The Best of The Best

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I opened the door to the classroom, it was the end of Izuku's and my house arrest and Katsuki was still at the dorms, cleaning, sleeping, or whatever he could do to pass the time. The last few days have been hell, I shard my trauma, I know what is wrong with me, and I have methods of dealing with it. 

As I stepped into the class, I received a loud welcome from my classmates. My lips curled up slightly, nothing had changed with them, just my usual idiotic band of misfits. It was refreshing. I walked to my desk, along with Izuku. We sat down and I saw Aizawa give me a nod acknowledgement. He is one of the few that know about my trauma. 

The class began and we were expanding on something called a work study. It had something to do with the Provisional License that most of the class received about a week ago. So, it had nothing to do with me, because I didn't even partake in the exam. 

Soon enough I saw the door fly open and three people from obviously a year or two above us walked in. A cheerful blonde, with peculiar eyes. A bubbly and overexcited female, and a seemingly shy boy, who had pointed ears. 

"This is the Big Three... The strongest students in U.A" Aizawa boredly stated, his tired eyes still give no fucks. The shy looking dude stepped forward. He tried talking, but he just stood there, his knees buckling, and his body shivering. 

"I can't do it... As much I try to see them as potatoes... Their bodies stay human... I-I... I wanna go home..." he retreated behind his friends, and hid into the corner of the classroom. I felt sorry for the guy. 

"This little shy chicken is Amajiki" The blonde stated. "Why don't I try next!?" The bubbly girl exclaim in excitement. But instantly got distracted and ran around the room, asking questions. "Do these horns have a purpose?" She asked Mina, but was gone before she could answer. "How did you get that scar on your face?" She asked Todoroki. "Th-That isn't you-r bus-" She ran to Mineta. "Do those balls grow back instantly?" 

Mineta started drooling, "M-My b-balls?..." 

She then ran up to me, she was invading all levels of my personal space. My breathing hitched and my body tensed at the close proximity. I could feel my heart pounding. "Are you really that guy who died? How did you come back?" Her words were warped and slurred by my brain. 

My head spun and breath was heavy. I think I was having a panic attack. Which I think some of the class noticed. "I-I..." I couldn't breathe. The desk started to crunch under my grip. Distinct cracks were seen in the table. 

"Hado! Leave the class alone and get back on topic!" Aizawa warned with his quirk flaring naturally. She backed away and I started to calm down. My body eventually caught up with my mind. Allowing me to take in air. 

The flashes of Leo disappeared and my body relaxed. 

Then the blonde walked to the podium. "The future is gonna be..." 



"Annoying..." I said out loud with the deadest expression I could muster. The class sweat dropped at my actions, some even deadpanned. 

"AWFUL!..." Togata yelled, his muscles popped from his body. Showcasing all the work he put into his training. 

Told you...

You are too negative...

"To show you all what Hero Studies is, I will have you all fight me. Is that okay Mr Aizawa?" Togata cheerfully asked our teacher. "I don't care. You're wasting time, so get moving..." Aizawa bluntly stated. 


The entire class, minus Katsuki was in their P.E uniform and ready to fight Togata. Todoroki and I sat on the sidelines, not wanting to participate. I haven't really fought with my quirk since Camino Ward. I'm not comfortable...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now