Pick Your Side

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A smile spread across my Dad's face as Alejandro's mouth dropped open. Dad came over and patted my back as I hid my face in humiliation.

"That's my boy" he said, taking out his keys and walking over to the car. I frowned, following him. I looked back at Kairi and Alejandro who were walking to their cars.

"I'll text you the address" I said, but Kairi ignored me, getting into his car and slamming the door behind him. I narrowed my eyes at him, looking at Alejandro who shrugged his shoulders.

"You're on your own" he said.


"We're not helping you on this one" he said, taking a seat on the hood of his car.

"What the fuck?"

"Do you know how insulting it is that you're going through with this fucking wedding?" he said. I instantly felt guilty.

"I'm doing it for Liv"

"Oh yeah" he scoffed "cause Liv totally wants to see you at the altar with another woman, right?"

"I'll call it off once I've got her safe" I said.

"And get a bullet through your head by him?" he said, nodding at my Dad. I looked back at Dad who was on the phone to someone.

"Don't you fucking get it?" shouted Alejandro.

"He's fucking behind all of this! He's the reason Liv got shot, how the fuck don't you see that?"

I sighed, Alé was right. I saw it all before, I just never did anything cause I never thought it would escalate this much. None of us did.

"Look, we'll have this conversation back home-"

"Don't fucking bother, I'm staying at a hotel" he said, getting into his car. I watched him start the engine and drive out, followed by Kairi's car. I couldn't act up in front of Dad, he'd get suspicious quick. And I needed him if I wanted Liv back. I decided I'd deal with him after. The boys were right, he definitely had all this planned.


"What the f-"

A hand slapped me harshly across the face, leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek. I clenched my jaw, trying to numb the pain as I tasted blood in my mouth. The room was dark, only lit up by two small candles which were near the door.

"Oh good, you're awake"

I looked up to see Maria standing before me. Wearing the same red power suit I'd worn when I last saw her.

"Copying my clothes now? That's original" I said, sitting up in the chair.

"Acting smart whilst you're tied to a chair? That's risky" she said, before throwing a punch straight into my ribs. I leaned forward in agony, trying to breathe but her punch had left me winded. I heard her laughing and tugged at the ropes.

"Oh don't worry they're double knotted" she said, walking over to the candles.

"Why the fuck do you always feel the need to kidnap me? Do you have a thing for me?" I said, looking at her in disgust. She laughed to herself lifting up one of the candles in her hand.

"You were always funny to me, West" she said, looking at the flame "we could've been partners"

"I'd rather eat denim" I said, sitting up once I'd caught my breath back. She walked over to me, still holding the candle.

"Did your parents ever tell you not to play with fire?"

I sunk lower into the chair, watching her sinister smile as she raised the candle to her eyes, surveying the flame.

"Careful, you might turn it to stone" I said, immediately regretting opening my mouth when she started bringing the candle towards me. I inched backwards but I could already feel the heat.

"Let's play with fire, West"

"No, I'm sorry" I said quickly, trying to move my arm away. It didn't help that I was in a bodysuit.

"Maria please!" I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut as the heat caused my skin to burn. I tried to kick her but the pain was making it harder to move. She smiled in satisfaction and moved it away, placing it back on the stand.

"Fuck you" I spat, looking down at my skin which was now red and extremely sore.

"How's your back?" she asked, going behind me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain. They'd bandaged my back up for me, I still didn't know why they wanted me alive so bad if they kept torturing me like this.

"So they missed your spine" she said. I felt her fingers on my back and held my breath when she pressed on the wound.

"Fuck!" I screamed through tears. I hung my head and tried to breathe but my whole body was shaking. I felt Maria's head move closer to my ear and felt like spitting in her face. But I was in too much pain so just decided to hear her out.

"Why don't you just join me? And this can all be over already"

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