Girl Code

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I took my seat in the café and waited patiently for Olivia. We were long overdue for our weekly brunch and I needed a catch up on everything. I checked my phone and saw she was 5 minutes late. This was normal for my best friend. Minutes later, the door opened and she walked in, looking flustered from the rain outside.

"I've missed you bitch!" I squealed, running over to hug her. She hugged me back tightly and we both laughed at how stupid we were acting. It'd only been a week, yet we acted like we hadn't seen each other in years.

"How've you been?" she asked as we took our seats. I noticed Olivia was wearing more makeup than usual which was strange, she never liked it before.

"I've been good, is that concealer?"

I pointed at her cheekbone which had an overwhelming amount of pale concealer on it.

"I'm trying to learn how to use it" she said, laughing nervously.

"Let me get rid of it, it looks so odd" I laughed, getting a make up wipe out my bag.

"No, Bella it's fine" she said, swatting my hand away.

"Just let me-"

I reached forward and tried to wipe away the concealer, but when I did I saw the skin underneath had turned an unpleasant shade of blue. Olivia quickly grabbed her purse and walked towards the exit.

"Wait, Olivia" I called, grabbing my purse and running after her. She marched over to her car, but I grabbed her arm just in time. She turned around to face me, her tired eyes slowly filling with tears.

"Who the fuck did that to you" I said, loosening my grip on her arm. She shook her head and got in the car. Before she could start the engine, I went over to the passenger side and got in.

"It's nothing, it's fine now" she said impatiently.

"It's fine? You have a fucking bruise on your face, who the fuck hit you, Olivia?" I said, my voice becoming louder.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything" she sighed, turning the engine off.


"How did you guys not have sex!?" screamed Bella as my hands flew to cover my ears. I'd told her everything that'd happened, yet that was the one detail she was most concerned about.

"Probably cause I'd just found out the guy who works with me is also in a whole fucking Cartel"

"I hate Luis so much, you have to tell your Dad, then he'll lose his job" she said eagerly, but I shook my head.

"That'll open a new can of worms, he's in a Cartel, he'll easily get some kind of revenge on me"

"Oh come on" Bella said "the guy fucking slapped you, that's enough to get prison time, why the fuck aren't you taking the opportunity?"

"Shut up, Bella" I said, massaging my temples. I knew I'd have to report Luis, there was just no easy way of going about it.

"Are you kidding? I've kept my mouth shut about everything, but I'm sorry, I can't do it this time" she said, getting out the car.

"What?" my head snapped up as she shut the door.

"I'm sorry" she shouted, shrugging her shoulders. I facepalmed once she'd walked back into the cafe, regretting ever telling her anything. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and pulled it out to see a text from Dad.

Dad: Get to the hospital, say you're here to see Luis.

I hit the steering wheel in frustration. First the bastard hits me, and now I have to go see him in hospital and pretend I give a fuck? I really wish Mattia had killed him last night.


"I'm here to see Luis" I said to the lady at the front desk. She gave me a ward number and sent me on my way.

I soon found the ward, and walked inside to see Dad, Taylor and Luis' Mom crowded around his bed, as if something serious had happened. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to them. Luis' face was wrapped in bandages, and some of them had blood stains coming through.

"Does it hurt bad?" I asked sarcastically. He inhaled deeply, giving me a death stare.

"How dare you" said his Mom, stepping forward.

"Oh you don't know the half of it" I chuckled as Dad put an arm in front of me.

"Mrs King, I don't mean to sound rude, but is there any way you could leave the room for a minute, as we have a confidential business matter to discuss?"

She looked me up and down, before sticking her nose in the air and walking away.

"I'm telling you, it was a provoked attack, she planned it all" said Luis, pointing a finger at me. His speech was muffled because of the bandages.

"Olivia?" said Dad, turning to me. I put my hands up and shook my head.

"I didn't do it, I was at Bella's, you knew that" I said defensively. He sighed, looking between Luis and I.

"She was with Mattia fucking Polibio, she got him to attack me!" exclaimed Luis "the only time she should be with him is for a mission, and that was not a mission, boss"

"Let's not talk about the mission, that's falling apart as we speak, we should've at least been on Stage 5 by now" said Dad, closing his eyes for a second.

"Olivia, were you with Mattia?" he asked calmly.

"No, I was with Bella" I said firmly.

"Ring her" ordered Luis. I narrowed my eyes at him, desperate to give him a second black eye. Dad pulled out his phone and started ringing Bella.

"Hey, Mr West" she answered. I bit my lip nervously, hoping she wouldn't do anything stupid. But you can never predict anything Bella does.

"Hey Bella, I just wanted to check something, was Olivia at your house last night?"

"Oh yeah" Bella's tone suddenly turned noticeably sour "she was at my house, telling me how her colleague - Luis - had slapped her across the face"

There was a silence in the room, once the words had left Bella's mouth. Dad looked at me, the colour drained from his face as he finally noticed the bruise.  Bella's voice blared through the loudspeaker, making us all jump.

"Did you need anything else?"

Dad cut the call, still unable to find his voice. The door opened and Luis' Mom walked back in, joining our silence.

"What'd I miss?"

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