Secrets Of The Family(28)

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(Adrian's POV)

I walked into the house, Dad followed close behind, still keeping a close watch in my behaviour.

To be honest, I just want to go to bed and sleep for a few Eons. Dad guided me to the dining table, making sure I sat down comfortably. Almost lile he knows what I just went through.

My father sat down on the oppiste side of te table, so we were facing each other directly.

"So... What did you want to tell me?" My throat was dry and my eyes were really heavy.

Dad took a breath and cleared his throat. Removing his tie and undoing his top button of his collared shirt.

"It's something that applies to everyone that has the condition in the family. Your siblings never had it, so we thought it was unlikely for you yo have inherit it"

"You're stalling..." that sounded mean, but he was and I had zero energy.

"It's call Sentient Quirk Syndrome. Your Mother and I both have it. It also seems that you inherited the gene too. But... you collected a recessive gene that hasn't been seen since the first generation of quirks"

My brain is already frying. Is this how Kaminari feels on a regular basis?

"Anyway, Sentient Quirk Syndrome is pretty self-explanatory. Your quirk has it's own sense of intelligence"

So the voices in the back of my head are...

It's me and that other one...

"From this sentience. Your quirk can receive a major boost in power at times. This condition is extremely rare, but has been seen in both sides of your Mother's and my family"

So why did you never think to warn me about this?

"Our abilities are the source of our power. Yes, we can absorb outside elements for fuel and with training you could even absorb it from others. These emotions are also tailored to your quirks. All forms of negativity and positivity go to their respective quirks, making them stronger. As you have probably noticed, your light has significantly improved. It's natural when you have experienced some of the things you now do in your day to day life"

So Katsuki, U.A, My Friends... They make my light side stronger?

"What I've also wanted to ask you is... Now that you know this. Can you think of a reason why your dark side is so powerful?"

Yes... Mom was a monster

"No... Nothing comes to mind"

Dad nodded, processing the information.

"What's the other thing?"

"Things. I have so much more to say" he really didn't want to tell me.

"The recessive gene that you somehow gained. It's call 'Perfect Vessel', it essentially means your body is the perfect holder for many different types of energies. Your quirk has faucets that even I don't know about. I know this because when you were very little, your powers manifested before you turned 4 and my grand parents explained what was happening"

I looked to the floor, finding some logic in this bazaar explanation.

"What else? What else is there to tell me?" I was getting angry. He hid this from me. So many times I've wondered what made me so different and he never told me.

"This next part isn't only my secret. But something All Might has given me the okay to share. Years ago there was this man, this horrible excuse for a human. He had the power to steal quirks and store them for his own benefit"

Why does that sound familiar.

"This man had a brother. He was frail and quirkless. But had a strong sense of justice. So he resisted his brother's plans. So as punishment, the man gave his little brother a quirk to stockpile power. But the truth was, he did have a quirk. It was a useless ability to pass on other quirks. These to powers merged"

Why does this remind me of something?

"This power is call-"

"One For All..." I interrupted. My Dad froze...

"Where did you learn that?"

"I just... know it. The quirk to steal powers... All For One. Dad... Does this have something to do with All Might and Midoriya?"

"How did you..."

"The Sport's Festival. When I fought Midoriya. The final clash. I had a vision. A man standing over another. While 9 silhouettes watched. I saw Midoriya as on of the 9 and the other looked exactly like All Might"

Dad looked taken aback, like I just explained time travel without even knowing what time was.

"The quirk can be passed on. There are 9 different people that had or have the quirk. Midoriya is the current holder of One For All"

"Which means All Might is losing his power. That's why he wasn't at the U.S.J at the start of the lesson"

"You can't tell anyone this... You know that right?" He was serious. I nodded. Not a single soul. Not even Katsuki.

I nodded. "Who else knows about everything?"

"About your abilities. Your Grandfather and Grandmother" I scoffed. I hated those assholes. They always treated my Dad with such disrespect. They were his parents and they hated him.

Pa, my mother's Dad is kind and gets along with Dad. Ma or Nana is passive.

"All Might knows, Recovery Girl, The Principal, an old friend and your Unc- Actually that's it"

I rolled my eyes, "Can I at least tell Katsuki? Not about the other secret. The one about me"

"If you trust him 100%. Then I won't stop you. But you need to be careful" I nodded in agreement.


After our little chat, I went upstairs and had a long shower. Once that was over I basically collapsed on my bed. My phone buzzed.

Katsuki♡(4:32pm): Hey, are you alright? I'm worried about you and I mean it. If there is something wrong, I'll blast the fuck out of it for ya

I smiled at the text and began typing. I hope he replies, I'm a late to replying.

Me(5:42pm): I'm fine. I'm just processing a lot. I'll tell you about it when I see you next. It will be easier that way

A message came through almost instantly.

Katsuki♡(5:42pm): Thank fuck! I'm glad you're alright. Really, I am. You would tell me if something was up? Right?

I sighed, if I knew it could hurt you. I don't know what I would do...

Me(5:43pm): I would tell you if something was up. Now, I am dead and my body aches.

Katsuki♡(5:43pm): Okay. I'll let you rest. Make sure you rest! I have the work from today and we have the rest of the week off. So I'll be coming over to check on you! No if or but! You got that?! Even if you say no. I'll fucking be there tomorrow. I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DENY ME!!!

I chuckled at my boyfriend's way if showing his love. It reassured me that he's there for me.

Me(5:44pm): I can never say no after a message like that. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. Love you

Katsuki♡(5:44pm): You know how I feel. I fucking love you too!!!

I laughed at the aggression, I love that hothead.

I put my phone down and drifted into unconsciousness.

Unable To Rest: Vessel Trilogy(My Hero Academia)Bakugo X MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now