Birthday Presents

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I woke up the next morning with Alejandro's arms around me. I tried to get out of bed but he only tightened his grip on me, burying his head into my neck.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, choosing to embrace the moment. I knew that walking out his room would only lead to seeing them, so I stayed put. Alejandro stretched out his arms before softly kissing my lips.

"What are we doing today?" he said, giving me a sleepy smile. But before I could answer, a car outside started blasting music and honking their horn extra loud. Alé and I looked at each other in confusion as he got out of bed. He pulled a curtain back and rolled his eyes before closing it again.

"What is it?"

"Nothing important" he yawned, grabbing a towel from his closet "I'm gonna shower real quick"

I nodded as he disappeared into the bathroom, before getting out of bed and peering outside. It took my eyes a second to adjust to the light, but when I did, I regretted ever leaving the covers.

I watched as Mattia drove the white Porsche into the driveway where Lola was jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

"Happy birthday, babe!" Mattia shouted over the music, placing the keys in her hand. She jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist as they kissed each other. I shook my head in disbelief, feeling a pair of hands make their way around my waist.

"Why are you watching that shit show?" said Alejandro, kissing my neck. I rested my hands on his and shrugged my shoulders.

"I couldn't help it, they look so happy"

Alejandro let go of me and walked over to his closet. I sat on the bed as he picked out his outfit.

"It's all fake" he said, choosing a red hoodie.

"What do you mean?"

"She's clearly with him for the money, he hasn't even told her he's a mafia boss"

My mouth dropped open a little when he's said the last part. And to think, Mattia had walked away from me because I wasn't honest with him.

"That's messy as fuck" I said, getting back into bed. Alejandro got dressed and came over to kiss my head.

"Come downstairs when you're ready" he said, before leaving the room. I turned on my side and put a pillow over my head, hoping it'd drown out the music from outside.


I walked downstairs and met Kairi who was eating breakfast.

"Have fun last night?" he asked, adding bacon and eggs to his plate. I rolled my eyes, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"Nothing happened" I answered.

"Bullshit" he said, starting to laugh "you always fuck girls on the first night"

"Well last night was different" I snapped "she isn't ready, so why the fuck would I try anything?"

Kairi raises his eyebrows before returning back to his food. I looked at all the food but my appetite was non existent since there was something else on my mind.

"Besides, I think she still has feelings for Mattia" I sighed, picking up a slice of toast.

"Then change her mind, make her all about you"

"It's easier said than done" I said, tracing my finger around the rim of the glass. Liv hadn't given me any indications that she still liked Mattia, but anyone knew feelings didn't fade overnight.

"It still seems kinda weird" said Kairi "you know, dating your boss' ex"

"Then don't look at it that way" I said. I was starting to regret having this conversation.

"But it's as if she's the leftovers"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at Kairi with a shocked expression on my face. I didn't think he was capable of saying something so vile.

"That's cause she is"

We both turned around to see Mattia walking in with his arm around Lola.

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I said, standing up. Mattia came over to me and prodded me in the chest with his finger.

"I'm your fucking boss" he said "I can say whatever the fuck I want"

"Have some fucking respect then" I fired back, unaware that my voice was becoming louder "Olivia did nothing but help you, how dare you call her the 'leftovers'"

Mattia pressed his lips together and looked at me, then Kairi, then back at me.


Olivia walked into the kitchen, past Mattia and I, and took a glass out of the cupboard.

"Maybe we should go-"

But a Mattia interrupted me, taking a step towards Liv.

"Yeah, leftovers" he said, keeping his eyes on her "cause all you've fucking done is cause trouble and hurt everyone you ever meet"

He put his face close to Liv's, narrowing his eyes. It was obvious he'd had something to drink. Liv inched backwards, trying to get away from him. I looked at Kairi, we both braced ourselves for whatever was a about to happen.

"I fucking hate you, Olivia West"

Liv stared at him for a second, her eyes starting to form pools of tears. But then, she reached back and slapped Mattia as hard as she could. The slap made us all jump and Mattia's head jerked to the side as his cheek immediately turned red.

"If you don't die on your next mission, I'll kill you myself" she said, clenching her jaw. The tears in her eyes had disappeared, and she didn't wait for anyone to say anything. She took the opportunity and walked out the kitchen, slamming the front door behind her.

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