Fall Asleep On FT

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"So first we get rid of the invitations"

We were sitting in Alejandro's room, just the three of us as we discussed ways to get around the wedding. Preventing it from happening altogether didn't seem possible, so getting out of it was the next option.

Alejandro was pitching his idea, but it was all starting to annoy me a little bit. My phone started buzzing and I looked down to see Liv's name flash up on the screen. A smile immediately spread across my face as I stood up and started walking towards the bedroom door.

"It's Liv" I said, pointing to the phone. Kairi rolled his eyes and Alejandro nodded his head.

"Hey" I said, closing the door behind me as I disappeared into the hallway. But Liv's voice cracked when she greeted me back, as if she was crying.

"Liv? Hey, what's wrong?" I said, entering my room.

"I-I fucking hate everything" she cried, gasping for breath as she started crying harder. I felt myself becoming angry as I grabbed a hoodie from my wardrobe.

"Who upset you?"

"N-No, it's not like-"

"I'm coming over right now" I said, going downstairs. I went into the kitchen to look for my car keys and saw Dad sitting at the breakfast bar.

"No" she said firmly "I can't see you, Mattia"

I reached for my keys, watching my Dad's eyes follow my hand. He definitely knew I was planning on going over to Olivia's. Even though I was going out of my own choice, he'd still pin it on her.

"I know" I said, dropping my keys back on the counter. It made my blood boil when I saw a small smile appearing on my Dad's face. I walked back out the kitchen, keeping the phone to my ear as I went back to my bedroom.

"I fucking hate this" I said, slamming the door behind me.

"So do I" said Liv, her voice was low from crying so much. I hated not being there to calm her down or wipe her tears away.

"Did my Dad say something to you?" I asked. There was a small pause on her side.

"No" she answered "but it'll worsen the situation"

"I hate the fucking situation" I yelled, unaware of the fact that my voice was getting louder. I laid back on my bed, running a hand through my hair as I closed my eyes for a second.

"I just.."

"I just want to fall asleep with you by my side, I want to hold your hand or make food with you, or just stare at you till you get sick of me" I said, only annoying myself even more "it fucking kills me that I can't do that shit with you"

"I could never get sick of you, Mattia" she said. I could almost hear the smile on her face.

"You're my favourite distraction" she continued. I felt a smile on my own face coming on, as well as butterflies appearing in my stomach.

A Mafia leader getting butterflies over a girl's voice? Surely not.

"Can I just fucking see you?" I sighed.

"We both know the answer to that question" she said, inviting a comfortable silence to settle in between us both.

"I heard you're having a bachelor party" she said, changing the subject. I turned onto my side, putting the phone on speaker and placing it next to my head.

"I'm not" I said, rolling my eyes at the idea.

"You don't have to be getting married to throw a party, just do it for the boys" she said. I laughed to myself at how this conversation was going absolutely nowhere.

"I'm not having a party, now stop talking about it"



"You heard me"

"Liv, throwing a party would mean other girls being in my house, girls that aren't you, is that what you really want?"

"Okay, good point" she said. There was another silence and I basked in the glory of being right until she broke the silence again.

"I wanna sleep" she mumbled, her words starting to slur. I assumed she was falling asleep on call to me.
I frowned, wishing she was next to me instead.

"Get some sleep, baby" I whispered, closing my own eyes as I said so.

"I love you" she whispered. I felt my heart jump and skip a beat everytime she said those words. It was as if I was hearing them for the first time, it made me happy on an entirely new level.

"I love you, Olivia" I whispered back, but she was already sound asleep, her shallow breathing making that clear to me.

I turned onto my back and left the phone there, not wanting to cut the call in case anything happened. I hated the fact that I couldn't hold her whilst she slept, or brush the hair out of her face when I woke up before her.

I heard someone approaching my room and reluctantly hung up the call.

"Hey" said Alejandro, appearing from behind the door. I sat up in bed and placed my phone on the nightstand as he closed the door behind him.

"What did you need?" I asked, hoping he'd make it quick. But he came over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I wanted to check up on you" he said "I know it must be shit without Liv here, but I wanted you to know that I'm still here if you wanna talk"

"Oh" I said, a small smile spreading across my face.

"Thanks Alé" I said, reaching out and shaking his hand "I'm glad we can speak like this and still be professional when it comes to business"

"So I just don't exist?"

We looked at the door and saw Kairi.

"Of course you do, dumbass" I chuckled "you just don't like Liv, so why would I speak to you when it's about her?"

"I still think she's going to manipulate you and take over the mafia" shrugged Kairi.

"Oh my god, get out" said Alejandro, shaking his head. Kairi turned around and walked out of the room, leaving the door open behind him.

"Asshole" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Anyway, you should sleep, you'll need energy for tomorrow" said Alejandro, patting my back before standing up. I watched him walk over to the door.

"Why? What's tomorrow?" I asked.

"Training all day, and then we're going out in the evening, just us boys" he said, leaving the room before I could ask anymore questions. I had a bad feeling already but decided to brush it away and just face tomorrow head on.

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