What's To Come...

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(Katsuki's POV)

I walked to the teacher's lounge, my eyes cast forward, ignoring all the extras in my way. Adrian was with the other extras, probably eating or some shit. But I was on my own personal mission. My journey was quick as I reached the door to where all the annoying teachers reside for their breaks and whatnot. 

My hand pounded on the door and the was shoved in my trouser pocket where the half-full bag of weed resided. Am I snitching on Dunceface? Fuck no! Even though I don't give two shots about that extra, that would only make my life more of a hassle and Adrian would probably get mad at me. 

The door slid open to reveal the reject screaming cockatoo, his stupid fucking shades sat over his eyes, and his hair was shaped like an elongated dildo. "Hey, Little Listener! What can I do for ya?!"

"I need to talk to Adrian's father..." I bluntly said with a scowl, he deflated and nodded. "He's at his desk..." Call me impressed, that fucking annoying Cockatoo can actually be quiet every once in a while. I walked inside the room, my eyes wandered around until I found Hikaru. I walked up to him and he looked at me and smiled. "Bakugo... What can I do for you?" 

"Um... I need to ask you something about Adrian..." I was dead fucking serious. He instantly gained his serious look on, "What is it?" 

I sighed as I remembered when Dunceface gave us that fucking weed. "Can Adrian... Can he see through time?" That sounded so fucking retarded! Be better at this Katsuki! Hikaru huffed in amusement, then he saw how serious I was being. "What happened?" 

"Well... He kind of got...high. Let me fucking finish before you assume. He said shit that he shouldn't know and things that haven't even happened. I-It was fucking weird..." 

I saw Hikaru frown, "I have a sample of the weed. I was wondering if you could get it tested?" I saw Hikaru lean back and sigh, "Sure... But don't tell anyone until after I have the results" I pulled the sample out of my pocket. It was only half of it but that was so I could see if anything was up with it later. 

I walked out of the teacher's lounge and sighed. I can't hide this from everyone. If my Coffee Bean did see those things happen then I need to see if it is true or not. My next sigh was filled with frustration as I walked inside the dorms. 

"Bakubro! What's up!" I saw at the corner of my eye, Shitty Hair, his stupid grin radiating as he wandered over to me. "What the fuck do you want? I'm busy" I seethed with a low growl. "Just talking with one of my best bros" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me down a bit.

I lightly glared but didn't argue. "You seem like something is on your mind. What's up?" He asked. This bastard actually seemed concerned. Should I tell him? He knows nothing about Adrian's powers or past. "I'm just fucking busy" I growled walking away from him. "Okay... Just talk to me if you need anything. That's what bros are for" He beamed again. 

My movement halted and a sigh escaped my lips, "Do you know any one that can see or read the future or whatever?" Can't believe I'm actually doing this. "Oh... Hell Yeah! There is this old lady that lives downtown. She has the ability to predict a possible future that you're connected to" How that fuck? This has to be a fucking joke. 

"Ugh... The ability to see the future? Fucking bullsh-"

"Her quirk is Fortune... She gave me my prophecy. She can only see or sense around 6-8 months into the future, but can't give a straight answer as to the fact that the future isn't straight forward" 

How the fuck is this useless Shitty Hair actually useful for once?!

I groaned, "Tell me where to find the old hag..." 

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now