Storm That Is Approaching...

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(Katsuki's POV)

A month and a half... One and a fucking half months and nothing. The Hag is in the Hospital, she's conscious and alive but those useless doctors don't know what the fuck is wrong with her. Hell, they fucking quarantining her! Limited visits, every chance I get, I go but Adrian... He... He won't. 

He refuses... Why the fuck does he refuse? I need him there, I can barely hold it together without him. I'm angry all the time, I snap. Adrian has been avoiding me like the plague, looking at me with that guilt riddle expression he has when he blames himself for something. Everytime it seems like he's gonna attempt to talk with me, it's like something reminds him to not approach.

The winter keeps getting colder and my bed feels so hollow, empty without him. I can't sleep... Everytime I close my eyes, something screams in my head. The extras are starting to notice, Adrian and I never talk to eachother, not even to the class. I look around everyday in the last few days of class to see Adrian staring out the window with a blank expression, like he silently preparing for something to come and attack. 

Why is he like this?! I'm right fucking here! I should be there... But everytime I see those eyes, I'm pulled back to the raid when All Might retired. Those sunken orbs that hold nothing. Everyday that passes, there's a little bit less of him. Shitty Hair has approached me once about it, but I ignored him. I didn't need his imput. Nor do I fucking want it. 

Sometimes, when I'm alone in my room, I hear him. Adrian... One night he was talking, at first I thought he was talking to his alters. The personified versions of his light and dark side. Lucky, is what I thought, he's never alone but now I'm not so sure. He doesn't sound like he's talking with his alters anymore. 

For some reason, I have this feeling that something is watching me. Like a presence... But it disappears when I'm at the hospital. A part of me wants to blast Adrian's door down and scream, shout and cuss but I would only feel like an asshole. I'm afraid of what I'd say if I did speak to him. 

When he found me in the hospital all that time ago, I almost snapped in rage. I wanted to yell at him, direct it all at him. I needed to but I couldn't... I can't do that to him. I'm meant to be the strong one! The one that always wins! The one that pulls him up when or if he relapses but it's like a piece of me is missing. That courage to reach...

It's all gone...

I'm often taken back to that fucking prophecy but everytime I look at it, I get angry and scream. I can't figure it out, not in my current state. But I can't tell him about it. That'd kill him and  wouldn't be able to live out my god foresaken life if I broke him. 

I'm currently laying in my dorm, alone... No light, no covers, nothing to protect me from the cold. My eyes focused in a scowl towards the ceiling, this is how most nights go for me, I lay alone in the bed, silently staring at the ceiling. Hoping this fucking nightmare will end...

(Adrian's POV)

There was a resounding knock at my door, I sat on my bed, eyes focused on the ceiling. Attempting to ignore the third visage of the man that was responsible for Mitsuki's condition. My alters, Shadow and Bri are gone, I haven't seen them since that night when he arrived to converse with me.

The knock resounded once more, "Aren't you gonna answer it? Didn't your Mommy teach you any manners?" My now crimson eyes glared to the side as I sharply inhaled a seething breath before looking at the ceiling once more. 

"Y'know, I was hoping for more of a party but at this point, you'll be worthless by the time we truly face off" He slowly and casually paced back and forth through my room, bored out of his mind. "Adrian?... Come on, open up!" Eijirou called from the door. 

"You heard him, Adrian... Talk to your best friend..." He then gained a sly smirk, like he remembered something. "The Red Noble Steed will soon fall before you stop moping at this point"

"Shut up..." I sighed as I rubbed my face but when I pulled away, I felt soaked and sticky. Opening my eyes, the clammy sensation on my hands was noticed at a red substance that stuck grotesquely and smelt like blood. In panic, I leaped from my bed. Only to see my room coated in a fresh layer of paint. 

That's when I turned to see that Asshole with a paint brush. He was painting my walls red, he bent down to gather his perception of paint from a body. Eijirou's...

He glanced back with an evil grin before I shook my head and everything disappeared. He chuckled at my clenched fist, knowing he was untouchable. "What's wrong?... Feeling powerless? All that power as a Perfect Vessel and you know nothing about your capabilities"

The door had a louder bang, "Adrian! Open up! You haven't left in days! I'll call Mr Aizawa!" The Asshole before me placed his hands over his mouth in a dramatic flare, "Oh no! He's gonna tell Aizawa on us!?" Walking through him, he laughed as if it tickled and reached for the door. 

Pulling it open as Eijirou was about to knock once more. "Hey... H-How you doin'.?.." Real smooth, Eijirou. "Don't blame the kid, he hasn't seen much of you" My Alter replacement scolded playfully from behind. "What do you want, Eijirou?" 

"Well, you've been couped up for awhile, Bakugo has been the same. I just... I miss my friends. The whole class does. Are you two alright?... Can I do anything?" Closing my eyes, I gripped into my wall, unknowingly using my strength to create a hole from my hold. Exhaling my frustration I nodded. "I'm fine. I've just been giving him space since his Mom has been in the hospital"

"No... You're ruining my fun!" The Alter replacement shouted from behind. "Dude... I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure he'd be better off if you were there" Looking to the side to avoid his gaze, I opened my mouth but nothing came out. "I-I can't... Trust me, I'll only make it worse..." 

"Bullshit! Adrian! He's breaking without you! Can't you see that?!" Damn it! I'm breaking too!

"Bakugo needs you now more than ever!" Eijirou argued, "What did he ever do for you?" The Alter said with a twisted grin and I looked back with utter hatred. "Adrian... Just..." Eijirou sighed in defeat. "Come on man... You're hurting and I have no idea why... I just want to know why you're avoiding Bakugo?"

I snapped my eyes to his, "You wanna know why?... I'm going through something too. You wouldn't even understand the first layer of it! Hell! I don't! I'm not gonna drop my baggage on his life! I'm not just gonna shit down his throat like that! He needs to focus on himself! To be with his family because I'm the reason this is all fucked!" I seethed as I watched Eijirou step back in fear. His eyes moving upward, beyond my form. Into the room behind me.

Turning back, I saw a darkness of black and red fade away, leaving a sinister grin of red before disappearing. "See?... I have an issue that you can't fix" I attempted to close the door but Eijirou forced his way inside, pulling me into one of his hugs. 

"Come on, Dude... You're my best friend. After what you just said... Do you think I'd leave you alone?" I froze, shaken to the very core. "If you're going through this hell then I'm here to bring you out of it! Let me be your rock. Let me pull you on your path so you can see Bakugo" My clenched fist loosened as I crumbled in on myself. 

The harsh red faded from my eyes as my jaw started to tremble. The first thing that broke was my resolve as I collapsed. Eijirou held me up as the firs few tears dragged down my face. After that, I shattered...

Like I vowed not too... My eyes saw my new mental roommate lean against the wall with the same sinister grin. With a finger wiggle wave he faded from view. "See ya in a few..." That was it...

He was the Storm That is Approaching... The Darkness That Lurks... The End Times Personified...

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now