Approaching Conflict...

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The Next Arch is here...
This will be the concluding Arch that will lead up to the end of this book...
Book 1 of The Trials of The Vessel Trilogy...

(Adrian's POV)

I was falling...

First there was a bright light, then nothing, no darkness, nor light. Just a void...

My vision flashed to a massive metal like structure that had the ceiling torn apart, ash and smoke laid among the ruins of the space. There were people, a man pinned to a wall by darkness and another coated in crimson where his spine would be...

I couldn't see their faces, only that I knew them...

Each strike against these people, created a hole where my heart laid, each beat became more strenuous. My eyes tunnelled, focusing on one other. Their features were blurred out but I felt so much pain from meeting their gaze...

The two of us took off, running towards a void, there was a flash of nothingness and then nothing...

My vision flashed to a crater, it was kilometres wide and another few kilometres deep. My body didn't ache but it should. The form I took, started to stand, looking around to see the figure from before, they were broken and bloody, completely shattered beyond repair. The agony with me only grew as their gaze continued to pierce the very soul I hold...

I started walking towards the individual, my foot resting on their chest. I heard them cough as I put pressure on their ribs. My hand outstretched, hand coated in darkness and light. The words came out jumbled, but I knew his words hurt to hear.

My eyes grew blurry as the familiar sensation of tears built up, "I'm sorry we ended up this way..." His words came out clear but weak. I wanted to heal this person, knowing they mattered to me. But it was like being a passenger in my own body, an observer while something takes control...

I leaned down, my unpowered hand resting on their face, "You know where I stand..."

Suddenly, there was a high pitched sound that pierced the very fabric of my soul, shattering my will. In one motion, my empowered hand grasped their throat, there was a choked scream, "I'm sorry..." Then an explosion...


I shot up screaming, my breath ragged as I frantically searched the room for an unknown source of comfort. In an instant, I felt something wrap around me, my vision was blurry from built up tears, "Adrian... St-Stop. Yo-You're okay" The deep voice was filled with desperation.

My erratic heartbeat continued as I took a breath and blinked away the tears, when my eyes opened I noticed a familiar vision of Ash-Blonde and the scent of hot caramel. "K-Katsuki?" I wheezed, wrapping my shaking arms around his torso.

"It's okay... I'm here" He soothed as I felt his hand rub up my back, there was a soft kiss to the side of my neck, giving me a calming sense of safety. We separated and Katsuki gazed into my eyes, it only reminded me of my dream so I avert my eyes from his. "Are you okay?..." His hand grabbed mine as some form of comfort.

"Y-Yeah... Just a nightmare. Go back to bed, I'm gonna get a drink"

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, giving him a reassuring look before standing from the bed. Quickly slipping on a shirt, I stepped out of my room where I saw Eijiro standing outside his dorm next to Shoji, both looked concerned. My eyes wandered to see Uraraka stepping out of her dorm, rubbing her eyes. "Adrian. Are you alright? We heard a scream" Was I really that loud?

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now