Old Friends

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"Liv!" I yelled, getting out of my seat and running over to her. She turned around and lowered her black shades, rolling her eyes at the same time.

"Well I thought you'd be happier to see me" I said, trying to ignore Luis' smirk. She sighed and pulled back her suit sleeve, revealing a diamond encrusted Rolex. I recognised it straight away, I was going to buy it for her, I'd had it on hold for days now. It was limited edition and cost as much as my house.

"Can we make this quick? I have places to be" she said. Her moody attitude only made me want her even more.

"I'll come with you, the guys-"

"That won't be necessary" she interrupted "I can get to places on my own"

"Why are you acting like this? It's not nice when you act so rude" I said, narrowing my eyes at her. She raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at me and removed her shades. She folded them and tucked them into the pocket neatly before answering me.

"In case you can't recall, because of how narrow minded you are" she started "you said that you hated me"

I hung my head as I felt the humiliation set in. I remembered telling her that, and I regretted it every day after. I regretted ever hurting her, I'd completely pushed her away from me and she was just getting further and further.

"Liv I'm sorry-"

"Don't come back to me when you've realised I'm rare" she said, turning on her heel and walking towards the exit.

"That was tough" said Luis, standing next to me with his hands in his pockets "I mean tough for you, I stay winning"

I turned to punch his ridiculously large head but he'd already started following her out. Defeated and humiliated, I walked back over to my seat. Alejandro and Kairi came with food and we ate in silence.

"We saw everything, I'm sorry" Kairi said, breaking the awkward tension. I shrugged my shoulders and sat back.

"If she says she doesn't need me, I guess that's it"

"I'm sorry, man" said Alejandro. We finished up eating and started walking back to the airport.


"For the record, you were amazing back there"

I laughed at Luis comment as we took our seats in a restaurant for an evening meal.

"Thanks, it was kinda hard but I meant what I said; I'm fine without them" I said, my eyes scanning the menu. A waitress came over and took our drinks order.

"Can I have my card back now?" Luis asked.

"I think I'll hold onto it for a little while longer" I said, watching him shake his head. We ordered food and ended up having a decent conversation for once.

"So you went from Mattia to Alé that quick?" he said, taking a bite out of his burger. I cringed at his words.

"It sounds bad when you say it like that" I said "I didn't mean for any of it to happen the way it did"

"I hurt a lot of people I cared about"

"Cared?" he said.

"I still do care about all of the boys, I always will but I guess some things aren't meant to last" I frowned. We sat in a comfortable silence as I reflected on my actions. I didn't even notice the tears sliding down my cheeks until I felt Luis hand resting on mine. His skin was soft against mine, and it just reminded me of Mattia, and how he was always there whenever I needed someone.

"Remember your worth, Liv" he said softly. I quickly moved my hand away before he got any ideas and wiped my eyes, sitting up straight in my seat.

"I had a moment, I'm fine now" I said sternly, going back to my food.

Leaving Mattia and the boys never made me forget my worth. I will always put myself first. I don't need to depend on a man for happiness, I made my own happiness. That's the way it was before I met Mattia, and that's the way it'll stay from now on.

"Let's get outta here, I'm sure you wanna get back to Jersey before it's dark" he said, paying for the bill. I let him pay since we both would've used the same card.

"Why don't we spend a night here?" I suggested. We walked out of the restaurant and looked up at the sun which was starting to set. It cast a warm orange light on the city, making me want to stay longer.

"I guess we can do that" said Luis "why don't I go find a decent enough hotel, book a room with two beds and I'll meet you back here?"

"Sure" I nodded. He walked away in the opposite direction and I looked out at all the people. I walked a little and found a beach, which still had a few people on it. I took a seat on one of the benches and stared at the couples and families who were enjoying their evening out.

"So what's a pretty lady like you doing sitting alone?"

I looked up and saw a tall man with messy brown hair smiling down at me. He was perfectly tan with a beautifully chiselled jawline and brown eyes which I found myself getting lost in.

"Enjoying the view?" he smirked, taking a seat next to me. I snapped out of it and felt my cheeks heating up. Then, I realised I still hadn't said anything.

"No, I mean yes, I mean" I stopped for a second, taking a breath "I'm Olivia"

I extended my hand out to him and he shook it. His grip was firm as he held the pretty smile on his face.

"I'm Kian, nice to meet you Olivia"

"Likewise, Kian" I said, relaxing a little more.


I watched as a man approached her. They shook hands and he said something to make her laugh. I smiled when she tilted her head backwards, inviting the wind to blow through her hair.

"How much longer are you going to stare at her?"

I rolled my eyes as Alejandro appeared at my side. I kept watching them, wishing it was me instead of him. But she was happy. She looked genuinely happy, and I don't think I'd seen her smile like that for the longest time.

"Am I really meant to let her go this easy?" I said, keeping my eyes on them as they spoke to each other. He said something and she playfully punched his arm. I loved seeing her like this, even if it meant she wasn't with me.

"I don't know, Mattia" said Alejandro, also catching sight of them. I kept watching. Their eyes were locked on each other. But then, he leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek, resting his hand on her upper back. Maybe that was the confirmation I needed.

"We should go" I said, my throat turning dry. I turned and walked away from the railings, leaving them in peace. It was a mistake to come here.

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