I Was Going To Tell You

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I watched as Mattia's face fell. His hand was resting on my knee, but he removed it quickly, looking at the ground.

"What are you talking about, Liv?"

I pressed my lips together, wondering whether taking the bullet was the better option here. I looked up at Kairi and Alejandro who were understandably as confused as Mattia.


My voice trailed off as Mattia moved away from me, almost as if I was some kind of disease, something he never wanted to be around.

"She works for the FBI" yawned Hector. I looked back at him in horror, but he shrugged his shoulders, twirling the gun around his index finger.

"What? You were taking too long"

I didn't dare look back at Mattia, I could just imagine his reaction.

"That's why you rejected me back at the hotel, isn't it?" he said in a low voice. I stayed silent as Alejandro took ahold of his arm.

"Let's just go, she's not worth-"

"ISN'T IT!?" screamed Mattia, making us all jump. He walked over to me, grabbing both sides of my face with his hands. His eyes were full of tears, but they weren't halfway down his cheeks unlike mine.

"Why?" he wept, biting his bottom lip in anger.


"Why did you let me fall in love?" he yelled loudly. He let go of me, and wiped his face. There was a silence as he made his way over to the boys.

"Mattia, I swear-"

"If you really think" he turned around to face me "that I want anything to do with you after what just happened, you're fucking crazy"

And with that, he walked out with Alejandro and Kairi swiftly following behind. I sunk into the seat. I knew I had to warn him about Hector's undercover soldier in his house, but he'd be gone in a second.

"Now that, was quite a show" said Hector, walking in front of me, doing a slow clap. My hands curled up into fists as he untied the ropes.

"Now you're letting me go?" I said, standing up after what felt like years.

"Yeah, you're boring to me now, I'm sure you can find the exit" he said plainly. He walked out the room, and I heard him make his way upstairs. I checked my pockets and realised I didn't have my phone, but I'd worry about that later.

I quickly got out the house and saw Mattia walking towards his car after getting off a call with someone.
I ran over to him but once he saw me, he started getting in the car.

"Mattia, listen to me!" I yelled, grabbing his arm. He shrugged me off and looked at me in disgust.

"I never want to speak to you again" he frowned.

"Okay but there's something you should know-"

"What?" he closed the door and started walking towards me, causing me to take a few steps backwards.

"Are you gonna tell me your whole FBI team is after me now? Or you're actually a fucking member of the Diaz Cartel?"

"What? No, listen-"

"Why!?" he said loudly "why the fuck should I trust you at all anymore?" 

"Because my feelings for you were genuine!" I pleaded. Mattia's eyes widened for a second, but then his cold surface returned.

"You're a fucking liar" he muttered, getting into the car. I felt tears running down my face as he started the engine. I banged on the window with my fists, but my efforts were proved futile.

"Your fucking soldier, he's gonna turn on you" I sobbed, but he was already reversing out the driveway. I dropped down to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest as the wind swept through my hair. I wiped away my tears but they kept forming in my eyes, reminding me that if Mattia was to die because of the soldier, it'd all be on me. I had the chance to tell him, but I fucked up. Again.

I felt a blanket being wrapped around my shoulders and looked up to see Mar.

"I thought you could use some company" he said, sitting down next to me. I gave him a small smile but kept my eyes staring in the direction Mattia's car had gone in. As if he'd miraculously turn back.

"Oh and I think this belongs to you" he pulled my phone out of his pocket, handing it over to me.

"Thank you" I said, turning it on to see numerous missed calls from Dad. I'd deal with them later.

"So it doesn't bother you that I'm undercover?" I said, looking over at Mar.

"Oh it bothers me, but you're still human like the rest of us, and I could tell your feelings were real for Mattia, so I'm sorry about how that went down" he said sympathetically. I shook my head, desperate to just get some sleep instead of thinking about how I'd broke Mattia's heart for the second time.

"I should go, it's late" I said, standing up. Mar stood up too, looking at me, then at the house.

"Do you wanna stay over? I mean, I know you live kinda far and a cab would take a while to get here" he said, rubbing his hands together nervously.

"I don't think Hector would like that" I said, taking the blanket off. Mar rolled his eyes and took my hand, leading me inside.

"I think you're forgetting who's the older brother" he said, closing the door.

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