Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts

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I couldn't let her dumbass sleep on the couch all night. I walked downstairs and saw her fast asleep in my hoodie. She looked pretty when she wasn't yelling at me. I mean, she was hot when she was mad too, don't get me wrong, this girl couldn't look ugly even if she tried.

"What do you want" she mumbled, her head was in the pillow so her words were muffled.

"I don't want you sleeping on the couch" I said, sliding my hands under her back. I picked her up but she tried to fight me. I rolled my eyes and held her bridal style.

"Are you seriously going to fight me on this?" I asked her. She had a sleepy smile on her face and kept her eyes closed, nodding her head childishly.

"I love fighting with you" she smirked, playfully punching my chest. I laughed quietly at how strange she was acting and leaned down to get her phone, slipping it into my pocket. Just as I stood back up, I noticed a bottle of white wine, completely empty.

"Oh my god, you're drunk" I sighed, walking out of the living room.

"How else was I meant to drown my sorrows?" she said, giggling to herself. I looked down at her hopelessly and shook my head.

"You're an idiot" I said, walking upstairs. She smiled and took a deep breath, letting her hands fall flat on her stomach as I entered my room.

"I'm your favourite idiot, though" she yawned.

"That you are" I sighed, putting her phone on charge. I leaned down and brushed her hair away from her face, gently kissing her forehead as she stirred in her sleep. I stood up and turned to leave the room but she reached out and held onto my hand tightly.

"Stay" she said, her eyes flickering open.

"You're drunk, Liv" I said quietly, pulling my hand free.

"Mattia quit being an asshole" she whined, starting to sit up in bed. I facepalmed and placed my hands on her shoulders, slowly pushing her down again.

"Okay okay, let me get you water first" I said. She gave me an innocent smile and covered herself up in the duvet. I can't even be mad at her. I left the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the door and got a glass, filling it up with water and returning upstairs. I entered my room and placed it on the nightstand beside Liv.

"This kinda shit never ends well" I said to myself, getting into bed next to her. She laughed quietly and draped an arm over my chest as she lied on her stomach. I tensed up at first but then tried to relax.

"Get your arm off me, Liv" I said, but she furrowed her eyebrows at me, keeping her eyes closed.

"Shut up and let me cuddle" she huffed, climbing on top of me and laying on my chest. I smiled down at her and gently moved her arms on my chest so she was in a more comfortable position.

"Why can't you always be this nice to me?" I sulked, wrapping my arms around her.

"Cause I love you" she mumbled. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head at her. I kinda wished she wouldn't forget about this in the morning.

"You don't mean that" I said, hoping she'd go on.

"Nopeee" she said "I mean it, Mattia"

"I love you too much to hurt you, that's why I don't want to date you, I can't lose you" she said, her voice becoming slower as she fell asleep.

"You won't ever lose me, Liv" I whispered, caressing her cheek with my finger. Her skin was soft against mine and she gave me a smile before drifting off to sleep. I stared at her in silence, admiring her features as she slept. I didn't know whether she'd meant to tell me what she did just then. But it was exactly what I'd wanted to hear.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and noticed numerous texts from Kairi. We had a weird habit of texting each other when we were in the same house. But these texts were alarming.

Kai: Ring me

Kai: Something happened

Kai: Maria's in Jersey, and she's out for blood

My eyes widened and I looked down at Liv who was sound asleep. I didn't want to move since she'd wake up, but at the same time I wanted to get Liv away from our house since this was the first place Maria would come to. Especially if she was with Luis.

Kai: She sent me this

I opened the video and it was of Kian tied to a metal chair. There was a blindfold over his eye but I assumed he was passed out because of how lifeless his body was. But the bruises on his cheekbones and arms added a lot more problems.

Me: I didn't even know the guy, he can die

Kai: But Liv did

Me: You don't even like Liv

Kai: But you do, and if you let him die and she finds out, she'll cut you off for good

He had a point. I sighed and glanced at Liv. I couldn't risk losing her again. But at the same time I wanted Kian out the picture. I gently lifted her up and laid her down on the sheets, pulling the sheets over her.

Me: Meet me out front in 10, get a location on Maria

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