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Once we got back to our dorms, Katsuki practically ignored me and left for his room. Every time I tried to talk, he dismissed me, but he never yelled. But when he reached his room, I heard him grumble something...

It hurt...

"You deserve better than some Extra like me..." 

I stood outside his door for a good five minutes, my mind was racing. Why would he say that? That isn't true. I don't believe that. He doesn't see how much I care about him, how much I wish I was there for him when he was in his darkest hour. 

I sighed, letting my frustration, "Katsuki... Please. Let me in..." I said from the other side of the door. He didn' respond. "Just because you didn't pass, doesn't mean I deserve better. I failed too" 

"Katsuki... You matter to me and I don't want to sit here and watch you tear yourself apart. We're only human. I know I have trauma and I can see that you have it too. So... Just let me in" I was desperate for him to talk. We needed to talk. I heard footsteps, the door flung open and Katsuki stood there with teary eyes. 

"Just leave me alone. Why can't you do that? I-I deserve to suffer" He growled. I shook my head, reaching for him, "Nobody deserves that. Not you, or me. So... Let me help" He slapped my hand away, his bit his lip. He was gonna say something to get me to leave. 

"Fuck off... Worry about yourself for once. Can't you see that I'm not important here? So, deal with your own issues and stop bothering me about mine. Leave me alone you fucking undead asshole. You aren't the Adrian I know and never will be..." Once he said that his eyes widened. Like he said too much like he didn't mean it.

I stepped back, my eyes were watery. "O-Okay then... I'll... I'll just..." I walked away, my tears started falling like crazy. I opened my door and slammed it shut. My body fell to my knees, I sobbed to myself. That was it...

He just Pushed it too far...

I stood up and opened my balcony door. My body walked to the railing and I looked over the edge. The fact that the simplest thing like height can't kill me or even hurt me, it sucked in that current moment. I looked up at the stars, they were faded. 

I spent a few hours out there...

Until there was a knock on my door, I walked towards it and opened it. It was Eijiro. "Hey, man. I was wonder if you were coming down for d- Shit... What happened!? Why are you crying?" I looked away from him. This is so shit. 

He pulled me into one of his best friend hugs. I fell into it, accepting the embrace. But it was nothing like Katsuki's. The few embraces that actually helped. "We... He..." I attempted to catch my breath. "K-Katsuki and I... We had an f-fight... He said I-I wasn't me... Like a copy of the person before I-I di-died..."

"Where is he? I'll punch him..." Kiri looked mad and so fucking angry. "He may be angry about failing the exam. But he doesn't have the right to make you feel worse" He stood up and attempted to walk to Katsuki's room. 

I grabbed Eijiro's wrist. "D-Don't... Please... Just don't..." I pleaded. 

He calmed down and his gaze softened. "Fine... But Mina will probably kill him..." 

I don't think I could stop her... She is unstoppable. 

"Let's get something to eat. It might help..." He offered, I took his hand and he led me downstairs. Little did I know, Katsuki heard everything. 


The night progressed, the hours moved like a blur. I hung out with the BakuSquad and I had to restrain Mina when we told her everything. Sero seemed a little forward with his opinion. It was like a subtle 'I told you so'. But I ignored it. Kaminari was actually serious for once and offered to shock Katsuki for me. Mina continued to hug me, even though human contact seemed to always make me flinch. But I had gotten used to Eijiro and Mina doing those types of things. 

Uraraka heard the conversation and when I mentioned how it was worse than being held. How Katsuki was being convinced to convert and I got much worse. She gained a look of pure hurt and agony. An emotional trauma swelled within her eyes.

Later in the night, after dinner, I saw Katsuki walk downstairs, his eyes were red and we shared a glance. He was in just as much pain as me. I knew at that moment that he didn't mean those things, he was letting the rage and guilt that had been building up to take hold. 

I couldn't blame him...

I would be a hypocrite...

I hurt people and I have done more bad than good.

Izuku followed Katsuki outside and I got curious. As I walked towards the door I saw distant explosions. It was Katsuki, he was fighting Izuku. As I walked down the pathway, I saw a familiar brunette. She wasn't bubbly. "Oh... Hey Ura..." I quietly acknowledged her presence. I jump onto the wall she was sitting on. 

"Hey..." Her voice was hoarse and she looked like she just cried. "You okay?" I asked with what little emotion I had. Her body stiffened and she looked away. "I-I'm fine..." She was lying. So, I groaned. "I am about done with people lying about their feelings" I admitted. 

Uraraka sighed with utter guilt and sadness. "Why are you out here?" I wondered, she sniffled and looked at me with dishevelled facial expressions. "I could ask you the same thing..." 

I huffed in amusement, my eyes looked towards the distant explosions. "Just... Just watching what I did. My handiwork..." I sighed. "What do... What are you saying?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "Katsuki... It's my fault. He feels like shit because of me. Because I died, because..." I lost the words. More like I didn't care. What's done is done. 

"I-It wasn't yo-your fault" She whispered, I looked at her with pain in my eyes. "Who's is it then?" I stood up in frustration and easily balanced on the ledge. "My uncle is dead. So, I can't blame him. All For One is almost died fighting me! Katsuki is in pain because I was too selfish! I took the easy way out! I wasn't prepared to come back!" 

I was screaming this to the world. 

"W-What are you saying?..." Her voice was shattered. I turned with tears running down my face, I let it all out. "I wanted to die!! This world had no use for some tortured smart ass!" I yelled. 

"Do you know what it's like to have your fingers cut off repeatedly?! To get a syringe injected in your eye every hour?! To have the worst possible pain placed on you?! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I ENDURED!!!" 

I dropped to the ground below, my fist punched the brick, shattering it. 

As I attempted to walk away, I felt Uraraka grab my wrist. "St-Stop... I-I can't do this anymore!" She cried. I turned around and I saw only pain. "I-It was me!" 


She grabbed my arms and fell to her knees. 

"I was... I was the one that lured the Villains..." 

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now