Accepting The Past...

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(Adrian's POV)

It was finally the day. The day I tell Dad everything. My House Arrest ended yesterday and Izuku had one more day to go. That also means that Katsuki had two more days. 

I asked Aizawa if I could have Katsuki with me when I tell him, for support. My biggest fear was really showing. I don't want to hurt him, but I need to accept that I'm not the same person I was over a year ago. I am getting better, but I still see Leo in my head every time I close my eyes. I flinch with almost every touch. It was tiring and I needed help. 

My personal deductive abilities also tell me that Katsuki is still affected, so I convinced him to get some help for it. At least for my sake. I can guess what is wrong with me. I have PTSD from the amount of shit I've been through. I also might have other ailments, but I guess I'll find out within a week.

Katsuki and I stood at the door to the teacher's lounge, we were both stressed and wanted this to be over. I knocked on the door and the living loud speaker opened the door with a cheerful smile. "What's up little Listeners?" He exclaimed. "We're here to see my Dad" I said without energy. 

"YO! HIKARU!! YOUR SON AND HIS FRIEND IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!" The pro screamed, my ears felt like killing themselves. A few moments later and my Dad came into view. He had his kind smile, which I was so scared of ruining. "Hey, Adrian... Good to see you. What do I owe the pleasure?" Her hugged me like it was natural. But I still inwardly flinched. 

"Uh... Hey, Dad... I.. We need to talk... In private..." I saw my Dad frown in concern, he nodded and led us through the room and into the break room. We sat down, the air felt heavy. "So... What is it you want to talk about?" Dad asked. 

I sighed, letting my eyes wander around the room. "First off... This isn't happy or remotely good news..." 

Dad tensed slightly, his eyes brimming with worry. "Tell me... What's wrong" He placed his hand on my knee. I let a shaky breath out. Katsuki squeezed my hand. "Remember when you asked me if there was something wrong?" 

He nodded. 

"Well... I lied. God, I have lied so much..." I took another breath to calm my nerves. "What happened?" 

What do I say? 

I hardened my gaze and looked at him in the eyes. 

And spoke...

I just started from the beginning. 

I started with Mom, her abuse, her death, and what she did. 

Then I moved on with the issues with my powers, how they were always out of control.

After that I moved to the biggest Trauma of all...

Dad listened intently, his mask was slowly cracking with every word. My body was having a meltdown in the room. I kept pushing out more of the past, the torture, what Leo did, how I lost myself to my inner demons. 

The lack of pain I feel...

How broken I am. 

We also moved through Katsuki's trauma, but I could tell he felt bad, I said things that I also hid from him. In the end, I had my Dad on his knees, hugging us both. He kept apologising, which he didn't need to. I hugged him back, my own tears fell. 

As I released the emotion and pain, I felt something within me unlock. Almost like the last time. It was like a weight was lifted. I could breathe. 

After the whole situation, Dad had to centre himself, he was hurt. Not because I lied. Because he failed. 

Recovery Girl was allowed to do some tests. To assess the damage. Katsuki's test was the quickest. But mine was hours long. But Katsuki never left my side. 

The results came back quickly...

Katsuki was diagnosed with PTSD, and short term anxiety...

I was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Multiple Phobias like; Claustrophobia, Haphephobia (Fear of being touched), Somniphobia (Fear of Sleep, only when Alone), Isolophobia (Fear of Being Alone, low level)

My life got harder, but I was told that I have the full support of my Father, Katsuki, The Faculty, and if I deem it necessary, the class. I was also there for Katsuki if he needed me. Something that we could rely on. Because we were both going through it together. 

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now