It's Not That Simple

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"Food's here!" shouted Alejandro from downstairs. I went down, taking a seat at the table as he passed me my food. Liv walked in, avoiding eye contact with me, it didn't take a genius to figure out why. Alejandro looked at her and held up two takeaway boxes.

"Hey Liv, do you want the chicken or-"

She grabbed a bottle of water and walked back out of the kitchen. I felt guilt sink into me when I heard the guest room door close.

"Cold" mumbled Kairi, taking a bite out of his burger. I glared at him as I put my fork down and went to get some food from the bags. Without saying anything to the boys, I left the kitchen and headed upstairs. I didn't bother knocking on the door and walked inside to see Liv on her phone.

"Get out"

"Not till you eat something"

She sat up, flicked the box open, picked out a fry and put it in her mouth.

"There, now leave"

"Liv" I sighed, placing the food on the nightstand.

"I get you're mad at me-"

"Honestly" she said, putting her hand up at me "I just wanna sleep right now"

"Great, so do I" I said. She looked at me in confusion as I reached down and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. She immediately started kicking me but I held onto her legs tightly as I walked across the landing to my room.

"I despise you" she said, giving up as I threw her down onto my bed. I gave her a smile as I took my shirt off.

"And I despise sleeping alone" I said, imitating her voice as I pulled the covers back. She reached behind her and picked up two spare pillows, placing them between us.

"What are you doing now?" I asked.

"This is my side and that's yours" she said sternly, turning with her back towards me.

"Whatever" I said, turning the light out. Before I knew it, she was sound asleep. I threw the red pillows and onto the floor and moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her waist. She stirred in her sleep, and I saw her look down at my arm. But she didn't say anything apart from roll her eyes.

We were going to be fine.


I felt his hand snake around my waist and didn't bother to say anything. I felt my eyes heat up and quickly blinked away the tears, hoping not to wake him up. But I felt him reach over me and turn on the light.

"Liv?" he whispered, placing his hand on my hip and turning me towards him.

"Do you mind?" I sniffed, pushing his hands away.

"Why are you crying?" he said, sitting up. I rolled my eyes and wiped my eyes quickly, putting my head under the pillow.

"Olivia" he sighed, moving the pillow.

"What? Let me cry in peace" I pouted, sitting up. He laughed softly and wiped my tears away.

"We both know I can't do that, now tell me what's wrong already" he said.

"If one of us ends up hurting the other, then where do we go from there?" I said, folding my arms and leaning against the headboard. Mattia furrowed his eyebrows at my question. But I wanted answers.

"I'm not planning on hurting you though" he said.

"Okay but would we break up? Cause I'd have to be your girlfriend for that to happen" I said, slightly annoyed with the way he dodged my question.

"Oh my god, this again" he groaned, leaning backwards and squeezing his eyes shut.

"I need reassurance!" I exclaimed "I need to know that you're serious about us cause otherwise there's just no point"

"Okay okay" he said, wrapping an arm around me as I felt my eyes heating up again.

"Mattia, this is scary enough as it is and I'm not about to be in a one sided relationship-"

"I'll sort it out, just stop working yourself up about it" he said, running a hand through my hair.

I'd never felt so understood and misunderstood at the same time. I'd never wanted to be with someone so badly yet have absolutely nothing to do with them at the same time.

But I guess that's all part of this idea we call 'love'.

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