Never Underestimate A Woman With A Gun

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"It says she's on a plane" said Kairi.

"A fucking plane?" I repeated, rushing over to see his laptop. We'd tracked Liv's phone and it was worse than any of us had thought.

"What the fuck is she doing?" asked Alejandro. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to remember that guys' face in the car. I fucking knew him.

"You're sure it wasn't Hector?" asked Kairi.

"It wasn't Hector!" I snapped "Hector was shot in the chest like Mar, he had a scar on his left cheek"

"What was that other guy called? The one she worked with?" said Alejandro, closing his eyes as he tried to remember.

"Luis?" Kairi said.

"No fucking way" I said, trying to piece everything together, it definitely was him. 

"Do these bastards not die?" I said, realising myself that Luis was the one in the car. Alejandro and Kairi both shook their heads simultaneously.

"Where's the plane going to?" I asked. Kairi looked back at the laptop and his eyes turned wide.

"Spit it the fuck out" I said, becoming impatient. He stayed silent and looked at me. Alejandro rolled his eyes and took the laptop in his own hands, but his face dropped too.

"They're going to Russia"

"Where Nikolai 19 is located" added Kairi. I felt my stomach twist. This was going to end badly no matter what we tried to do.

"We have to go" said Alejandro, closing the laptop and standing up.

"No, intervening with both of them could result in a full blown war" I said, sitting on the bed.

"Mattia, they could kill her, this is two extremely dangerous mafias" argued Alejandro. I sighed and gave in. We really had no other choice.

"Fine, we'll leave in the morning"

I buried my head in my hands. All I could think about was Liv, I never should've let her get in that car. This could've been stopped if I'd have just said something. 


I looked out the window and watched as the buildings became smaller and smaller. I held my breath as I felt Luis approaching me and kept my eyes on the clouds.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly moved away, unfortunately looking him in the eyes.

"There's nowhere for you to run to, you might as well give in" he said, moving his hand towards my face. I pressed my lips together and pushed his hand away. He studied me for a second before taking ahold of my chin and forcefully lifting me out of my seat so I was face to face with him.

"Get the fuck away" I said, pushing him back towards the seat. He became mad within a matter of seconds and swung for me, but I ducked in time, only making him angrier. He caught me off guard seconds later though, placing both hands around my neck and backing me up against the side of the plane. I gasped for air, scratching his hands as hard as I could. But all that did was make him press harder on me.

"Stop fucking around, West" he said through clenched teeth. I found the strength to lift up my knee and get him where it hurt most. He immediately let go and stumbled backwards, then it was his turn to gasp for air.

"Adam!" he shrieked, collapsing into the seat. One of the soldiers appeared from behind the curtain and looked at us both. Luis pointed a gnarly finger at me and the soldier started walking towards me.

"Don't you fucking dare" I said, backing up. He kept moving towards me and I waited till he was close enough and reached back and slapped him as hard as I could. He stopped for a second and held his cheek in pain. I took the opportunity and ran into the cockpit, there was only one pilot.

"You're not allowed to be-"

"Fly to England" I interrupted. He looked at me in confusion and then back at the navigation.

"That's not what Luis-"

"Luis changed his mind, he told me to tell you"

The pilot shrugged his shoulders and changed the route. I thanked him and saw a handgun on the seat next to him.

"The boss asked for this too" I said, reaching down and taking it. He nodded and I made my way back. Luis was still in the chair and the soldier had his back to me. I raised the gun and aimed for the back of his head. I felt my hand shaking a little bit and took a few breaths. Get a fucking grip, Liv. I pulled the trigger. Luis screamed as blood went everywhere and the soldier fell forward. He jumped out of the way before he fell and stared down at him in horror.

"Sit the fuck down" I said. He turned to face me and quickly put his hands up when I had the gun aimed at him.

"Calm down, Liv-"

"My name is Olivia, you fucking idiot"

He lowered himself to the ground and I reached into the overhead cabins and found some rope. I threw it at him.

"Are you fucking kidding? You're being stupid"

I pulled the trigger again, but this time the bullet flew through one of the seats, tearing through the leather material. Luis' body flew down to the floor and he quickly grabbed the rope.

"I'm doing it fuck" he said, tying it around his hands. I walked over to him and tied it tighter so there was no way he could get free.

"Who else is on this plane?" I said, standing up.

"Only the pilot left for you to kill" he said sarcastically.

I didn't believe him for a second. I walked to the back and pulled back the curtain to see an empty room with a briefcase next to the bed. I opened it to see at least one million dollars. I closed it again and took it with me to where Luis was.

I took it in my own hands to pour myself a glass of something. I traced my finger across all the wines and champagnes in the rack until I saw a Jack Daniels bottle. I poured a glass for myself and took a seat opposite Luis. I crossed one leg over the other, relaxing in my seat. My eyes travelled to the monitor. It was a satisfying sight, to say the least.


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