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I opened my eyes to see Mattia lying next to me, his hair partly covering his eyes as he lay fast asleep. I reached over and brushed it away from his face, admiring him for a second before he'd wake up and everything would go back to normal. Just those few seconds of complete peace were everything for me.

"Are you done staring?" he mumbled, a small smirk spreading across his face. I rolled my eyes and turned onto my back, turning on my phone.

"Let's go to your place" I said, feeling his arms make their way around my stomach.

"I can't, baby" he sighed, leaning his head on my shoulder "I have a fucking mission I need to be at in like an hour"

"We should get ready then" I said, getting out of bed. But he reached up and pulled me back down onto the bed. I looked at him in annoyance and he shook his head, I should've seen this coming.

"You're not coming with me" he said. I placed my hand in front of my mouth, pretending to be shocked and offended.

"What happened to 'I need you, Liv'" I said, mocking his tone. He fought a smile off and leaned over me, his golden chains dangling in front of my face.

"I still do need you, which is why I'm not putting you in stupid situations that'll get you killed"

"Then why would you go?" I whined, pushing him off me. He held onto my wrists and pulled me towards him when I tried to get away from him.

"Cause I run a Mafia, did I forget to mention that?"

He spoke in a sarcastic tone that only made me more irritated. But I decided to let it go if it bothered him that much.

"Fine" I said, pulling away and going to my wardrobe. He watched me go before pulling his vest back on and standing up.

"What's the mission about?" I asked, pulling out my blue cropped hoodie and a pair of sweats.

"We're going back to that building, hopefully something there might give us a lead on how we can successfully take over Nikolai 19 and overthrow Maria"

But I'd stopped listening as soon as he mentioned going back to the building.

"Mattia, it's not safe there" I said.

"I knew you'd say that, but don't worry I've got plenty of soldiers and Kairi will be with me-"

"No you're not going" I said, shrugging my shoulders. Mattia narrowed his eyes at me as if I was talking French.

"What do you mean-"

"You killed Maria's Dad less than 24 hours ago, you really think going back there is a good idea?"

"We have to!" he said, his tone getting louder. I sucked my teeth and shook my head at him. Anytime I tried to get anything valid across to him, it always ended in a screaming match.

"Whatever" I mumbled "I'm not talking to you if you're just going to yell at me all the time"

"Fine" he said, walking back over to the window.

"I have a front door, Mattia"

"I know, your point being?" he said, keeping his back to me and opening the window. I rolled my eyes for what felt like the tenth time this morning and walked out of my room.


I quickly made my way back to my house and got changed into a black polo with black jeans. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my bulletproof vest. I sighed as I put it over my head, glancing at myself in the mirror. Being with Liv gave me some kind of normality, it gave me an escape from this toxic kinda lifestyle.

"Are you ready?"

I looked at my door and Dad standing there, also ready. I nodded, picking up my phone before I left the room. There was a message from Liv.

Please come home safe.

I smiled to myself as I walked out the front door. Our arguments were pointless with no actual reasoning behind them, but they made messages like that even more special.

"Now about this Olivia situation" said Dad as he started the engine. I let out a sigh and glanced back at Kairi who had the same expression on his face.

"My love life and the Mafia life are two different things" I said, but Dad held his hand out.

"That's where you're wrong" he said, waving his hand at me so I'd stay quiet.

"My plan is-"

"The plan you haven't even discussed with me?" I said, interrupting him "you know, in case you forgot, I'm in charge of NJ13, it's not down to you anymore"

"Is he always this fucking annoying?" said Dad, looking at Kairi who shrugged his shoulders quickly.

"I didn't run it by you because you'd reject it" he said, rubbing the side of his head.

"Then we're not doing it"

"Just hear me out!" he shouted. I took a sharp intake of breath and began to realise why Liv had gotten annoyed with me back at the house when I unnecessarily raised my voice. My Dad had an angry look on his face as he used one hand for the wheel and made angry gestures with the other whilst he spoke to me.

The apple never fell far from the tree.

"Fine" I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"If you marry Maria-"

"What!?" Kairi and I both yelled at the same time. Dad had a grin on his face but laughing was by far the last thing on my mind in this moment.

"Listen, if you marry her, we can join forces and don't have to take it to violence"

"Are you insane?" I said, glaring at him. But he casually shrugged his shoulders, keeping his attention towards the traffic ahead.

"Aren't you willing to do whatever it takes to protect your mafia?

A/N: y'all I'm becoming forgetful af bc I'm working on two books atm, but tell me, did I actually kill off Liv's Dad, BC I CANT REMEMBER DOING THAT😭

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