They said it's important to have a friendship before the relationship

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A/N: side note, they're both 21


I've been working in the FBI for a year now, yet I still haven't had a mission. I'm an undercover agent, so I could be useful on so many levels. But my Dad is in my way, always saying how he doesn't want me to get hurt, even though he got me the job.

"Hey Liv, wanna get lunch?"

I turned around to see Luis. The biggest man whore in the industry, he could never take a hint.

"I'll pass, and don't call me Liv"

No one called me Liv, except my Mother. But she died when I was a young girl, ever since then I've hated that nickname.

"Oh come on" he started walking towards me "it's just lunch, I'm not asking you to marry me"

"And I said no, get the fuck out"

Luis pressed his lips together, holding his anger back. You could tell he wanted to say something cruel, but he cared too much about losing his job.

"Language" I heard Dad say. We both turned around to see my Dad, Luis' boss, had entered the room.

"Get back to work" he said, and Luis made a swift exit.

"So, I have news" said Dad, looking straight at me.

"What? You're firing Luis?"

"Honey, you're going to have to get along with him one day" he said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Whatever, what's the news?"

"I have a mission for you!"

"Wait for real?" I said, becoming as vibrant as Dad was. He nodded and handed me a red folder.

"You're gonna do great" he said, patting my shoulder before leaving. I sat down at my desk and opened the folder, reading it's contents. But my face dropped when I saw the photo. It was the same guy from the club. The guy I slapped in front of everyone. I read further only to find out he's part of NJ13.

Not only part of it, but the leader. Holy shit.

I slapped the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in New Jersey. I felt my stomach twist as I realised I now had to go undercover on him. And if I got caught, I'd probably be killed. I took a deep breath and tried to stop myself from jumping to conclusions.

"Have you read it yet?"

I jumped out my skin to notice Dad had reappeared behind me.

"Yeah, it" I said quickly.

"Good, you'll start working on it in an hour"

My mouth dropped slightly when I heard what he said.

"Olivia? Is something wrong? You don't have to carry out the mission if you don't-"

"No!" I exclaimed, a little too eagerly. He raised an eyebrow at me, scanning my face for any signs of nervousness or anxiety, but I hid it well. I was always good at that.

"I mean, I'm just excited you know?" I said, plastering a smile across my face. Excited was the last word in my vocabulary right now. Nevertheless, Dad smiled proudly at me.

"You should get ready, and remember, all you're doing tonight is making friends with Mattia Polibio, forming a friendship is the most vital stage before anything else takes place"

"Okay, I'll meet you back at home" I said, grabbing the folder and leaving the room. I got changed into regular clothes, a blue crop top with black jeans, complete with chequered Vans.

Once I made it to my car, I opened the file, hoping to see some information which could help me. I was reading it for a straight 15 minutes until I found what I was looking for. Mattia's favourite place to eat lunch was Taco Bell. I checked the time: 2:30pm.

That's lunchtime, right?


"Can I get the taco supreme, with a side of cheesy nachos and a large Coke, please?"

The lady took my order and I handed her the money. She gave me the receipt and I leaned against the wall, waiting for my food. I casually glanced around the restaurant until I saw someone that caught my eye. A female was sitting alone, with her back to me. She had jet black hair which matched her olive complexion, just like the girl in the club from a couple nights ago. Without thinking about anything else, I made my way over to her, desperate to see her again. I tapped her shoulder lightly, smirking as she turned around.

"Remember- oh shit you're not her" I backed away slowly as the girl gave me a death stare. That definitely wasn't the girl I saw. And when I took a closer look, I noticed the black hair was actually a wig.

"I'm sorry" I said awkwardly, walking back to collect my food. Disappointed, I picked up my tray. I hadn't been able to get that girl off my mind, even if she did slap me across the face. I sighed and looked outside, the sun was setting, so I decided it'd be nice to sit outside for once. I walked outside with my food, but as I turned a corner someone ran into me, resulting in my food going all over our shirts and the floor. My fist curled up into a ball as I looked at the wasted food.

"Are you fucking blind?" I yelled angrily. But when I looked up to see who it was, I immediately regretted using the language I had.

It was the girl from the club. It was definitely her.

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