Ending?... More Like New Beginning...

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(Adrian Hikaru's POV)
Months Later: After The War

The months fly by, that's just what time does. It moves forward. Some are happy to live a new day, some dread it... If you asked me what I want a year ago... I'd give out some shitty one liner about cruisin' for a bruisin' or something stupid.

But now... I want to live... 

Apparently the road doesn't look too good for us. Well, I guess I'll just have to live with that because that's life... That's what happens when you find something to fight for...

That's why I want to live... To fight... To wake up every morning... To be able to see his smile...

My hand brushed away the loose cobwebs and leaves that had built up along the gravestones of my Sister and Mother. The sun shined brightly over the graveyard. Sighing, I stayed crouched as I gave a bittersweet smile. "I'm sorry I haven't really visited recently but I've been trying" 

Taking in a breath through the nose, I looked up across the graveyard. It's been two weeks since Shigaraki and the League of Villain attacked. The confrontation was practically a War. Before that, I fought the hardest battle of my life. 

Myself... Not many can say that in a literal way...

My lips somewhat curled up, "Everyone is okay... My friend Eijirou finally asked out Mina. Ash finally proposed to Kana after The War, he thought it was time for them to take the next step... What else?..." After a moment of thinking, I grinned. "Katsuki and I are finally going to go on that camping trip... We need a break from it all" The wind began to slowly pick up. It's warm embrace a calming sensation. 

"Well, I love you guys and miss you a lot. Just know that I'm okay and you don't have to worry because I'm doin' okay" I crack in my voice escaped but I held together...

"See you all later..." Standing up, I began walking towards the exit of the graveyard. 

I looked back for a moment, grinning before walking away...

As I walked out, I saw him. His Ash-Blonde hair, his ruby orbs, he was looking much better since taking a shot from Shigaraki. I closed the distance, pulling him in for a long kiss as my hands wrapped around his neck. "Ready?" He asked.


We both began walking down the path, our hands in the other. A smile on each of our faces as we weren't just walking to the end of the story... But towards the next chapter that has yet to be told...

I guess I've never been one for goodbyes or endings... I hate them so let's just say...

To Be Continued...


Thank You all for reading the first book of the Trials Trilogy... 

Yes, if you didn't know... This is only the first book of three that I have planned because Adrian's story is far from over... There is still much more to show... I will post a new chapter here when I launch the next book...

The Second Book Will Be Called:

No Rest For The Wicked
(Trial of Limbo)

Completed On The: 2nd of December 2020

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now