Connected Through Time...

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(Adrian's POV: Moments Earlier)

After the movie, which was The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Katsuki and I both got ready for bed. "Y'know... That one wasn't half bad... For a nerd movie that is" He said with a smug smirk. I honestly could give him anything he wanted right now. I know he doesn't like those movies but he watched them to get my mind off of tonight. 

There is somebody out there who can use all my powers... Plus other's... I closed my eyes to take a breath but a flash of a massive serpant shadow entered my mind. Why am I thinking of these things? I walked out towards the bed in Katsuki's room. He slipped under the covers and Katsuki wrapped his arms around me, refusing to let go. 

With a short kiss, I sighed with content. "G'night, babe..." I yamned. "Night..." Sleep came quickly, almost too quickly...

I saw a man, white hair, blue eyes. His face contorted in fear and agony as my very hand dug deep into his spinal column... The man wasn't able to made a peep, like his pain was beyond physical limits. "Not this time..." The person I was seeing through said. With a repeated  knock on an apartment door, it eventually opened. 

It was Ash...

He looked shocked to see a man fall to his feet in a bloody mess, but he didn't scream. That's when I stepped out, my vision gazed upon Ash, who was an inch shorter than my current form. They conversed until the words of my form spoke, "I'm quite hurt that you don't recognise me..." The rest of the sentence was muffled but I was able to make out the word, family...

My vision went blank and then I was in a different position. Holding Kana by the throat, "Let her go!..." Ash growled with red eyes. "There he is... Long time no see... Smog..." What did he just say? My brother tensed up and glared at the form a I took. 

In an instant, I was in Ash's face, my fist clocked him on the side of the head. The battle ensued as we were locked in a hand to hand fist fight. Ash had so much technique and speed. Just like Smog. How come he never told me?... Does Dad know?...

The fight slowed as I stomped on Ash's leg the bone snapped under my shoes. His scream was peircing as I heard every little fragment of agony. "Kana... Stay out of this..." He muttered weakly. My response was muffled. 

With one kick, Ash was kicked across the room, thrown through the glass window and over the balcony. "Ash!" Kana yelled in worried, "Stay out of this... Or I'll do more then have a talk" With a flash of light, I was outside, slamming my foot into the side of Ash's head. His blood splatter on the road. 

There was a pop from Ash's knee as he spun around and kicked me in the face. I felt the pain, it fucking burned. I was quick to look back, like it didn't hurt. I got hit with two jabs and when Ash jumped for an overhead. Smoky shadow came from my hands as I grasped Ash's neck and attacking wrist. 

In one swift motion, Ash was driven into the pavement. 

"You... You have my...."

"Yes... I have all your brother's, sister's, your's, your father's, your mother's, your grandfather's, your grandmother's and so much more... I have all your aspects" My form leaned closer, still tightly holding Ash's neck. "That's because I've met all those people... Because I've copied all their aspects... Well, except one..." 

Ash squrimed under me, "Impossible...Only Adrian has that aspect..." He seethed with red rage. "True... Only we have that aspect..." What the hell? What does he mean by we?  "Five years...Been a long time since I've seen you..." The was a high pitched sound in the void I stood in. I looked back to see something within the shadow. 

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now