Better With You

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I walked out the house and took a breath to steady myself. I didn't mean to snap at Mattia in that way, a small part of me felt guilty. But then I remembered the disrespect, and suddenly my actions didn't seem all that bad anymore.


I turned around to see Alejandro walking out too. I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks for sticking up for me earlier" I said, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close to his chest.

"Mattia can be a bitch, I guess" he replied. We broke apart and he held onto my hand.

"I was serious though when we were in bed, what are we doing today?"

"Let's go somewhere" I said, running a hand through his soft hair. He was eager at first but his smile quickly faded.

"But my car's outta gas, and yours isn't here" he frowned. I looked around and smirked when I saw it.

"But there is a brand new Porsche calling our names" I said, biting my bottom lip. Alejandro raised his eyebrows at my idea, before shaking his head.

"Are you crazy?" he said, fighting a smile.

"Only when I'm around you" I said, taking his hand and walking over to the car. The keys were foolishly left on the roof of the car. I got into the drivers seat and Alé in the passenger seat. 

"Mattia will kill us" said Alé as I started the engine. I rolled my eyes, putting the roof down.

"What Mattia doesn't know, won't hurt him" I answered. I looked at the gears and wondered which to put the car in. Everything was so complex.

"How the fuck does this work?"

Ale looked down at the gears too, becoming equally as confused as I was.

"Aye!" someone shouted. Both our heads snapped up, immediately seeing Mattia walking towards the car with Lola close behind.

"Just drive!" yelled Alejandro, changing the gear into cruise mode. I pressed onto the accelerator as fast as I could and the car sped down the street, leaving Mattia and Lola far behind.

"Holy shit" I breathed, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. I glanced over at Alejandro who sunk into his seat.

"I can't believe we did that" he said, starting to laugh. We both laughed till our stomachs hurt over our level of stupidity.

"Where are we going?" I asked, joining the highway. Alejandro leaned forward and entered an address into the GPS.

"I know a place" he said.


I parked up outside a large park, fully of families and couples.

"You wanted to have a picnic?" I asked, slightly confused. Alejandro got out the car and I joined him as we walked onto the grassy area.

"No, it's just somewhere nice to come when I need to clear my head" he said, taking my hand in his.

"Why do you need to clear your head?"

"I don't" he said, leaning forward and kissing my lips softly "but you do".

We walked, hand in hand, till we were met with a huge waterfall. I looked up in awe, feeling the mist spray onto me as we stood on the side.

"Pretty, huh?" said Alejandro, hugging me from behind. I smiled when he kissed my shoulder and turned my head to kiss him properly. He placed his hands on my waist and turned me to face him, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, never breaking the kiss. He placed one hand in my hair, holding me tighter as I deepened the kiss. I felt his hand travel up my hoodie and play with my bra strap, causing me to pull away quickly.

"There's kids here" I laughed, watching him roll his eyes.


"Can I get two hotdogs and two waters, please" said Alejandro. We stood outside the food truck and collected our food when it was ready.

"Where are the picnic tables?" I said, looking around. But Alejandro took my hand and started walking in a different direction instead. We walked through the forest until we were on a cliff which overlooked the whole park perfectly.

"I love this" I said, taking a seat on the grass next to Alejandro.

"So there's a party tonight" he started "and you're going to be my plus one"

"And what if I had plans?" I asked, knowing full well I was free.

"Cancel them, I'm better"

I put my hand in front of my mouth so I wouldn't burst out laughing. All these mafia boys were the same to me.

"Just text me the address"

"It's at our place"

"Wait" I said, setting my drink down. Alejandro laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it's Lola's party"

I stared at him in disbelief for a second before quickly shaking my head. 

"Are you kidding?"

"I wish?" he said, letting out that same nervous laugh. I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

"Alé I just stole her car, you remember that?"

"Yeah but we can return it" he said, standing up. He extended his hand out for me and I took it, standing up next to him.

"It's her fault for leaving it out" he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But what about Mattia? I slapped him across the face less than two hours ago" I said, remembering the look Mattia had on his face. Shivers went down my spine over seeing him again.

"Fuck Mattia, the worst he'll do is throw a few insults" said Alejandro as we walked back to the car.
As much as I didn't want to go, I knew how much it'd annoy Mattia if he saw me.

"Okay" I said, handing the keys to Alejandro "I'll go, but you can explain about the car"

"Deal" he smirked, taking the keys.

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