Festival Setup...

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The class was inside a massive warehouse where we would be performing the concert. Mina was working for the dance team hard as Jiro and I sat next to each other, looking over our notes. "Wow... Hikaru, these are amazing... Really meaningful" She said as her eyes analyzed my notebook for a song that I was working on. "Uh...Thanks..." I chuckled at her compliment. 

She handed my notebook back and looked at the band, "We need to get them into shape..." She said, looking at Katsuki, Yao-Momo, and Kaminari. I sighed in agreement. "How about we divide and conquer?" I say as I jumped off the oversized amp I was seated on. "Sure..."

"We need to get them in sync but also get Kaminari up to speed with his instrument" I informed while looking at my boyfriend yell at Kaminari for being an idiot. "I'll handle Kaminari. You handle your boyfriend and Yao-Momo" Jiro walked past me and towards Kami. 

I walked up to Katsu and Yao-Momo, "Alright, let's get you guys in sync for the final show..." I said as I strummed my guitar. "What do you mean? We need Kaminari and Jiro" 

"Not to worry... Jiro is getting him up to speed while I give you the music sheets that we're planning on using so far..." I handed printed copies of the songs. "Who wrote what?" Yao-Momo asked. 

I saw Katsuki smirk at the paper, "I know what Coffee Bean wrote..."

"Okay... Let's get to work..."


After about three hours of practice. Kaminari and Jiro joined the party and we continued to jam out for a bit. "Yo! Mina!" I called out. She looked at me with a grin, "Do you want to got through the routine for Jiro's song?"

She clapped in excitement, "Hell Yeah!" 

"Come on guys! We're going through the routine!" She ordered which everyone got lined up as we got into position. The music started with less power than the real thing as we were gonna save some of the wow factor for the festival.


After a long day of practice and band rehearsal, the class had decided to call it a night and we all headed to the dorms. But I had a different idea. I had recently start working out again and that's what I did. 

I completed multiple exercises that lasted for a few hours before I was tired and wanted to sleep for an eternity. When I arrived at the dorms again, I walked into the bathroom and had a refreshing shower. Everything seemed to fitting into place. No issues, no anniying shit that would ruin the fun. We were finally teenagers being teenagers. 


(Katsuki's POV)

It is one week away from the festival and Coffee Bean has been in great spirits. His smile hasn't faltered once and he has been working his amazing ass off for the past month. I'm so proud of him, he needs to know how much I care. 

Fuck... I'm so bad at these sorts of things...

I was currently standing in his room, I laid out a blanket and some popcorn. The TV in his room was on and I picked a slection of movies that he has been trying to get me to watch for the last few months. He's such a fucking nerd when it comes to movies. 

My nerd...

After a long while of me fucking around in his room, I finally had everything set up. I sat on the bed waiting for his arrival, but my head went straight to that fucking prophecy, in the last month we haven't found shit. This cryptic bullshit is getting on my nerves. Stupid fucking Hag with her dumb quirk, she did this. She gave me that prophecy and now I can't get it out of my head. 

Shitty Hair doesn't seem as affected by it. He's probably hiding it well. They haven't hung out for awhile because of the fucking festival. I sighed in frustration as my hands rubbed my face. But the door opened and I shot from the bed and put my mask back on...

Adrian walked inside with an odd look in his eyes, "What's all this?" He asked with a grin. I faintly smiled as I walked up to him. "I... I just thought that I would watch your mega fucking nerdy movies because I guess I fucking love you enough to go through that torture" 

He snickered at my wording, eventually turning inti a laugh. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?" I snapped with a rage filled tongue. He kept laughing, "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!!? FUCK YOU! I'M NOT WATCHING YOUR SHITTY NERD MOVIES!!" I crossed my arms and looked away. 

"Awe... Come on. It was just kind of cute..." I frowned with a deep blush, "Fuck off..." I grumbled. He wrapped his arms around me and smile, "I love you~" He cooed into my ear, his nose brushing across the skin. I moved back but couldn't help the fucking smirk. "Look, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me~" He flashed his puppy dog eyes and I groaned in defeat. 

The only person who can beat me without a fight is Adrian Fucking Hikaru...

We sat down on the blanket, "So... What is the first film, my dashing boyfriend?" He said with a high and mighty tone. I scoffed in amusement, "You really are a fucking nerd" 

"You love me..." He pecked my cheek

Yeah... I do...

"Whatever, Wise-Ass..." I pressed play on the film and I saw Adrian's grin shine from the peripheral of my vision. "So, you're finally gonna watch The Lord of The Rings?" He asked and I sighed, "Yeah, only because you're annoying..." 

He scoffed as he moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me from the side. We laid back, lying down on a blanket and a thick pillow. The move dragged on forever but I didn't mind. The movie wasn't as trash as I thought it would be. But I guess the only reason I could sit here for three hours plus was because Coffee Bean was next to me. 

After the long movie I stood up with energy flowing through me, "There... I watched the fucking movie" I grunted which he deviously smirked, "No... You still have the squeals and the prequels..." 

I glared at him and he laughed. "You little shit!" I playfully yelled as I tackled him to the ground making him giggle as I pinned him to the floor. We wrestled for a few moments, I eventually pinned him to the floor with a victorious smile. My hands held his wrists and my knees were on either side of his lower torso making impossible to escape. 

He grinned as he looked into my eyes, those fucking deep chocolate hazel orbs caught my attention like every time before. "You okay?" He said softly. I didn't respond, only stare. "Katsuki?" He asked again. I took a silent breath and closed my eyes for a moment. 

"The struggle will evolve from an internal conflict, creating an external conflict that will start the fire between sides..."

What is that conflict? What am I going to miss? 

My eyes opened and I leaned in, connecting our lips. His silently moaned into the kiss, I continued to repeat the action, his lips curling into a smile, "Love you" He softly cooed, "I love you too..." 

We continued the gentle make-out session with me sitting on top of him, his shirt was slightly rolled up, revealing his toned abs. He's been working out a lot more and I can definitely see the difference. 

My hands released his wrists and slid down his sides making him shudder slightly. We continued to slowly progress with the kissing, his mouth working wonders as he rolled me to the side and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked into his eyes, his gorgeous fucking eyes. 

What the fuck is going to happen? What obstacle will you have to face?

"We should probably get to bed. We have rehearsal in the morning" He sweetly said as his arms held onto me firmly. "Sure..." I quickly grabbed him, pulling him up, holding him in the air. He laughed lightly as his legs wrapped around my waist and he was held up. "Where to now?"

I smirked as I placed him on the bed and laid next to him. My arms wrapped around him from behind, my head resting on top of his. "Goodnight Hot Stuff" He yawned. I huffed in amusement, "G'night Coffee Bean..." I kissed the top of his head and closed my eyes. 

I wish I didn't...

I was met with the same thing that I have been met with every night when I go to sleep...

The possibility of what's to come...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now