Beyond The Veil...

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(The Coordinate's POV)

The endless abyss stretches beyond the limits of sight... Overwhelming my senses... Each step was just another step towards nothing... There are moments when I have a change in heart... Thoughts filter through my head.

Who am I?

How did I get here?

What is here?

The list stretches like this place, a limbo of endless nothingness, where I wander aimlessly through streets, buildings, cities, homes... Places forgotten by me before I arrived. Every step I take is progession towards nothing... Meaningless...

Though there are times when I make a single step in a direction and a sense of overwhelming emotion bubble from within. What emotion? I am clueless too... Each one feels different. 

How long have I been walking?... How much long do I have to walk?...

Where have I seen this place before?...

I stepped through the streets, my footfalls making no sense to me. I have no idea on why I walk though no matter how much I struggle, I still walk. 

One... Two... Three...

One Thousand... Ten Thousand... One Hundred Thousand...

I continue to walk... My steps just numbers that echo in the back of my mind...

While walking, I find the effort to look forward. My vision is instantly taken to the sight of a burning structure. Though the structure remained void like and without colour, the crackling heat blazed freely. As I stared on, a sensation returned. It was absolute... Unchanging... What was the word?... What was I feeling?...

For the first time since I remember, I walked off the straight path. Towards the structure... Through an opening, I continued. The heat illuminated the interior but I remained unfazed, not in control. Like instinct pulled me closer. 

I turned into a bright inferno, the room bare from all thing pointing towards life. My vision scanned across the interior. The sensation from before built up further, like liquid in my lungs. I felt like I was drowning. Unusual, a sensation I don't recall feeling beforehand. The heat around me created a sensation that made my interior run cold. 

Turning to the left, I saw a shifting mist of light and dark. It was small, fractured, separate. The small cloud wisped as disjointed fragments, particles of something greater...

Closing the distance, I kneeled down. My hand curiously reached out... 

The mist wisped around my hand, twirling up my arm. The particles separated, swirling around my body. The energy flowed like water, fire and air... The energy grew closer, centering on my chest. As it touched my chest, it seeped through. 

Thump Thump...

Images of a fire rushed through my head. A woman, I didn't know her... Or did I?... She felt so familiar and the sight of her filled me with the same sensation as before. What was the word?... Failure... Grief...

The words came back slowly...

Standing up, the building had changed... I was standing amongst a hallway, pictures covered the walls. Five people, two taller than the rest. Three smaller. But one remained the smallest which sat upon the shoulders of a male figure who was strong, proud and respected...

My hand touched the image and I felt something else... The feeling overwhelmed me more than I though possible. I didn't know I could think in this place... 

A bubble of some spontaneous yet bittersweet yearned to be set free. 

"Come on, Kids! Get in on the photo!" Said a familiar male voice, it brought me such clarity... Such peace... "Adrian..." My vision moved to the side where a little girl stood. Her age had to be younger than ten. Her hair white, her eyes a beautiful sapphire blue...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now