Back To Action...

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It has been three days. Three individual days since I revealed myself to my class and returned to the educational system of U.A. I gotta say, it's good to be back. There are a few changes in the class that I that has been a bit...odd. 

The girls always pull me along for their little talks, I am forced to sit with all the groups in the class. Even Class 1-B was surprised to see me. Monoma fainted when he saw me, which was funny to witness. The guy then stood up, tried to insult me about returning. I had to physically hold Katsuki back, as he tried to murder that asshole. 

Kendo beat the shit out of Monoma. 

A few more things have changed. Katsuki is more...distant. He is hesitant to do things when we're alone. He still talks to me, kisses me, hugs me but it seems like he's holding back. Like he doesn't deserve to talk to me. It hurts that he is so unconfident in his ability to make me happy. I know for a fact that his mere presence is something I cherish. 

I don't know how to approach it. He isn't one for sharing his feelings. His pride doesn't let him. But I'll be here when he's ready. That's what we do for each other. He was there at my darkest hour, so I'll return the favor. Not because I need to. Because I want to. 

I was currently in a massive warehouse with the class. Aizawa was standing in front of us, along with Nemuri, Cemmenttoss, and Ectoplasm. "Listen up Class... After the long wait and break. It is finally time to train for the Provisional Licensing Exam" 

"Oh... I completely forgot about that. So much has happened..." Everyone deflated when Hagakure mentioned the past. I sighed in annoyance. "Jesus Fucking Christ! I'm alive! Stop sulking or I'll kick your ass!" I shouted, my arms were thrown into the air. 

My classmates jumped back with shock, some just smiled slightly, but most had a frown. We hadn't really mentioned the fact that I died and came back, but they were all denying it. Which pissed me the fuck off.

"Anyway... For this exam, we are gonna get to create two special moves" Ectoplasm explained with his super awesome voice. "Special Move?" 

"Think of it as a move tailored to you. Something guarantees a win. Something only you can do" Midnight explained, without her usual sexual teasing. "It doesn't need to be an attack, anything can be a special move"

"Take Iida's, Recipro Burst. A  burst of explosive speed to even the playing field" Ectoplasm pointed out. Iida literally lit up, his face contorted in the biggest smile. "You mean... I've been doing a special move the entire time?..." 

I sweatdropped, my gaze narrowed. "Katsuki has his Howitzer, I have my Demon Mode, Izuku has Full Cowling, hell... Mineta has Grape Rush" I blankly pointed out. "Oh! Todoroki! I have a name for that thing you did with both sides against me at the Sport's Festival" I exclaimed. 

Before I could speak, Todoroki looked like I gave him an idea. "Using both sides at once..." He muttered, it was like he found the secret to the universe. "Well... Your Dad has a technique for his flames... So, you can learn it and apply it to your abilities. So... The name of the attack could be... Flashfreeze Heatwave!" I cheered. 

He nodded to himself, "I'll take that into consideration... Thank you Hikaru" He then walked off to start training. 


We all started training, I stood on a massive cement platform, created by Cemmenttoss. I had a clone in front of me. "So... What are you thinking about for your a Special move?" Ectoplasm asked. He looks so cool!

"Uh... I don't know... I have a few moves already created..." I said casually. "Explain..." 

"Well... There's Neon Singularity, Radiant Sweep, Photon Beam, Stasis Blast, Light Teth-", "You have quite the arsenal... But they are all related to your Light Side. Just like Todoroki, you must expand both sides. You have one real move for your Dark Side. The Demon Mode... Why don't we attempt the same thing for your Light Side? Or expand your ability set with your Dark Side" 

I stood there in thought. Maybe I could expand my Dark Side. I am pretty in tune with Shadow, so we can handle it. If the other, weaker shadows try anything, we can sop it. 

You're on...

Just like that, I started my 10 days of training hell...


(Day 2)

I was currently figuring out my Dark Mode, I finally decided to try a more fluent form of Shadow usage. It is based on matter and particles. Like smoke. 

I constantly worked on what I call Type 1: Shadow Smoke...

By the end of the day, I could run around and transform into a smoky shadow. It enabled me to fit through gaps, and traverse the battlefield in a combat sense. Another thing I worked on was projectiles. I created the smoke shot, a semi-automatic ranged attack. Not big on power, but rapid shots are trouble for the person on the other end. The shadows eat away at the target. Another projectile was a missile, it made a massive explosion, a cloud of darkness and could lethally transform into spikes. Not that I planned on killing anyone else. 


(Day 5)

I had worked my ass off and created a movement where I shoot into the sky and rocket down. I become a living death missile. I crash into the ground and become shadows. It is like a drop from orbit. 

An orbital Annihilation...


(Day 10)

The final day of training and the class looked amazing. They made massive improvements in their skills, abilities, and quirks. I hadn't spent much time with Katsuki, so I decided to do just that tonight. 

We have been busy, but maybe we can fix everything. I know something is off, so I need to help him. But every time I try, he dismisses me. What the hell am I supposed to do? 

Another thing that has weirded me out, is that Uraraka has been extremely distant with me. LIke she leaves when I approach and walks away when she knows I'm near. But every time I see her, it looks like she has something on her mind. 

I achieved to do the one thing I've wanted to do for the last few days. I fell asleep with Katsuki laying next to me...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now