whispered, feeling my eyes heat up as he pulled a small black box out of his pocket.

"Now I know how irritated you used to get cause I never officially asked you to be my girlfriend" he said, his cheeks turning red as I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"But girlfriends are temporary and I'm spending the rest of my life with you" he said.

"Olivia West, I don't wanna do any of this without you, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes" I cried, running over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, kissing my lips as he did so. I'd kissed him many times before, but this time it felt like something else. There was a different kind of magical to that kiss. It made me think that everything was finally going to be okay.

"I love you so much" I said, staring at him as he slipped the silver ring onto my fourth finger.

"I love you" he said, standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I think we should join mafias, I'm not fighting you anymore" I said. He smiled and nodded his head, inhaling deeply as he looked out into the city of love.

"Then that's exactly what we'll do, baby" he said. He reached past me and poured two glasses of wine, handing me one.

"To us" he said, raising the glass. I smiled and clinked my glass against his.

"To us"


A/N: AHHH I can't believe this book has finished! It has honestly been so fun for me to write, and I hope you all enjoyed it! Unfortunately, I won't be doing a sequel to this book, but my new book will be out soon! I love you all so much, thank you for the support you have given me, I will miss reading your comments so much. You are all baddies like Olivia, you hold so much power!!

I love you all, thank you!!

K ❤️

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