A Game of Patience...

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I stared intently at the phone that sat on my bedside table in the U.A dorms. The dark screen made it practically invisible in the lightless room of the midnight hour. For hours, I have been sitting here... Wondering... Gathering the balls to make the phone call. 

Exhaling, I grabbed my phone. The screen illuminated the vicinity, burning my retinas upon activation. Moving through my contacts, my eyes found the name... My thumb hovered, all I needed was a moment of hesitation and this was it. 

Are you sure about this?... I mean, calling him?...

Name somebody else with the potential resources?... I'll do anything at this point...

It had been a few of days since Mitsuki was taken to the hospital, she has shown signs of imporvement but everytime I go to visit, something happens... The occurance is a magnitude of things, coughing blood, passing out, vomiting a black substance... She's dying and I can feel it but there's nothing I can do. Only stand by and watch...

Katsuki has been on edge. The slightest movements make him flinch, sudden noise causes him to tense. 

He barely talks... It scares me...

He pleaded not to tell anyone and I agreed but it's obvious the class knows something is up. Eijirou better than anyone, he knows his best friend's are distant. It's like he can feel something approaching, not surprising. 

I've been feeling it for months... The lingering presence in the back of my head. The faint ringing that grows in pitch... The cold quiver of my nerve endings when I take in breath. 

The visions fo Limbo... They're getting worse, the world usually shroud in an equilibrum... Unbalanced, taken over. The Presence of nothingness has grown to a point where I feel like I'm sufforcating. The man I've met rarely speaks, only sits alone upon a pile of rubble. Just starng at me, without expression. Without a soul...

Whoever did this to Mitsuki is smart, they've been planning this all along. Oulling the strings ever since my dream of the explosion on the mountain top. The feeling of a throat being tightly squeezed within my hand. Like I'm remembering something I was there for...

This man, this lurking predator has been playing the long game... The patience of this person is almost inhuman. Only acting when necessary. My research points to multiple attacks and actions of this asshole. 

My father's battle with the Shadow from Limbo, my grandfather's clone combusting in my living room, the attack on the meeting between the families, Ash being ambushed in his own home... This man has been here only to ruin everything I hold dear from the beginning. His calculated moves are like a game of 'Go'... 

It feels like there is an endgame that is yet to be seen... Like these moves aren't to affect the now but what's to come...

Taking a final breath, I hit the contact on my phone. The phone rang...

As the phone rang, a piece of me... Such a small piece didn't want the call to go through. Swallowing my pride, Iet the phone continue ringing... "Come on... Pick up" I didn't know if I had the strength to call him again, to face him after what occured between us. 

"Y'know... If you really want t know more about me, then all you hae to do is ask" I silently panicked i my dark room, dropping my phone. My gaze shot towards a figure, leaning against the wall, arms casually crossed while body remained laidback, without regard to danger. 

The first thing I saw was the piercing red glow of his eyes through the darkness. "You..." I seethed, ready to pounce with all my being. "Me..." He said amused. Pushing off the wall, he wandered to the sliding door of my room. "Don't be so tense... I'm not really here but it seems the connection has grown significantly since what you did to poor Mitsuki"

My body sprang from the bed with relentless rage that bubbled from within, "What I did? You fucker, I'll rip you apart" His eyes rolled in dismissal. "Well, technically you're the one that's killing her..." He leaned down to my shorter frame, "Allow me to share a little wisdom... The infection that has burrowed into Mitsuki's body could only be truly activated when a prerequisite is met" He teasingly pointed at me with one hand behind his back. 

"Either the will of the caster forces the infection to take hold or one with identical resonance to the caster makes contact..." I stood in silence, not knowing what to say. "Adrian... We are so alike. I'm you've gathered as much"

"I'm nothing like you" I growled with smoky shadowss wisping up my arms. "Maybe not at the moment but..." He looked over at my alarm clock with irony. "Only time will tell..." 

"Adrian... What do you remember of Limbo?... Don't lie, I already know" I thought back, my eyes reaching the ground. "I'm not talking about the visions with that Shadow in Limbo, but before that... Around the time of..." He placed his thumb on his index finger knuckle and pushd down, dislocating the joints. 

The sound echoed through my head, I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. "Stop it..." I muttered as my skin tingled. "You want to know how I know so much about you?... How I know about every win, loss, doubt, lie, truth and fear?... All in due time..." 

"Don't you dare leave! What is happening to Mitsuki?" The man sighed in exasperation, "Please, just drop the hero act. I know you can feel it. That darkness... It's been there, hell even before you died. You bury it with false hope and lies... Your friend, family, lover... They're all lies and I'll show you how little they matter.. After all, they've dead for years" Before I could question, he snapped his fingers and faded from view. 

With a lingering echo, "As the Dark Phoenix, I am to burn to ash for you to rise in my place. I'll see you when the Red Knight falls when the clock strikes the end of the Tundra... Though, I guess I'll be taking the place of a fellow masked sibling of darkness..."

He spoke in riddles, completely unbeknowst of the true origins of where those words were uttered once before...

As he faded, I was left alone in my room. Without any warmth to wash away the soul wretching cold that bubbled from within. Without a light to guide me off the path... Without Katsuki here to bury the darkness within...

From the moments of silence, I remained still, motionless in my room. Eyes blankly staring at the ground as my body slumped on the floor, against my bed. The next thing I knew, the sun had begun to rise and the thus began the inevidable end of the first chapter of this long fortold nightmare.

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now