Blast From The Past

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"What time are we leaving?" asked Alejandro. I looked at my phone, it was just hitting 5pm and it would take at least two hours to get home.

"Soon" I said, opening the CCTV on my phone. I sighed when I saw that Nikolai 19 had paid us a visit. Any cars that were in our driveway had been badly damaged, and there were gunshots in our front door. A wave of relief washed over me when I saw that they didn't manage to get into the house meaning that we still had all our possessions, thanks to the soldiers who were in the house.

I looked up as Liv walked into the living room, taking a seat next to me as I switched my phone off.

"I'm gonna get a drink" said Alejandro, leaving the room swiftly. Liv looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows at me. So much for not being awkward.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I think, maybe you should stay here for a little while longer" I said.

"No" she said, laying back on the couch so her socks were digging into my side. I rolled my eyes and took ahold of her ankles, pulling her closer to me.

"Why can't you just listen to me?" I sulked.

"Cause I'm not letting you leave without me" she said, folding her arms across her chest. I sighed and tilted my head at her childish ways that I seemed to love so much.

"It's not safe back there" I said. I knew I wouldn't win this argument.

"Then why are you leaving?" she said, letting out a dramatic sigh as she rolled her eyes.

"Cause they need me" I argued.

"You need me" she smirked. I nodded and stood up, holding out my hand for her to take as she joined me.

"I know, quit reminding me" I said, walking out of the room with her. We walked into the kitchen where the boys were crowded around a table with a few soldiers. Liv looked as confused as I was and Alejandro's face dropped when he saw me. He fumbled to switch his phone off quickly and put it in his pocket.

"What happened?" I said, but all the soldiers started to disperse when I walked over to them. Kairi looked between me and Alejandro, also nervous which only annoyed me more.

"Show me your phone" I said, holding my hand out. Alejandro looked at Kairi who sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He took out his phone and handed it to me. There was a video sent from an unknown number. I hated shit like this.

"Play it" Liv said. My finger hovered above the play button as I shook my head slowly. Liv sighed and took the phone from me, playing the video.

I stood beside her as Maria's bitch face appeared on the screen. She smiled and waved at the camera as she walked down a long corridor. She had bruises on her face which I assumed were from the previous shootout.

"So I made a new friend" she said, her voice was sinister. I noticed Liv's breathing rate increase as a loud voice interrupted Maria in the video.

"Maria Petrovas!"

Maria's face went white as if she'd seen a ghost when she heard the voice. I recognised it immediately.

It was the voice of Dmitri Petrovas. Maria's father. He was the Capo of Nikolai 19 at the same time of my Dad being the Capo of NJ13. They both handed the reigns down to Maria and I at the same time also. They despised each other.

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