Constructed Dismay...

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I opened my eyes in the shaded plain, the whites and blacks shrouded the environment. The place that new plagues my dreams on a regular basis was now back. 

Limbo... An endless existence that spilts into three separate places... 

The void... A place suffocated in shadow. The lost and forgotten converge...

The Expanse... A place weighed down in a bright mist. Where thoughts and memories converge...

Taking a few steps through the shade of the world, the street recognisable to the crater where I once died. Camino Ward, the place of my end and my beginning... While the world changes, Limbo remains, remembers what had occured throughout the endless ages...

From the dawn of time to the end...

"Welcome back... " I turned around to see the familiar man from before. The dark hair, hazel eyes and dressed in various blacks and greys. His hands held in the other and a grin that is only formed for one that is familiar to him. 

"Why am I here this time?" The wispy winds of light and dark drifted through the surrounding area as the force was ineffective to us but the darkness and light that coated buildings wisped off like gas, the elements endless. 

The man stepped over the a small clump of darkness, earth in the real world. "You are here to receive a lesson... Last time I told you to avoid my path, to be ready for something that is creeping upon you... Lurking and waiting for you to drop your guard" Taking a step back, the shadows and light swirled into various forms. 

Taking shapes of life like forms of my previous enemies, allies and lost loved ones. They remained frozen in various positions. The man that radiated familiarity walked by the posing statues. "From Family to Randoms... You've gained quite the list of people known to you. Each one had a hand in what you have and will become" 

Many statues disappeared, leaving family members good and bad. Katsuki, Izuku, All For One, Shigaraki and figures that didn't have a form nor face. "These are the people who will have drastic effect..." The man stood by my Dad, "The man who gave you a set of ideals" Next my mother, "The woman who taught you how to survive and endure"

He skipped over Rien and Ash, stopping by Leo. "The psychopath who put a crack in the dam of untapped potential you possess" Where the hell is he headed with this. "The world is an unfair place. Life is always moving forward" He instantly closed the distance between us. 

"You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this. So, let me make this simple. Life is better that way..." He stepped back with his hands behind his back and the world began to swirl more eratically. "You are appraoching the next step. I'm curious... Will you fall like the Limbo has forseen? Or will you rise?... Time will tell becuase if you fail, then you'll be the one sending a message through the Endless void call a realm"

As before, a high pitched ringing pierced my ears. In the distance a looming shadow appeared, thrashing, twisting and contorting like a being without form. "Times up... Till next time" 


I was thrown out of the realm and into a deep nothingness...

I jolted awake, my form sat up as I caught my breath. Quickly rubbing my face, I took a calming breath. Looking to the side, Katsuki laid unconscious, asleep in the bed. With one final breath as I stared into the dark abyss of darkness of the room, my form slipped under the covers once more. 

Wrapping my arms around Katsuki, I received a small groan as he curled up to me. Resting his head on my chest. With I quickly glance around my room, I attempted to fall asleep with the soothing scent of caramel.

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now