• h i b i t c h •

855 21 20

28th September 2021

"Guess who is at home?"I yelled when we entered the Sway House. Everyone was in the backyard they were making stupid things and vlogging.

"My baby came." Nessa hugged me.

"Hi Ryland." said Josh hugging him.

We greeted everyone then I look at them. "I'm getting married bitches."

"Yeah, we know you don't have to say it million times." said Bryce.

"No, we are actually getting married. On my birthday, in my house. I don't want a big fake wedding. Just us." I said.

"You're kidding right?" asked Dixie.

"No." said Ryland. "We are seriously getting married."

Jaden hugged me. "Congratulations baby." then he pushed me into pool. "You should have said this earlier, I'm your bestie, bitch."

I just laughed. Didn't try to get revenge from Jaden, I was too happy, just laughed.

We were in the pool, having fun. I saw Jaden and Ryland going inside house. What are they talking? Then suddenly I thought like, oh, my birthday is coming, maybe they're planning a suprise for me.

I was watching them until someone hugged me behind. I turned my face to see who is it.

"I fucking miss you." said Bryce kissing my neck.

"You're getting creepier everyday. I'm about to get married, let me go Bryce. Don't be so obsessed, go find yourself a new girl and treat her right." I said getting off his arms.

"Are you gonna marry him? Like really?" he asked. "Come on, we can do better."

"Bryce you're getting on my nerves.Stop talking shit." I yelled trying not to be loud cause I don't want anyone to look at us.

Noah came to us. " What's wrong Lana?"

Well Noah you're so sweet but I can't defend myself. "Nothing." I said. "Oh, actually everything is wrong about Bryce."

"Bryce she wants you to leave." said Noah.

"Noah don't mess with me." said Bryce.

"What happens if he messes?" I asked.

Bryce was so angry, it was clear to see in his eyes. Then Amelie yelled at me. "Lana your phone is ringing."

"Who is calling?" I asked.

She looked at me into my eyes. "Addison."

  I get out of pool and answered the phone. "Adds?"

"Lana I called you to say mom is here. She is staying in my house and she wants you to come here."

  "Tell her I'll marry with Ryland anyways." I said. "I don't care about what she thinks."

  "Lana, I want you to come here. Please come here, for me." said Addison.

  "Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes." I said. I told Dixie what happened then I went to my house, took a shower, changed my outfit and drove to Addison's house.

  A lady opened the door, I smiled to her and went to backyard. I saw my mom for the first time in three years. I felt my eyes starting watering. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. Your makeup looks good. I look into her eyes, wondering what will be her first sentence. Hey Lana, I missed you, It's good to see you, It's been too long... There was a lot of options but she looked at me and smiled.

  "Hi bitch!"

c • r • u • s • h // ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now