Set In Stone...

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(Adrian's POV)

The two of us charged forth, my power flaring beyond anything I've ever felt before this moment. My body didn't even feel entirely here or entirely gone. Like I was untouchable. White and Black bolts of energy acrhed off my form as the two of us clashed. 

His smile, his eyes, his use of my power...

"Get out of my body!" A massive eruption of energy released from my form as it became another pillar that reached the heavens once more. I watched as this imitation of myself tumbled across the ground, quickly recovering with a sadistic smirk. "Been awhile since I've had to take it this far" 

An explosion of light and dark escaped from his body as he stood up. His power branched up the sides of his body, merging into one foul monstrosity. 

Bitch please! I'd be caught dead lookin' like that!...

I know, it looks pretty stupid...

"Ready to test your limits?" He wondered with a deep and booming voice that caused the entire block to quake. His presence began tearing apart the area around us while mine seemed to bring life to the wildlife and environment. The sky swirled as we became literal images that appeared and reappeared in various places from the previous one. 

Our fist clocked the other in the jaw, sending us into the air. Twirling through the air, I began using my thrusters of energy to keep me in the air while he used the wing like appendages on his back. "Who are you really1? I mean... Why the hell do all this?!" I yelled out through the sky. 

As he shrugged, "Simple, Little Vessel. I want power. Enough to break free from where my cousin bound me to and you have the greates potential than any Perfect Vessel ever born!"

"That still doesn't answer my first question, you douchenozzle!" 

"Alastor..." Before I could really comprehend, he was already in my face. Slamming his arm shrouded in branches of light and shadow into my shoulder. Our energies were two opposing forces that sent me towards the ground and him further into the sky. I slowed my descent, landing next to Katsuki. "Damn... This guy's a real asshole" I mumbled which is when I heard a pained chuckle. 

Looking to the side, I saw Katsuki with a pained smirk. Without words, I grinned with confidence. 

I felt reborn... Better than before... Not Whole... But connected...

Suddenly, an eruption of light and dark rained from the sky down upon the city. Rocketing off, I send out a wave of pure energy of unknown quantities or affects. It propelled me through the air at impossible speeds allowing me to clash, head on with the attack. Closing my eyes, I summoned an unnatural orb of energy. 

I grinned at the potential name...

"Vessel Mode: Limbo Burst!" As I sent my hand forward, a pulse of inverted colours reached across the sky, eating through the attack. Bursting through Alastor. As it reached the arge space, the visage began to warp and twist. Like a singularity that pulled everything to another place. 

Appearing in Limbo, I clocked my fist across his jaw. He stumbled back as I hammer a magnitude of rapid paced attacks into his stomach, chest, face, back, all around his body. "You think you're powerful!?" I yelled with determination as Limbo began to swirl around us. 

"You know nothing!" Grabbing his hair, I ripped his face into my knee. Creating a burst of energy. As he stumbled, I performed a quick Superman Punch into low kick to the balls. He kneeled to the ground, holding his crotch.

My hand mercilessly pulled his face up to meet my gaze. My pupils glowed a mixture of white and black though seemed to resemble the Sun and a Black Hole as the same time. "You're in my world!" My fist clocked across his face, making him get crushed into the ground. 

He fell through, tumbling through reality. Landing along a wall as it was ground. Appearing next to him, I kicked him in the mouth. Sending him through a window that lead to the crator where I fought Leo. 

Alastor recovered only for his jaw to get rip out of it's socket. 

Ready guys?...


Give us a few more moments!...

Summoning a blade of energy, I carved through him around the same rate he could recover. He healed as I destroyed. Due to him having all my power before my recent experience, I have to emply my own weaknesses. 

Shoving both my hands through his chest, I flared my power further, this time it hurt me as well. He screamed in agony as both our being began to burn out from the inside out. Limbo began to warp violent, each warp began lashing out towards us. Contorting to a tiny space which restrained our movement. "You do this and you could kill yourself..."

I scoffed, "Maybe if I was alone I'd never get out in time but..." I glared into his eyes without a care in the world for his wellbeing or my own. I was using the power lended to me by the real me from the future. Burning it up in the variation of this mode. 

Limbo Mode... Or Vessel Mode...

His eyes grew wide as I tore my hands free from his body, letting the energy of Limbo collapse upon us. Shadow and Bri reached for me, pulling me out just in time as Limbo closed, tearing apart the shell of my future self, the fragment of the entity that resided within. 

As I passed through the threshold of Limbo and the real world, I heard something. "You think you've won?... Pathetic..." The voice differed, it had a lack of empathy. "You destroyed a fragment of myself... I'll await you in the future where I can truly pull your soul from your body..."

I scoffed mentally, closing my eyes. "Get bent..." I passed teh threshold and I began to fall through the air...

(Katsuki Bakugou's POV)

Adrian disappeared for a mere few moments, the inverted colour in the sky began to warp and get sucked in on itself like a black hole. As it became the size of a pinball, it imploded. I yelled out Adrian's name as the sky was filled with this unearthly power. 

As the energy fade, I saw a figure. Adrian... My Adrian... His body was shrouded with the similar energy, it was black and white but quickly merged into a grey. I watched him fall through the sky and I pulled myself to my feet, stumbling and tripping from the pain. "Kacchan!" Deku called out but  didn't listen. 

I limped through the grassy field, now covered into this grey flame that held no temperature. Adrian violently crashed into the ground, the energy that shrouded him pulsed one final time. Creating a deep crator and a pulse that forced myself to skid back. Looking at my hand, the energy seeped into me. 

With a sudden energy rush, I climbed the crator, screaming Adrian's name. My tired and sore body gave out as the ground did, causing me to tumble down the dirt, landing next to him. Pulling myself up, unknowingly with tears in my eyes. I grabbed Adrian. "Adrian..." He didn't respond. 

"H-Hey... W-Wake up..." My voice broke suddenly as I pulled his form into a hug. He was... He was cold... Icy to the touch. "Please... You're too fucking stubborn for this shit! Wake up!" 

A sharp inhale of breath caused me to let him go as he coughed and heaved dryly. "Jesus... You're so loud. My ears hurt" Fuck the tough guy act. I hugged him tightly and he shut up. "Katsuki... It's okay" He embraced me back, this time it was suddenly warm. 

The distant siens of police sounded, "I... I should get out of here" He attempted to stand but collapse instantly. I reached out to keep him still but he resisted. "Your Mom... She'll-"

"Just shut up, asshole" I kissed him. A long and passionate one. Something those annoying straight couples do. Did I just say I'm Gay? Fuck Yeah I did! 

And I love Adrian Hikaru...

We separated and help the other to our feet. "Ugh... Yep... Definitely gonna feel that in the morning" He whimpered like a child as we began making out way out of the crator. I breathlessly began laughing but my ribs were fucking on fire so that hurt even more. "Shut up, Coffee Bean" I whisper groaned in playful annoyance.

No matter how bad shit will get, I'd rather die than let some pathetic prophecy bullshit ruin everything I've come to care about. No way in hell is Adrian going Dark Side, he'll have to kill me for that to happen...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now