New Beginning?(2)

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My eyes slowly opened from their previous closed position. I'm beginning to see a trend in me waking up after receiving a horrible injury.

My head was currently feeling like it was being rattled by an earthquake. I let out a small groan and scan over the room. The faint sound of a monotone beeping noise, keeping me company.

I shift my eyes to the seat beside me, to my surprise I saw the familiar black hair, in my realisation, I couldn't help but smile. My brother was currently sleeping in the chair next to me. His arms crossed and the look of pure peace was evident on his facial features. It had been months since I last saw him. He looked good and he finally got the white streak dyed in his hair. In memory of Rein. It made me smile.

My gaze continued to scan around the small room, since I was the only bed in the room. I assumed I was in the I.C.U.

I continued to silently let my eyes wander around the room, whenever I tried to move, there was a sharp pain in my chest and spine. So I refrained from unnecessary movement. That was until I heard the door slide open.

My gaze shifted towards the sound and I saw a disheveled man, who looked like death on a stick. His bloodshot eyes clearly labeling that amount of 'fucks he gives'. I like this guy already.

"Oh good. You're awake" the man nonchalantly said, "I might be. But he doesn't seem like he's gonna wake up anytime soon", I started to nervously chuckle while speaking.

The disheveled man walked over to my hospital bed, he wore a serious gaze. "While you were out. There have been a few changes and events going on" he announced. "Like what?", Please be some good news.

He took a breath and returned his gaze. "I'm sorry to say this. But your mother was found dead in the living room. You were in critical condition for awhile" he explained. My face didn't change. I was conflicted, how should I feel about my mother's death? The past 3 months has been hell because of her. But the years prior were...good.

"Kid?...Hello? Are you alright?!" He called out. "Uh..yeah I'm fine" I answered, breaking myself from my thoughts. The man's face shifted to concern, "I will understand if you need time. We can continue this lat-", "I'm fine...Just tell me everything" my tone was direct and stern, but I think he could see, I was barely holding it together.

"You will most likely be living with the closest next of kin. Which would be your father. He said he is happy to take you in again and is currently driving from Musutafu and will be here in about 30 minutes or less." This hero just told me the one thing I've wanted for months. Everything now felt...good. I'm seeing my Dad, the guy that taught me to hold to cook, how to fight, how to swim. I guess that feeling is joy.

It's been so long since I've felt that emotion.

"What is your name?" I ask with content, "Shota Aizawa...I work at U.A and I am the pro-hero that found you on the floor in the house" the man confidently spoke.

"How long was I out for?" I enquired. The man sighed, "Truthfully...One night. The doctors didn't give many specifics. But you will be fine" He barely spoke.

It sounds like he wants me dead. Well, aren't you a lovely person... This will be a long day.

Soon after, Aizawa walked out of the room, to 'Give me some time to process'. What in the hell is there to process?

Once the room fell silent of conscious life. I slowly reached out to my still snoozing brother. He always could sleep through anything. As I gently shook him, his body slowly stirred awake. His low tired groans filled the room.

Ash, opened his eyes, revealing his welcoming green? orbs and let out a tired groan. Wait!? When did his eyes turn green? They used to be ruby red.

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now