• d a t e •

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25th September 2019

   "We are just going to eat Addison, there is no need to put makeup on." I said.

   " I remembered you did my makeup when I was going to meet with Bryce. So now shut up, I'm gonna get you ready." She said and and started to do my makeup meanwhile Mads was choosing outfit for me.

   "Do you like Kio?" asked Addison.

   "I cannot like someone I don't know. I'm going to eat with him to know him." I said.

   When I was ready I took two pictures and posted it.

   When I was ready I took two pictures and posted it

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Lanarae: t r o u b l e m a k e r
Sherieasterling: Oh my beautiful girl
> Lanarae: ily mom
Madslewis: God I wanna look like this
> Lanarae: Let's switch
Kiocyr: Waitin for u
> Lanarae: heyy
> addsandlana: hey baewatch @tiktokroom
>tiktokroom: 👀
Rylandstorms: Ugh Lana
> Lanarae: Hi 👋🏻
Nickaustinn: Ryry is right
> Lanarae: About what?
xtinacribs: I thought it was Addison
michellem: Am I the only one thinks she is copying
dreamyedits: She deserves more hype than Addison and Charli periodt.
> Lanarae: Thank you but nope, they deserve their hype.
fjamie13: Is she dating with Kio?
> Lanarae: I'm not dating with anyone :)
9falcao: I can't believe she is famous just because looking like Addison. Also I can't see the similarity.
>Lanarae: We are identical twinz bitch.
addisonisperfect: She is ugly
> Lanarae: dude we look same with Addi.

Kio called me and told he is in the street waiting for me. I went down, said hi to him, opened the passenger door and climbed in.

    He started to drive. "You look so beautiful." he said.

   "Thank you, Kio." I said.

    "Would you mind if I turned some music on." he asked. I shrugged. "No, i love music."

    He played some Taylor Swift's pop country songs. I don't like country music Kio, you failed. But your car is cool and you are kind, I give you 4/10 for now.

    We stopped in front of a chic restaurant. It's too classy, I can fit places like that.
   He opened my door and I went out. We get into restaurant and ordered some food with fancy names.
He has a lot of money I guess.

    "Do you like the view?" he asked.

   "Yes it's cool." I said.

   We started to talking about our lifes. Then our orders came and we ate.

   After a few hours we went to his car and headed home.

   Final decision: he is quite good, he has a kind heart, he is funny. But his sense of humor and his dreams about his future are too different than mine. 8/10

   We stopped at Mads's house.

   "Will we see each other again?" he asked.

   I smiled. "Yes Kio, you passed the test."

    I was about to leave but he grabbed my arm and turned my face to him. Our faces was so close. He kissed me. When our kiss went deeper and harder he made me sit on his cars bonnet.

   I wrapped my arms to his neck he puts his hands to my waist.

   "Get yourself a room." yelled a neighbor.

  We broke our kiss and looked at her. Then I looked at Kio, he kissed me again. I laughed. "I think you should go now."

  He pecked my bottom lip. "I don't wanna go."

"Kio we pissed Mads's neighbors."

  "Okay I will leave but one condition. Can I call you mine?" He looked at me into my eyes.

   I smiled. "It's too early for this."

  I went into house. Mads and Addison came and asked me about the date.

   I sat down to my bed and took my earrings off.
"Well he took me to a luxurious restaurant. We talked all night and tried to know each other. He is pretty good. I will see him again. And when we came here he kissed me. One of your neighbors saw us Mads. That's it. Now I'm tired, I'm gonna take a shower."

    "Did you kissed? Wow." Mads winked. "Whatever Adds and I will be in the garden, you can meet with us there."

   "Okay." I said then I took a shower. When I went to garden Addison was on the phone.

  "Can I come with my sister? I don't wanna be alone." she said.

  "Who is she talking?" I asked to Mads.

"A manager." she said.

  "Okay, good nights." she ended the call then looked at us.

  "A guy named Thomas Petrou, who is a manager, asked me about meeting with him. He said he is working on a house full of TikTokers. He asked me to be a member." she was smiling.

  "I'm happy for you." I said. Then Mads's phone ringed.

    She went near the pool to answer. After a few minutes she came back.

   "That Thomas Petrou guy asked Chase and Jaden to be a part of this house." she said.

   We talked a while then I went to sleep.

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