Embracing Self(23)

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Long Chapter Warning!

(Adrian's POV)

Katsuki and I both walked into the cafeteria, his hand gripped on mine firmly. "You okay?" I asked, he had his usual adorable scowl when he nodded.

"Let's show those extras that we are something they can't hope to reach" I laughed at his attitude. Katsuki will always be competitive, even when it comes to relationships it seems.

We both got some food and wandered towards a table. We found an empty spot, starting eat, while talking. Katsuki was a bit awkward, but I didn't blame him.

This was the first day he and I were showing what we were to each other. It made me happy to see that he was really trying. "...So then I sa-" I kissed him, he reciprocated, awkwardly. When I pulled away, he was slightly dazed. "W-What was that f-for?"

I smiled at his stiff behaviour. I placed my hand in his, "I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you", his gaze softened.

He gained a smirk, when he opened his mouth to say something, but then we heard, "HEY GUYS! MIND IF WE JOIN!" Mina cheered, obviously not asking a question.

Katsuki instantly lost his smile, basically retreating behind his mental walls. I frowned, before putting on a smile.

Pikachu, Kirishima, Tape Arms and Mina joined the table.

Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari all had their real, over the top smiles. But Sero seemed...uncomfortable.

"So! Are you 2 really a thing? Or is Kirishima and Mina pulling my leg?" Kaminari cheerfully asked, with a hint of nervousness. I guess he didn't want to wake the bull, that is my boyfriend.

"You got a problem with that? Huh...Pikachu!?" Katsuki glared, the lightning quirk user's next few words determined his fate.

Kaminari got frightened and waved his arms around in defence. "No! No! I was just curious! I'm happy for you guys!" Kaminari defended.

"Well...Uh... Thanks. It means a lot" I kindly assured, comfortably holding Katsuki's hand.

"Okay. Now for the important stuff" Mina exclaimed, her gaze was serious. "Who asked first? Who planned the first date? Have you guys dropped the 'L' bomb? Come on! Tell me everything!" Mina begged, having to be held back by Kirishima on the oppisite side of the table.

I let out a short chuckle, as Katsuki glared. "None of your damn business Raccoon Eyes" I tapped Katsuki on the shoulder, as a form of scolding.

"Oh man... At least answer one" she begged once more. I sighed, looking at Katsuki. I gestured to our friends, not that he would admit they were.

"I planned our stupid fucking date. Now buzz off pest" He growled in annoyance. He wasn't all comfortable with the questions.

Everyone was dumbfounded. "W-Was it a g-good date?" I grinned at the memory. The cafè, the movie, the making out on the couch. "I think that's our answer" Kirishima pointed out.

I then noticed I was grinning madly and had a distinct blush. "Oh course it was great. I'm fucking amazing!" Katsu argued. "Sure you are..." Sero bluntly stated.

"What's up Sero?" Kaminari questioned. "Nothing..."

Gee... You're such a wonderful liar... I totally have no sarcasm when I say this. But Sero is the true Houdini of lying...

"That's really convincing. Seriously... What's up?" I asked with curious eyes. "A-Are you sure? I mean about somebody like Bakugo?" He whispered quietly, making sure only I could hear.

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now