Look For Me

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I pushed my way through the crowd, spotting Lola in the kitchen. I walked over to her as I took a glass of champagne from a waiter.

"Hey baby" she said, wrapping her arm around my waist. I ignored her and downed the alcohol in one. I could see her starting at me through the corner of my eye but tried to focus on something else.

"Babe" she said, a little louder. I wiped my mouth and looked down at her, reluctantly wrapping an arm around her. I watched her smile with satisfaction, just as Alejandro ran over to us.

"Have you seen Olivia anywhere?" he shouted over the music. I furrowed my brows as he started to panic.

"No, bye" said Lola, dragging me away from him. I pressed my lips together, locking eyes with the ground as we walked away. I tried not to feel guilty for leaving Alejandro but I figured Liv would be fine. We made our way into the living room where most of the party was.


I flipped Mattia off as he walked away with Lola on his arm. I ran a shaky hand through my hair as Kairi walked into the kitchen with another drink in his hand.

"What happened now?" he said. I explained everything and watched as his tipsy expression turned to panic, just like mine.

"It's Mar" he said bluntly "why the fuck else would he come to the party?"

We both ran upstairs and saw everything we were dreading. The boot footprints in the carpet, the marks on the door, and the smell of petroleum in the room. I immediately closed the door and started coughing as Kairi told everyone to leave the house.

"Party's over" he yelled, pointing towards the exit. Mattia and Lola came out to see what all the commotion was about.

"What the fuck? You can't shut down my party" she snapped at Kairi. He rolled his eyes at her, placing his drink on one of the waiters trays.

"Shut up" he said, going to close the front doors. Lola became outraged and turned to Mattia.

"Are you seriously letting him talk to me like that?"

"Go to our room, I'll meet you there soon" he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"That's disgusting" said Kairi. I made my way downstairs as Lola childishly stomped up the stairs. Kairi folded his arms and shook his head at Mattia.

"At some point you'll have to tell her you run a mafia" he said. Mattia waved the thought away and looked at me.

"Mar has her" I said quickly. I wasn't sure at first, but Kairi was right. There was no other good reason for Mar to be at the party. He knew Olivia would be here and took the perfect opportunity.

Mattia leaned on the doorframe, his hands forming into fists. He would show a whole new level of anger anyone mentioned that name.

"I fucking hate him" he said, getting a jacket "where's their spot?"

I looked at Kairi who shrugged his shoulders nervously, instead he grabbed his keys and left the house.

"Where is it, Alé?" he asked again, walking over to the front door. Before the party had started, we had a gut feeling Mar would turn up, so Mattia had asked me to locate their hideout so we'd have the precise location. But I was distracted with Olivia and I'd never actually found it.

"I don't know" I said quietly. Mattia stared at me, taking a deep breath, his nostrils flared.

"You're staying here"

My head snapped up as he started walking towards the door. But I stood in front of him, blocking the exit.

"How can I not go? That's my girl"

"It's because of you that we don't know where your fucking girl is" Mattia said, jabbing his finger into my chest. I wanted to say something back but I was too disappointed in myself. He was right.

"What did you think would happen?" he shouted "of course he'd fucking turn up and for all we know he could be out of the country by now"

I sighed and moved out the way. Mattia walked out, slamming the door behind him.


I woke up and slowly adjusted my eyesight to my surroundings. I was lying on the floor and tried to sit up but my whole body hurt. I looked down and saw bruises on my arms and chest. I recognised the room I was sat in, and everything that happened in the past 2 hours came rushing back. I tried to move but my hands were tied together, as well as there being a piece of cloth stuffed into my mouth.

"Look who's awake"

I rolled my eyes as Mar walked into the study. He was dressed in a white suit this time, I noticed a new gold watch on his left wrist as he walked towards me.

"Those bruises really bring out your eyes" he smirked, looking down on me. I spat the cloth out of my mouth and it landed directly onto his shoes. I saw him inhale sharply, looking at the wet marks on his loafers.

"My bad"

Ignoring me, he walked over to his desk, giving me a chance to look around the room. Living with Mar for years may have been hell, but it meant I knew where he kept all his weapons. But the cabinet needed a key, and only Mar and his soldiers had keys.

I turned around and looked outside the door to see two soldiers stood outside. One of them caught my eye, looking me up and down. I held back my vomit and instead winked at him, getting his attention. He raised an eyebrow and kept his eyes on me, but both of us knew nothing was happening until Mar left the room. I nodded towards Mar and he nodded subtly, dismissing the other soldier.

"Sir" he said, knocking on the door. Mar glanced at me before inviting him in.

"You've got a Class A delivery to pick up from the docks in ten minutes"

"What? I don't remember.."

Mar shot him a confused expression before looking through his papers quickly. The soldier turned to face me and winked causing my stomach to knot. But I gave him a wide smile so he wouldn't catch me out.

"That delivery comes next week" said Mar. But the soldier shook his head confidently.

"It came early, sir"

Mar nodded and stood up, putting his jacket on.

"Watch her" he ordered, before leaving the room.

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