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I was currently sitting in my room on the weekend, with my guitar in hand and a bunch of papers in front of me. I played a few notes with my pen held in my mouth. Once I completed the notes, I wrote more notes on the pages of my notebook. 

This repeated for an hour before I could play a full verse without any words to be sung. Jiro and I agreed to write our own music for the concert that was in a month's time, then use a few already existing songs to fill out the time we have. I played more and continued creating music like I used to. 

Then I felt movement in the bed behind me and two arms wrapping around my waist from behind. I smiled at Katsuki kissed my neck, "How's your composing?" He softly asked. I sighed and closed my eyes, "It's hard..." 

"You'll fucking get there... You're too stubborn to fucking give up..." I laughed at his words, "Is that a good or bad thing?" My head turned to face him. I felt him kiss me and smile into the action. We kissed a few more times, "Fucking good..."

"Are you okay, Katsuki?" I wondered with a soft gaze. He sighed, "I'm fine... Why are you asking?" He seemed vague and guarded. I shrugged, "You just seem stressed..." I put my guitar down and embraced him. I gently rubbed his back and his hold tightened like he needed this. 

Something was wrong...

He was too scared to say...

"I'm not fucking stressed... I have no fucking reason to be" He dismissed with a light growl. "Well, in any case... I'm here if you need me. I'll always be here for you" I could feel him take a deep breath and swallow the saliva in his throat. 

"I just need you to know that I will always fucking be there..." Where did that come from? He's been so clingy for the past week, like he is preparing for something... 

"Um...O-Okay... Likewise" I gently replied in a soft hum. 

We held the embrace for a few minutes, he just wouldn't let go and I didn't want to ask him too. Something was eating at him and I'm worried about it...

Maybe he's just tired...

We don't know because you never invade other's minds anymore...

There is a good reason for that...

We know...

He eventually found the strength to pull away, "Do you feel be-" He kissed me again, this one held emotion and passion. He pushed forward, making me lie back. We separated and he jumped back, "Uh...Sorry..." He stammered. 

I chuckled, "No problems here..." I truthfully answered. He still frowned as he looked at the ground. Then I got an idea. I stood up and connected my phone to my stereo. A soft melody played and I looked at Katsuki with a joyful grin. 

I held my hand out...

"I don't dance..." He grumbled with a faint blush. He is still so insecure about himself, not that he would admit it. "Come on... Just us... Nobody else is watching" I encouraged. Eventually, he sighed and grasped my hand. 

I pulled him up and place his and on my shoulder and grabbed the other hand while I placed my hand on his waist. I was the lead. He won't tell me what's wrong but I'll still help him and he'll tell me when he's ready. 

We swayed to the melody that played, his body eventually finding a rhythm. Our eyes met and his were so soft, probably the softest I've ever seen them. Why did he look so lost? What happened? Why won't he tell me?

The movement kept in pace of the music and we eventually embraced each other as we danced. One or two spins were performed and we hugged in the middle of my room. His head resting in the crook of my neck, the fierce Katsuki Bakugo letting himself be vulnerable in my arms. 


He hummed as a response...

"I don't know what is wrong and don't bother lying. I can see it in your eyes... But just know that I'm here for you... Talk to me when you're ready. I know that this may be sappy and shit but just know that I love you with everything I've got. I would do anything for you and I can never think negatively of you..." 

I heard him take in a shaky breath as he hid his face into my shoulder. I kissed his exposed cheek as he let himself feel weak for that moment. He can falter when I'm near because I'll always be there to hold him up when he falls...

Isn't that what you do for the one you love?...

(Katsuki's POV)

Fucking Coffee Bean...

We were dancing and I couldn't hold onto my pathetic emotions. I fucking want to tell him but it would be unfair! Why does it have to be unfair? That damned prophecy had to make it hard on us. Adrian has suffered through hell and he's meant to get a taste for more. No... I won't allow it. 

Fucking hit me with it! I'll take it! Just not him!

I hid my face into his shoulder to hide the fucking tears that strayed from the mask I was wearing...

But it only made it worse...

His words were the only thing that stopped me from breaking down in front of him... How the fuck does he do it!? He can make me feel so vulnerable but so fucking strong at the same time... How does that work!? I'll never understand how it works and that pisses me off to no end...

But it also fills me with this energy that makes me want to feel it more...

The prophecy is approaching and nothing has happened yet. The worst part is that we know nothing about that damned fortune! All we know is that it's about Adrian, it's not gonna end well and the shit gets fucked when Autumn ends...

That's fucking weeks away!

All I can do is hold him and hope that it isn't my fault!

I need to find out what the next few segments of that fucking hellish Prophecy has to offer and make sure none of that happens...

I pulled back and kissed him again just as a way to tell myself that everything is okay and nothing bad has happened yet...


(Smog's POV)

I stood in front of a grave, it wasn't old nor was it recent. My feet took me forth, crouching down to meet the gravestone at eye level. My hand rested on top of it and a sigh escaped me. The sun slowly set as I saw the words that were inscribed on the stone disappear as the light faded below the horizon, leaving only the haunting darkness of night. 

My body stood up, reaching my full height as I pulled my hood up to cover my charcoal coloured hair and to obscure my features. "Smog... Do you read me?" I heard from my communicator in my ear. I sighed, "Yes... I read you..." my voice was different than it is during the day...

Different from the person I am during the day...

When the light is out to cast a shadow for my darkness and secrets to hide behind...

Different from when I play an ordinary civilian who is living out a normal life...

"Good because I have our next set of orders... Straight from the director" The female voice was one I knew all too well. She is with me during my adventure in the night and my journey in the day. The woman I trust with my life and the person I fail to deny that I love...

"What are they?..." 

"We're moving in... The League is underground and out of the city. So, they're not the primary target anymore..." She said through my earpiece. "Then who is?" I questioned. 

"The people who want the Perfect Vessel... His own blood..."

"The Starlight Cult..." 

I disappeared from the dark graveyard in a smoky exit. My next objective is to stop the collapse of the world as we know it...

This was going to put everything I know at risk...

I can't let them take Adrian Hikaru...

They do that, we lose...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now