A Special Visit

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"I have places to be" said Maria, standing up. Giancomo stood up too, a desperate look on his face.

"No, we need a date-"

"Leave it, Dad" said Mattia, rolling his eyes. Giancomo turned to face us, his jaw clenched.

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed, causing me to jump. Mattia was taken aback by his sudden outburst, so were the boys. I looked at Maria who was slowly making her way back to her seat.

"You have no fucking idea how to run this mafia!" he continued, spit spraying out of his mouth as he yelled at us.

"I'm doing you a favour" he said, gesturing at Maria who raised her eyebrows and smiled to herself. Mattia scoffed and patted my thigh, indicating that we were leaving. I stood up and he took my hand, looking at Alejandro and Kairi.

"I don't need this" he said, walking towards the exit. I heard Giancomo calling him several names as we walked out, but Mattia didn't turn around to give a responce, instead he pressed his lips together, tightening his grip on my hand as we approached the car. I chose staying quiet would probably be the best thing right now.

"Now what?" said Kairi as we all piled into the car. Mattia and I got into the backseats, Kairi and Alejandro in the front. Mattia sighed and tilted his head backwards, closing his eyes.

"Just drive as far away from here" I said, wrapping an arm around Mattia's neck and guiding his head down to my lap. Kairi nodded and started the car, I'd noticed he wasn't as rude with me anymore. I ran my fingers through Mattia's messy hair as his breathing became heavier.

"Kairi, can you actually drop me off at my place?" I asked quickly.

"Fine" he said. I figured it would've been best to let Mattia have some space tonight after what went down with Maria. His head was probably all over the place and he was clearly exhausted with it all.

"Are you good?" asked Alejandro, glancing at me through the rear view mirror. I nodded, giving him a small smile. We pulled up to my house quick enough and I gently patted Mattia's shoulder.

"Five more minutes" he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. I sighed and carefully lifted his head up, sliding my legs out from underneath.

"What's going on?" he said, his eyes snapping open as if he was awake the whole ride home.

"I'm going home" I said. He took ahold of my hand and started getting out too.

"No" I said, laughing to myself "just me"

"What? Why? I wanna stay with you" he whined. I smiled and looked at the boys who were making gagging faces at us.

"I'm gonna spend time with Mom and Dad" I said. Mattia frowned at me but nodded his head.

"Fine, ring me if you need anything" he said, leaning over and kissing my lips softly. I smiled as I kissed him back and got out the car, shouting my goodbyes to the boys. They drove off quick enough and I walked over to my front door.

I walked inside and called for Mom and Dad but there was no answer. I made my way to the kitchen where there was a note next to the stove.

We'll be home soon, dinner is in the fridge.

I frowned at the note, the handwriting was unfamiliar. I looked around cautiously, taking the pocketknife out of my suit pocket. But before I had a look around the house, I checked the fridge and it was just as I'd thought. No food.

"Come on out, Maria" I shouted, looking around the kitchen as I made my way out. There was no reply. I looked up and saw my bedroom door open.

"I'm so tired" I shouted, untying my hair as I made my way up to my room. I felt my hair hit my shoulders and took a few deep breaths to steady myself for whatever was in there.

"Cant we do this another day?" I said, walking into my room. But my eyes went wide when Giancomo was there instead.

"What are you-"

Before I could finish my sentence I felt a blade connect with my left shoulder, throwing me off completely.

"Fuck!" I yelled, grabbing the small knife and pulling it out of my shoulder. Luckily it wasn't a deep cut. I turned around, holding my shoulder to see Maria with a wide smile on her face.

"Fuck you!" I shouted, pulling my knife out and dragging it through her skin. I didn't cause as much damage as I wanted to cause the gun clicking behind me diverted my attention. I turned to see Giancomo, aiming his gun at me. I shook my head and dropped the knife, raising my hands.

"You wouldn't fucking shoot me" I said, watching Maria stand by his side. They both made me sick to my stomach.

"But I would" said Maria. Giancomo handed her a set of car keys, keeping his gun raised.

"Go wait in the car, thank you for the assistance"

She took the keys and skipped out of the room, flashing me a grin as she passed me. I held my breath as my hands started shaking with anger. Giancomo waited for the front door to slam before slowly lowering his gun.

"What the fuck-"

"This is your final warning" he said, his voice low and serious.

"Maria and Mattia will be getting married in exactly one week, whether you like it or not. The wedding will have the most security and if you are seen at that church, I will personally kill you with my bare hands"

I nodded my head, placing my hand in front of my mouth as I yawned loudly. Giancomo narrowed his eyes at me, tilting his head.

"What?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders "am I meant to be threatened?"

His nostrils flared as he walked towards the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob and flung the door open, letting it hit my wall, causing a dent.

"So now you're destroying my property?" I said, folding my arms.

"Stay the fuck away from my son, West"

"Or what?"

He fired a blank at the carpet. The bang made my ears pop and I jumped back, only to sigh in frustration when no bullet left the gun. Giancomo nodded at the smoke before looking back at me.

"If you know what's best for you, you'll stay away"

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