Until We Meet Again

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"How long till we land?" I asked the pilot.

"2 hours, Sir" he replied quickly. I sighed impatiently and made my way back to the cabin. Alejandro and Kairi were the only ones with me on the jet, the rest of the soldiers were following in their own private planes. Kairi cursed under his breath and slammed his laptop shut.

"What?" I asked, taking it from him and opening it again.

"We lost her phone signal" he said. I frantically clicked on multiple links, trying to reach her again but it was no use, they all kept taking me back to square one. I gave up and handed the laptop back to him.

"Just try calling her when we land" suggested Alejandro. I shook my head and took out my phone.

"No point, we'll know if they got there cause their planes will be parked there" I said "I just hope she's alright"

"She'll be fine, quit worrying so much" said Kairi.

"What is up your ass? You never liked her" said Alejandro. I poured myself a glass of scotch took a seat whilst they argued. I was worried for Liv. She was on her own and up against Luis and the rest of Diaz Cartel. I couldn't even imagine what she was going through.


"It's fun being the boss around here" I grinned, pouring myself another glass of pure whiskey. I looked at the other bottles and noticed an expensive bottle of scotch. Mattia's face appeared in my head and I felt myself frowning. But he would've turned up by now. Fuck it. Fuck him.

"Can I have a glass?" asked Luis. I turned around to see his pathetic self sitting in the corner. I remembered back to the night in office when he'd slapped me. It still stung.

"Sure" I smiled, reaching for a glass "what takes your fancy?"

"A white wine would be great, thanks"

I poured it to the top of the glass and walked over to him. He raised his hands to get it, but I poured the glass over his head, watching it drench his clothes and hair.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he shouted, looking at his clothes. I pretended to be shocked and placed my hand over my mouth.

"Oh well" I said, walking back over to my seat. I looked back at the monitor and saw we were landing in a half hour. Luis saw too and looked at me desperately.

"Please, just let me sit on the chair, I'll fall forwards into the cockpit if I don't" he pleaded. I thought about it as I heard the Captain's voice on the tannoy.

"We are beginning our descent"

I smiled and sat back, closing my eyes.

"Olivia, please!" Luis shrieked, it was almost as if he was about to cry. I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out my AirPods.

"I'm serious!" he yelled. I looked at him and pointed at my AirPods.

"Have you seen the noise cancellation feature on these? It's amazing" I said, placing them in my ears. I couldn't hear him once the music had started, I could only see his red face.


I placed my AirPods in my pocket once we were safely in England. Luis had several bruises around his head from where he'd hit it on the sides of the plane during our descent. He glared at me as I picked up the briefcase and walked into the cockpit.

"For your troubles" I said, handing it to the pilot. He looked at me in confusion as he opened the briefcase, but his eyes went wide with surprise.

"I can't accept this sum of money, Miss" he said quickly, but his eyes hadn't left the dollar notes.

"Sure you can" I said, walking back to open the side door. I picked up the gun and took a bottle of whiskey with me as I walked towards the stairs.

"Get up, bitch" I said, purposely hitting the gun against Luis' head. He groaned in pain but stood up.

I watched as the rest of the soldiers filed out of their planes. I put my hands behind my back and smiled innocently when they saw Luis by my side. Most of them were confused, the rest looked almost relieved.

"I told you he wouldn't survive that flight" one of them said. They started laughing and I looked at Luis who was giving them death stares.

"I'm your new leader" I said loudly, they looked at me as if I was joking.

"You're a woman" one of them said. I looked at him as the other around him started laughing. Without saying anything else, I aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew through the air and flew into the centre of his forehead. I was getting good at this. One of the soldiers grabbed his body but dropped it instantly. I looked at them all and smiled.

"Anyone else want a hole in their head?"

They all became serious and moved closer to each other, some of them trying to hide behind.

"No? I didn't think so" I said, lowering the gun "I'm not really about to lead a fucking Mafia you gullible idiots"

"Then what are we doing here?" one of them asked. I turned to look at him and he quickly looked at the ground and braced himself. I laughed quietly before answering his question.

"You're all dismissed, go get a new job, I don't care"

They all started to walk away but I forgot one thing. I put two fingers between my lips and whistled loudly to get their attention again.

"And leave your weapons in that jet, then you can all get out my sight" I said, pointing towards my new private plane.


"I'm so confused, where the fuck is their plane?" I said, looking around at all the aircrafts. We'd landed an hour ago and still hadn't seen anyone.

"I don't know, but it's fucking cold here" said Kairi, hugging himself. I ignore him and started calling Liv.


"Liv! Where are you?" I said, relieved to finally hear her voice.

"England, you?"

My mouth dropped open. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that she was a thousand miles away, or the fact that she was acting like this was a normal conversation.

"But the tracker said Russia-"

"You're tracking me? That's creep shit, even for you Mattia" she said, she said, becoming offended. I stuttered, trying to speak but I was too in shock.

"I- who- why are you in England!?" I said, lowering myself to the ground as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Cause Luis tried to get me to Russia, why the fuck are you there?"

"I came to save you!" I said hysterically, as if that wasn't already as clear as day.

"Save me?" she said, starting to laugh "I don't need saving, I'm good on my own"

"I guess you are" I sighed, Alejandro and Kairi were making their way towards me, both eager to hear what was going on.

"Anyway, I'm going shopping with Luis, I'll see you when we're back in Jersey" she said, cutting the call. I looked at my phone, gobsmacked.

"Well, what did she say?" said Alejandro. I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea"

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