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I sat in the chair, feeling my wrists becoming raw from the rope tied around them. I tried to get the pocket knife attached to the inside of my sleeve, but it was too difficult.

"Let me make this easy for you"

I looked up and saw Dmitri walking in with two soldiers. I glared at him and relaxed back into the seat.

"Give me the location of your son, Giancomo" he said with a smile. I leaned forward and spat in his face, watching him turn red with fury. He reached into his pocket and took out a red handkerchief to wipe his face. There was a moment of silence as one of the soldiers handed him a black phone.

"I was afraid you'd do that" he said, punching the keys on the phone with a sly smile "which is why I went ahead and found their location myself.

"I swear-"

"Ah the empty threats" he said "it's all you're good at Giancomo, just like your son"

I felt anger rushing through me as I pulled at the ropes, feeling blood dripping down my wrists. The soldiers watched me struggle and smiled at each other. This was exactly what every Mafia had wanted. Me, in their possession. It was a rare sight.

"He has a girlfriend?" said Dmitri. I squeezed my eyes shut and hung my head towards the ground when he turned the phone towards me. I knew it was that girl he'd been seeing. This is specifically why I tell the boys to stay away from exterior relationships.

Now another innocent person had been made a target by Nikolai 19.

"Look how happy they look" he said. I could hear the smile on his voice. I heard two guns click and opened my eyes, snapping my head up. Both soldiers were aiming their guns at me, my head to be precise.

"I thought that would get your attention" he said, flashing the phone at me.

I saw Mattia and Olivia in a car, they were being tracked by a drone, miles higher in the air. Alejandro and Kairi were in the backseat and it looked like they were going back to the house.

"No, please" I said, feeling my chest become heavy. But Dmitri laughed and turned the phone off.

"So, I can either kill you, or all four of them?" he said, looking back at the soldiers "what do you think, Aaron?"

"Both, Sir"

Dmitri let out a loud laugh, placing his hands on his chest to calm himself down. I closed my eyes and did a silent prayer for the kids. I couldn't help but feel as though this was all my fault.

I should've quit this lifestyle a long time ago.


"How far are we?" asked Alejandro. I looked at the gps before answering him.

"Ten minutes away" I said, relaxing in the seat. Mattia reached over and rested his hand on my thigh. I looked over at him but he kept his eyes on the road and his left hand on the wheel.

"It feels like ages since we've been home" said Kairi from the backseat. An uneasy feeling set in my stomach, I tried my best go hide it, but it wouldn't go away and Mattia had noticed.

"What's wrong?" he said, looking over at me. I shook my head as we pulled up at a red light.

"Hey" he said, reaching over and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "tell me, Liv"

"I'm just nervous" I said, brushing away the anxious feeling quickly. Mattia was about to say something but the car honked from behind, causing his eyes to go back to the moving traffic. I took a breath as we approached the house, but my heart sank when I saw what Nikolai 19 had done.

"Oh my god" said Alejandro. It was as though someone had picked up a golf club and gone to town on all the cars and windows. The gunshots in the front door made shivers go down my spine.

"It's not safe here" I said, looking out the window as Mattia turned off the engine.

"I agree with Liv, we shouldn't be here" said Kairi. I sunk lower into my seat, feeling more and more anxious after every second we spent in Mattia's driveway.

"Were those black vans here when we pulled up?" said Alejandro. We all turned around to see at least six black vans pulling up around the house.

"Mattia.." I whispered, watching soldiers pile out and stand around our car with their guns aimed at us. Alejandro and Kairi reaches for their guns at the same time but Mattia put his hand up.

"We're surrounded, they're from Nikolai 19" he said, facing forwards and taking a deep breath.

"Hold fire and follow my lead" he said. He looked at me and held onto my hand.

"I'm begging you, don't do anything stupid" he pleaded. I nodded, feeling his hands shaking against mine. I didn't know if I was more scared for his life or mine.

He slowly opened his door and faced the soldiers with his hands raised above his head.

"On your knees, Polibio" one of them shouted. He lowered himself to the ground and one of them came over and threw a black cloth over his head and tied rope around his wrists. I watched in disbelief as Alejandro and Kairi did the same, receiving the same  treatment.

"Your turn" one of them said, looking in my direction. As much as I wanted to argue, we were clearly outnumbered. Reluctantly, I got myself out the car and braces myself as black material was thrown in front of my eyes. I winced as the rope went around my wrists and one of them held onto my arm to lift me up.

"You're pretty" one of them said to me as we got into the van. I pressed my lips together, allowing the tears to slide down my cheeks.

Choosing to stay silent was my only way of staying alive right now.

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